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Witcher 2?

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1Witcher 2? Empty Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 10:31

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Anyone played this? I've never played the first one, let alone heard of it. My friend was telling me about The Witcher 2 yesterday. He described it as Oblivion meets Demon Souls, I guess.

IDK. Just wondered what your opinions were if you had them...

2Witcher 2? Empty Re: Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 10:33



sorry never heard of it?

no opinion.

btw welcome to the forum new member!

3Witcher 2? Empty Re: Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 10:42



I was planning on buying it, but they canceled the console versions and I don't want to play it on PC.


Yami you need to re-size your avatar. The max allowed is 180 tall 240 wide I think. It tells you an the avatar screen under your profile.

4Witcher 2? Empty Re: Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 10:45

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Oh, I thought it came out on 360. Lame.

I'm trying to find a suitable avatar at the moment.

5Witcher 2? Empty Re: Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 10:49



As far as I know it was cancelled for 360. Lame.

For your avatar just pick what you want and re-size it in paint, photoshop etc... before you use it.

6Witcher 2? Empty Re: Witcher 2? 2011-05-20, 11:36



I was thinking about "acquiring" this game. I heard the specs to run it on high are insane, though.

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