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Code for Spec OPs unlockables

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1Code for Spec OPs unlockables Empty Code for Spec OPs unlockables 2011-05-20, 11:23



I never bothered to use the one I have.
Does anybody want it? It's new! It's fresh! It smells like delicious cake!

To get it post a Haiku* about how awesome I am.
Then give me some awesome cred and this beauty could be yours!

*must follow american Haiku rules of 5-7-5 syllables


I hate haiku's had to do it in highschool once... Chewy sold his on ebay for like $30.



Metal is awesome
He gives out brink spec-ops code
This is a haiku

And yeah I'm surprised you're not selling it...



Can't be bothered to sell it. It's not worth the time/effort to me.

You win Chewy! I'll PM it to you in a minute.



Wow, thank you Metal!
You truly are awesome, dude.
So have more haiku.



You're very welcome.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Haiku and You-ku
and we all ku for Haiku
how about that, huh?

Very Happy

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