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Call of the Dead

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1Call of the Dead Empty Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:06



So I took the plunge on the new DLC for Black Ops because I have really been enjoying zombies. I have to say that the Call of the Dead zombie mao is pretty freaking awesome! I've only played 1 solo game, and 1 live game with some randoms but both where a ton of fun. I think there is a nice balance o n this map because if you like to kite zombies there are plenty of good place to do this, and I also noticed a few good camping spots if you like to hole up to take them out. Another plus is for instance with 4 people on Kino you can get in each others way sometimes. On Call of the Dead there are alot of escape rou tes and plenty of room to manuver. One thing that gets me on Kino is trying to run past a zombie in a corridor. I feel like the passages on Call of the Dead are a little wider and a little more forgiving.

I was on the fence but for 20 bucks I figured I would take the risk. Glasd I did because I really love this map!

2Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:28



Now I wish I hadn't traded in my copy. Damn.

3Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:32



I was suprised you took such a risk and traded ALL of your FPS in for Brink man. That left you with no backs ups! HAHA I'll put play into Black Ops, and Homefront untill BC3 and MW3 hit the shelves.

4Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:34



I also like the fact that for the most part it is straight up zombies. No damn monkeys stealing your perks and no freaky dogs. George is a tuff hombre but easily managed from what I have seen and the 2 games I have played. If you kill George you get a free perk. George is a bullet sponge though and takes ALOT of hits to kill.

5Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:39



I was sure I would like Stink so much I wouldn't play them anymore.

...oh how wrong I was.
I really like Section 8 though.

6Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


we need to all play together becuase its a pain in the ass to get into a game

7Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:43



Awesome MD wrote:shadowrun!

we need to all play together becuase its a pain in the ass to get into a game

I've played a few matches online and holy shit did I get my ass kicked!
The guys who play it know what they're doing that's for sure. I had no chance to even play around with any powers.

Plus once you die you don't re-spawn unless someone resurrects you so I spent most of my games as a spectator. It is a lot of fun though. Good game.

8Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:45



I looked for Shadowrun when I went yesterday for my MS points but they didn't have it.

9Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:49



I had to try a couple stores to find a copy, but it was only $5 like Epyk said.
It's a trippy game with a ton of different powers.

I just wish it had a re-spawn system. Maybe I was just playing the wrong gamtype.
I seriously had about 1 kill for every 10 deaths.

10Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:53



Hmm Yea that doesn't sound very fun...

11Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i play as a troll with minigun, wired reflexes, smart link and tree of life.
your pretty much fucking invincible at that point

12Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 11:55



Can you afford all that stuff right at the start of a match?
It seemed like I could really only afford 1 normal weapon and 1 power.

13Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 12:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

first i buy the minigun, then tree of life because you get money from anyone that walk in it, then by the 3rd set you will have the money for the other two. and since one match is usually 9ish sets, your good to go

troll has a ridiculous HP by itself, add in ToL and its crazy hard to kill
smart link lets you aim/zoom and stops you from killing team mates
and wired reflexes makes you faster than elves while activated.
most people dont use it because of the HP drain...but again with Troll HP and ToL its not an issue

14Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 12:49



Never ever buy a gun first round in shadowrun.

If you are just starting out you should buy a supportive spell to get used to some stuff.

Troll, dwarf and human should buy tree.
Elf should buy resurrect.

If you heal enough the first round you will get plenty of money. I wouldn't buy a gun until the third round or so. If you die early in the first round witht hat minigun you will be in a hole for money and it will be a constant catch up for spells if you think gun first.

Teleport is a must have so you can escape from situations.

My advice for someone just staring out is either be a human or troll.

Troll should get tree, teleport, gust, resurrect. In that order. I would stick with smg and rifle unless you are fighting trolls then maybe a minigun.

Human is great to learn where people are. Buy tree, teleport, enhanced vision, gust, resurrect. In that order maybe resurrect a bit earlier depending on the situation. With enchanced vision you can see where people are so you can tele behind them with an smg and take them down easy. It lets you figure it out how the battle is going easier with enhanced vision.

15Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 12:53



I played shadowrun at the launch and even played it a bit competitively so if you guys need any help or questions feel free to ask.

If you guys see me on throw me an invite even if I'm on blops ill message ya back if I can't come join.

16Call of the Dead Empty Re: Call of the Dead 2011-05-24, 13:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

COD DLC ---> Trolls with Miniguns


this isnt normal, but on SeC it is Very Happy

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