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This game looks better than I thought

5 posters

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This video is kinda old, but still. The only thing I see that I really don't like is the ultra-low recoil, but I don't know if that's true for all of the weapons. The BP system and the gameplay look fine. What is the negativity towards this game for?

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

A lot of criticism was to do with the servers and how you couldn't join friends. I think that's been fixed now.



Damn that was some serious luck.



I'm actually thinking about getting it now; has the price gone down on it at all? I want to try sniping in it a bit; it seems alright based on sniper gameplay I've been looking at.



It dropped in price a week after release. It has it's moments, Bob and it's worth a shot.
After watching the video I'm wanting to play again.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the M4 has stupidly low recoil, the other guns have a lot more. the T3AK kicks like a mule without steady aim on.

the negativity is because of its rocky launch and rank resets. the Kaos team are working on it but since its a new IP it doesnt have pedigree to reassure people so the complains have more 'weight' as it were.



TexasMace wrote:It dropped in price a week after release. It has it's moments, Bob and it's worth a shot.
After watching the video I'm wanting to play again.

Maybe I'll give it a rent, and if I like it, I'll buy it? I also like the fact that there aren't any super bullshit kinda things from the look of it; BP rewards don't look that difficult to destroy, but look like they work well, and there isn't some overly stupid reward for getting a headshot for sniping anybody or getting a knife kill. Not only that, but the Domination/Conquest type game mode looks fun, and the hit detection looks like it works fairly well (just from what I see at least). *glares at BC2*

But the game plays fine now, right? Or does it still have issues. Also, glad to hear other weapons actually having recoil.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

man, that video makes me want to use the M4 with holo mk1 again...
something about it is just so epic...

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I still have trouble if I try to join someone who is in a match. We have to meet in a lobby to play together, but that has worked fine for me. It has similar problem that CoD faced, camping snipers on top of EVERY rooftop you can get to.
SOmetimes the vehicle seem to be a bit much, but thats ONLY if your team refuses to help destroy them (heavy tank with monkey wrench ugh!).

The deaths feel cheap sometimes. Like you had no shot even though you may or may not have had a chance at the guy. I've chased people and gotten hit markers several times just to have them swing around and drop me in one fell movement.

Airstrikes on infantry maps get tireing, even though they cost a lot of BP you do see a ton of them. Cold blooded should help that, just having the perk out there makes less people use the airstrikes.

There are others but these are the ones that come to mind for me.

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