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#1 Wish for Future Games:

8 posters

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1#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:16



Good match making; fair and even teams. I'm tired of being put on shitty teams over and over again, lol.

2#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:17



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Good match making; fair and even teams. I'm tired of being put on shitty teams over and over again, lol.

Are you talking about Homefront?
If I remember right after a match it takes all the highest scorers and puts them on opposite teams.

3#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:21



That didn't happen, at least in the demo I'm playing. It always puts me with a bunch of chimpanzees. They never cap flags, never shoot vehicles with rocket launchers, or anything. This goes for EVERY game other than Homefront; puts me with every dumbass from the lobby, and anybody good/half-competant on the other. It's ridiculous. I want to get mad, but I just can't help but even laugh at it anymore. I lose more games than I win in every game I've ever played, whether I play to be teamplayer, or selfishly. In CoD, I cap flags, cover teammates, help things, etc: I have a 3.8 K/D about, but a W/L of about .8, it's hilarious (and sad).

4#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:30



Maybe the demo is broken, or that bit of code is only in the retail release.

It basically seems to auto balance the teams. It seems to do this by putting #1 score on one side, #2 score on the other, and it alternates from there. Scrambles teams up every round based on position I think.

5#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:32



It hasn't done it well for me yet Sad It's always:

Idiots vs. Decent Players

Then it throws me on the team of idiots, who don't do everything I mentioned, then we get spawn camped by tanks, lol. Every. Single. Time.

6#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:34



Ah, well it does in the full game.

7#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:38



I may or may not get it. I would if I have more money to spare, but I'm saving it Sad Maybe someday; I already made it to level 10 in the Homefront Demo, so I think I'm done.

8#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:46



At least you console guys don't have to worry about auto-balance. I love carrying a team all the way to the last MCOMM only to "suicide" mid-sprint for the next objective because I was picked at random to be forced to the other side for team balance.

9#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:47



My #1 wish for future video games:

•Have a unicorn shoot laser-beams out of it's eyes, have it throw knifes out of it's horn, and shoot bullets from it's mouth.

That would be a beast online multiplayer video game.

10#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:48

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

I love how you go into a game like: OH HELL IMA WIN DIS GAME, and then this happens....

#1 Wish for Future Games: Tonagura

11#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 22:49



Another good thing about consoles: You can't be kicked from the game for "hacking" or "cheating" when doing well, lol.

But then again, I wish consoles had better connection like the PC (less latency). Not only that, but after watching several PC videos for different games, it seems that PC gamers don't use douchy tactics as much, and run-and-gun more than console gamers.

12#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:30



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Another good thing about consoles: You can't be kicked from the game for "hacking" or "cheating" when doing well, lol.

But then again, I wish consoles had better connection like the PC (less latency). Not only that, but after watching several PC videos for different games, it seems that PC gamers don't use douchy tactics as much, and run-and-gun more than console gamers.

The less doucheyness is usually forced. The main server I play on kicks people who use the Saiga/USAS/whore the Gustav with Mk.II. There are several "no rules" servers and it's just a crapshoot of Gustavs and Saigas and Gustavs shooting Saigas that explode into USASes.

13#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:35



Razzle Snazzle wrote:I love how you go into a game like: OH HELL IMA WIN DIS GAME, and then this happens....

#1 Wish for Future Games: Tonagura

This new guy is a keeper. Fucking hilarious. +1 AC

14#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:45



Ante wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Another good thing about consoles: You can't be kicked from the game for "hacking" or "cheating" when doing well, lol.

But then again, I wish consoles had better connection like the PC (less latency). Not only that, but after watching several PC videos for different games, it seems that PC gamers don't use douchy tactics as much, and run-and-gun more than console gamers.

The less doucheyness is usually forced. The main server I play on kicks people who use the Saiga/USAS/whore the Gustav with Mk.II. There are several "no rules" servers and it's just a crapshoot of Gustavs and Saigas and Gustavs shooting Saigas that explode into USASes.

BC2; only game that can turn underpowered, half-decent things or things that are completely broken (the knife); into overpowered weapons that absolutely rape everything (except for the knife, but that now behaves like it has Commando from MW2, lol)

15#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:49



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
Ante wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Another good thing about consoles: You can't be kicked from the game for "hacking" or "cheating" when doing well, lol.

But then again, I wish consoles had better connection like the PC (less latency). Not only that, but after watching several PC videos for different games, it seems that PC gamers don't use douchy tactics as much, and run-and-gun more than console gamers.

The less doucheyness is usually forced. The main server I play on kicks people who use the Saiga/USAS/whore the Gustav with Mk.II. There are several "no rules" servers and it's just a crapshoot of Gustavs and Saigas and Gustavs shooting Saigas that explode into USASes.

BC2; only game that can turn underpowered, half-decent things or things that are completely broken (the knife); into overpowered weapons that absolutely rape everything (except for the knife, but that now behaves like it has Commando from MW2, lol)

The thing is, most people who whore the Saiga/USAS do so because they have horrible control and reaction times. Quick wits and a good close range weapon usually wins out over them. However, once you run into that level 20 that has the Saiga platinumed already... Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad These are the times I break out the USAS and show them what the auto-shotties are all about.

16#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:53



I thought semi-auto shotguns were fine when the game first came out. They had enough power to get the job done with the amount of shots they could put out, and were good for newer players (or even experienced ones sometimes) to spray indoors when you had kill multiple enemies jumping you in a building. The pump-actions needed the buff, but they just kinda buffed all of them (good one DICE). Sad

When they "fixed" the knife, I was almost laughed until I cried the day after the update, because I was on Isla Innocentes, by the road near the first set of M-COMs. This Engineer starts to shoot me from 10 feet away, on the other side of the little metal barrier, and I'm stuck on the power pole, but I had a panic attack and knifed by accident, but I teleported through the metal barrier, the power pole, through him/behind him, and got the kill on him. He sends me a message like "NICE FUCKING KNIFE GLITCH" or something like that. It was stupid/ridiculous, but funny.

17#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-05, 23:58



Hahaha that's awesome. I had something like that once. I was inside a house in White Pass and decided I wanted to get out for some fresh air. So I sprint for the door and go to knife it open. I noticed midway through the animation that I'm not slicing, but doing the stab lunge animation. Low and behold, I drill my knife into the door and hear "AUUUUUGHHGHGHGRGRLRLR" - killing an enemy +50 -. The door didn't break. Wtf, DICE.

18#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 00:01



xD Nice.

It's funny, because a few months before, DICE was like, "There's nothing wrong with the knife, you must be lagging" or something like that. But instead of fixing it, they just give a ridiculous lunge. I want to love BC2; I will admit, I think it's a great game for the most part, but the hit detection and some other minor things make it so rage inducing to play (much like CoD, but that has more to do with host-advantage than actual hit-detection). I'm glad that DICE fixed the weapons for the most part though, so it's not just everybody using AN-94s and M60s with 4x and Mag Ammo.

19#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 00:03



There we go. That's my ONE wish for future games. GOOD HIT DETECTION. I don't care if the guns look like carboard cut-outs, when my bullet hits someone in the face, I WANT HIM TO DIE.

20#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 00:06



Maybe our two wishes will both work for BF3? Lol.

But in all seriousness, Duck Hunt has better hit detection than BC2, or playing Black Ops with anything less than a 4 bar connection.

21#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 17:35

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

if you are in a party with people on HF it won't useually break up your teams. so maybe thats what your experienceing

22#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 17:42



I wasn't in a party yesterday.

Funny story though: Frostbyrn and I get into a party, then we join a game. It puts him on the winning team, which is spawn camping the other team with 2-3 tanks so badly they can' t move, and then puts me on THAT team (opposite of Frost). I kinda raged/laughed at it, because it was so ridiculous. I have the worst of luck it seems. I had to quit and rejoin, and it put me on his team though.

23#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:22



I want "No Snipers Allowed" maps.

24#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:25



TexasMace wrote:I want "No Snipers Allowed" maps.

Why so? Sniping is extremely fun.

Another thing I would like; no bullshit insta-knife kills from the front in games. Apparently getting your backpack or leg sliced/stabbed is more lethal than getting shot in the face these days, lol. I would like to see normal melees for frontal attacks, and knife kills when you sneak up on somebody and are directly behind them for insta-kill. Otherwise, it should take 2-3 hits to kill somebody.

25#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:35



Just for my sanity

26#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:36



TexasMace wrote:Just for my sanity

Oh xD You mean, like no more 8-9 snipers out of 12 people on a team?

27#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:37



Exactly! It'd be nice just to have infantry battles as well without snipers ruining my fun.

28#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:39



TexasMace wrote:Exactly! It'd be nice just to have infantry battles as well without snipers ruining my fun.

Well, snipers are infantry I guess, but I know what you mean. I like sniping a lot, but it gets really dumb when a majority of each team are snipers. Maps with no-vehicles on occasion would be nice too.

29#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 18:49



Make snipers a killstreak type reward.

Instead of calling in say, a helicopter, instead you switch to a snipers over view. You can't move just aim and fire for a bit.

30#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 19:01



I really don't see all the hate for snipers. People try to say bullshit like how cowardly they are; I think it's harder to play sniper than basic infantry sometimes. You a weapon that only has an advantage at long-range; can you use it up close? Yes, but only if the person you're fighting was born with their head up their ass, and/or you've practiced with it/get lucky. Even if you can fight up close, you have a very limited RoF, and your secondary weapon is weaker than their primary weapon. Other enemies get weapons that will rape your shit if they're halfway competent at the game from nearly any range, with very little practice compared to yours.

On top of that, being a sniper draws instant aggression from a lot of people; when you play a sniper role, more people are likely to specifically target you than when you get a kill with any other class.

31#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 19:11



I'm betting DICE is going to make the recon role more of a designated marksman than a straight up sniper. It makes much more sense to have a marksman in a mobile squad than a sniper.

32#1 Wish for Future Games: Empty Re: #1 Wish for Future Games: 2011-06-06, 19:13



Ante wrote:I'm betting DICE is going to make the recon role more of a designated marksman than a straight up sniper. It makes much more sense to have a marksman in a mobile squad than a sniper.

I'm kinda hoping for this, but have always have loved pure sniping, versus the marksmen role, long before it became the kiddy, over-popular thing to do. I just like hunting down other players and shooting them without giving them a chance to even fight back, because I enjoy the anger/feeling of hopelessness it makes them feel, when they are dying to something they can't even see. But it's probably better in a game like this anyways.

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