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My future projects.

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1My future projects. Empty My future projects. 2011-06-22, 21:27



I'm taking a quick break on the tower (an hour or so when I come back either tomorrow or the next day) and planning new projects.

One of 'em is to run a street across the front of it (named Battlefield Boulevard), with a bridge over Zach's magic pond. I'm hoping to branch some other streets off of it. The branching streets will be named after the games we have on this website. After this street and bridge is done, I'll go back to the tower.

On the right of the tower, I'm going to build a Brony HQ. I'd say about 10x10 space will do with 5-8 blocks away from the tower.

On the left and right side in that area back there, I plan on expanding the walls about 50 blocks. Maybe 100 on the left.

Sound Good?

2My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:21




Oh, i accidentaly got lost in a tunnel, so i decided to just tunnel straight upwards. somehow i managed to come out right on the steps to your tower.... woops. snazzle was pretty startled, haha

3My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:27



Well. Wasn't Snazzle the jerk who kept louring us to a house just to scare us cause he was a skeleton?

4My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:27



God damn I want Minecraft. It sounds so much fun. Need a PC Sad

My fiance doesnt like me using hers for gaming, as she uses it for school. But I may have to lay down the law here.

5My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:34



*cue Mulan be a man song*

6My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Camel and I (mostly camel) got the rail system finished.
if you guys don't like the central station let me know and ill just move it over top CSB.

7My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 22:40



Ducksaws wrote:*cue Mulan be a man song*


8My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:04

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Nooo >_> I was a skeleton and a creeper. Very Happy Jerk

9My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:26



Epyk wrote:Camel and I (mostly camel) got the rail system finished.
if you guys don't like the central station let me know and ill just move it over top CSB.

That's one of the reasons I made it. Another is to have like a newcomers welcome thing. I know there's one already, but the SSN should be easier to find.

10My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:29



Symbolic wrote:
Ducksaws wrote:*cue Mulan be a man song*


11My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:30

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Yeah its the south stop.
SeC is the north stop and CSB is the middle stop.

12My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:33



I'm going to put an anvil in there as well. I just need two more iron ingots to make it.

13My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-22, 23:53



I just thought of something. By the time more of us get on and lay claim to areas, we might grow larger than Stalingrad itself.

14My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-23, 01:01

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Doctor Whoof wrote:I just thought of something. By the time more of us get on and lay claim to areas, we might grow larger than Stalingrad itself.

Aint that a dream we can hang on to.

15My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-23, 01:10



Doctor Whoof wrote:I just thought of something. By the time more of us get on and lay claim to areas, we might grow larger than Stalingrad itself.

My future projects. Pictur11

16My future projects. Empty Re: My future projects. 2011-06-23, 01:19

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

stalingrad is like 1/36 of the map

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