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Just looked back at my stats out curiousity

Manila Plague
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I haven't played for months, but I had to laugh when I realized that the Grach, is indeed, my weapon with the most kills. Along with that, I have more handgun efficiency pins than I do Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Or Machine Gun efficiency pins. xD *hugs MP-443*

The MP-443: Only gun that I truly know is dependable. Once defended an M-COM against 4 people rushing me with, and killed them all by myself with one magazine (sure, it was lucky and all headshots, and it was 2 at a time, but hey, they had AN-94s, UMPs, and such Very Happy )

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i too favor the grach but i don't have nearly as many kills with it.



DICE did a great job with pistols in this game. ALL of them are good without being OP (MW2), or worthless (Black Ops). Even the Raffica is amazing if used in the right situation.

I tip my hat to the M9. It has never failed me.

Edit: Between my 3 accounts I have 760 kills with the M9. Never failed me, indeed. Smile

Last edited by Ante on 2011-06-06, 00:44; edited 1 time in total



Ante wrote:DICE did a great job with pistols in this game. ALL of them are good without being OP (MW2), or worthless (Black Ops). Even the Raffica is amazing if used in the right situation.

I tip my hat to the M9. It has never failed me.

Agreed; I love the pistols. The M9 is probably my second favourite, but I only use it when I'm not using magnum ammo. That, and the M9 only has failed me when people are suddenly rush you in CQC; it just doesn't have the speed or power to kill somebody that's right in your face. However, it's my favourite at long range, and works well up to medium range.



The other pistols are more dependable, but I still prefer the REX lottery.

Are they close enough for a OHK? Are they not? Do I need to shoot 2 times?


I'm an M1911 guy myself. I love that gun, just makes me think of America every time I see it Very Happy



I'd have to say my preference for the pistols, from favourite to least favourite, would be:

Mag Ammo:

Without Magnum Ammo:


I can't even tell a difference between with Mag ammo and without, I just love the feel of the M1911. The M9 and REX are up there too though.



I like the pistols too. Always nice to finish off a job with one. Or start and finish a job with one. Especially when you get some insane kill you kind of feel bad for because you know it shouldn't have happened, but you're still saying "killed you with my pistol sucka!".



The 1911 is good with or without mag ammo, imo. I think the only reason I don't like it is because it's seems to be the bush wookie weapon of choice.



Ante wrote:The 1911 is good with or without mag ammo, imo. I think the only reason I don't like it is because it's seems to be the bush wookie weapon of choice.

I don't like it that much, and I mainly was a Recon player for a long time. My reasoning is just the capacity; I like to shoot the shit out of people, and the M1911 isn't good for that because of it's capacity. That, and it has a really weird recoil. It's not very much, but it feels like alot, but not much at the same time. It's just really awkward to aim for me.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't use my pistols a whole lot. mostly because I'm always careful about reloading, and I don't use guns that I have to rely on a pistol with. meaning I dont't use bolt actions or pump shotguns often so I don't need that "ohhh shit" gun as often. But I will agree, the pistols are great in this game



Hipfire the 1911. That's my secret. Sights aren't a problem, recoil is negligible, but you give up sniping ability to an extent.



Like I said though, the capacity is the main turn-off for me. It's not a bad gun though, by any means.



Jinouga wrote:Hipfire the 1911. That's my secret. Sights aren't a problem, recoil is negligible, but you give up sniping ability to an extent.

This. The REX and 1911 should always be hipfired, and the M9, Grach, and marshmallow gun should always be ADS'd.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'm all about the has saved my butt so many times. Love the higher fire rate...if I get caught reloading I switch to my trusty grach and just go nuts on the trigger as fast as I can and pump as many bullets into the enemy as I can untill I see that +50 pop up. It's a good feelling when a guy gets the drop on you but you still manage to kill him.

I used to use the 1911 when the game first came out (this is my second GT and BF account been away from bc2 for well over a year though) I had never played a battlefield game before and I though "I need all the powa" so I would pick it cause it had the highest damage of the guns that were available to me from the get I was a noob bush wookie alot back then. Sitting way back not doing nothing haha I'm so ashamed haha. For whatever reason bush wookies just gravitate towards that gun.

I also used the REX for awhile which is cool and all but once I tried the Grach I've never looked back high speed and high capacity is the way to go for me.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i wish you could use a pistol as a primary and another pistol as a secondary Razz

Rex and M93r, ammo upgrade + mag ammo as assualt = lol!

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