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Bobby Kotick wanted to play Battlefield 3 at E3 the other day. EA said "NO".

Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
12 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap



They probably know that allowing Bobby Kotick to play the game will curse it, because he is evil. xD

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

lol go EA.

i want to see his face when he tries the public BF3 demo out later XD



Ha hilarious!



Ahahahahaha and the hits just keep on coming. It's so funny to see the bully get bullied.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Bobby Kotick wanted to play Battlefield 3 at E3 the other day. EA said "NO". D0519aef-920d-4c2f-8f36-41f439c9a2bf






If I can't play BF3. He's not allowed to play it.



Who is this, Cotex?

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

He would infect it with fail. Of course he isn't allowed.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Doctor Whoof wrote:If I can't play BF3. He's not allowed to play it.

This. So this.



But if we had been allowed to play it then we would have got a new game

Activisions brand new IP Field of Battle to be released Q4 of 2012

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Probably Frost.

"Hmm. This game has something going for it!!
Quick, copy this game almost exactly, then remove small minor things that won't be noticed so next year we can add it and claim it as sompletely new and innovative to the series!!"



5 Bucks says that because BF3 is currently beating MW3 that the next one will have Drivable Vehicles in Multiplayer Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Probably will. Then make up some lie about how the ones in Cod3 or W@W were nothing like the ones in the new games. yet they will be the exact same.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:5 Bucks says that because BF3 is currently beating MW3 that the next one will have Drivable Vehicles in Multiplayer Very Happy

i doubt that, the COD kids are not intelligent enough to be able to deal with a tank lol!



Yeah theyll probally try to take it out with a M1911 or something Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

'omg tank is OP, i shot it with everything, even my pistol.
i tried to no scope it but that didnt work either. OMG HAX!'

etc etc. Razz

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I can picture it now.

Day 1, an entire Field of Battle team in a circle around an empty tank, utterly bewildered.
"What the hell is that?" says o iiScOpEzii o.
"I don't know, should I quickscope it?" replies iiMaGiiKzVeNoMmzZ
"I'm going to get closer to it." says MLGxXpr0Xx42069ftw. He cautiously approaches the strange metal creation, singing and screaming into his headset. "It says press B X. I'm gonna do it." "NO, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS! I WANNA QUICKSCOPE IT!" screams the entire team all at once. MLGxXpr0Xx42069ftw ignored them. "OH FUCK GUYS ITS FUCKING EATING ME! WHAT THE FUCK! Sorry mum, I'll be quiet. AGH! WHERE AM I? OH FUCK GUYS IT ATE ME!" he shouts, realising his mistake, but too late.

The tank starts moving erratically, and fires it's main gun everywhere. The brave team attempts to slay this strange beast with their superpowerful InterventiL96M40 rifles, but to no avail.
"RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!" yells 3P1C 5N1P3R, as he runs away. His team follows, and eventually, they reach safety."Wait, what's that? Looks like some kind of weird metal bird thing."



Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah theyll probally try to take it out with a M1911 or something Very Happy

Worked for Tom Hanks.

Just saying.



MEGA MILK wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah theyll probally try to take it out with a M1911 or something Very Happy

Worked for Tom Hanks.

Just saying.

hahahaha, I was just thinking that!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

MEGA MILK wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah theyll probally try to take it out with a M1911 or something Very Happy

Worked for Tom Hanks.

Just saying.

well technically it was a anti-tank bomber that took it out, but whatever... Rolling Eyes



Le Frog wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah theyll probally try to take it out with a M1911 or something Very Happy

Worked for Tom Hanks.

Just saying.

well technically it was a anti-tank bomber that took it out, but whatever... Rolling Eyes

The bomber came from the M1911 you silly fuck.



Yeah the M1911 is OP Very Happy

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