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Bobby Kotick says 60 FPS makes MW3 better.

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
Artimise Flare
Cubist Castle
16 posters

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...I think I need to lie down for a bit.



60s. 60s everywhere.



He's got us there, guys. Yup. Definitely.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Oh snap, I guess I'll change my mind then. Permanent environments, hitscan, and host disconnections, here I come.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Bobby Kotick says 60 FPS makes MW3 better. DoubleFacePalm

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

lol, thats about all I have to say about that



Artimise Flare wrote:Bobby Kotick says 60 FPS makes MW3 better. DoubleFacePalm

Pretty much this; though it would be nice if BF3 had 60 fps on consoles as well.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats probably all they have over BF3.

Kinda sad that they are treating it like such a big thing,



Someone should tell him the difference before he makes a fool of himself.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

He has been getting thrashed by everything with this game, and his only rebuttal is; " game is gonna be mine better!! YEAH! Thats it! BETTER!"



xgraderx wrote:Someone should tell him the difference before he makes a fool of himself.

let me and kutku explain it to him... Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


we will explain it to him very well Very Happy



60 FPS is so damn over rated. Its hardly noticeable unless your SUPER anal. I prefer not to feel like im ice skating while playing my shooters.



60 is VERY easy to notice. You're lying to yourself if you say it's hard to notice; lol. Trust me: put Call of Duty in, and play it for a few hours, then put BC2, FO3, or Halo in, and feel your eyes burn in agony for a good 5 minutes.

30 fps plays just fine, but you can most definitely see and feel a difference. The fps is half of the reason why the controls and movement in CoD feel so smooth as opposed to a lot of games.



Naw Im not lying to myself. Opinions are an amazing thing. The difference is hardly noticable.



I enjoy watching B rate movies

Visuals arent everything

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I won't lie; I do notice a difference in the smoothness of the games. However, it's NOT a selling point. I'll take better gameplay 100 times out of 100.



The Imp wrote:I won't lie; I do notice a difference in the smoothness of the games. However, it's NOT a selling point. I'll take better gameplay 100 times out of 100.

And this is what I was trying to say. Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I didn't even know FPS existed until someone pointed them out to me.

I've played CoD 2 & 4, Gears, Halo 3 (lol), BC2, and see absolutely no difference. Maybe I don't pay attention <_<

But on-topic, does he even play the game? Does he even know what 60 FPS will do for his game? And it's kinda sad when he's bragging that 6 year old hardware can run his game at 60 FPS, while Battlefield NEEDS to be dumbed down for consoles to be able to run it.

Edit: Also, fail at declaring 60 FPS as something that will actually make a game triumph over another. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. CoD will sell more, I have no doubt but we all know that's not because it has 60 FPS. The casuals with ADD will buy it by the millions, but I can already see Battlefield 3 getting the critical awards by both critics and gamers.



Symbolic wrote:60 FPS is so damn over rated. Its hardly noticeable unless your SUPER anal. I prefer not to feel like im ice skating while playing my shooters.

Very, very noticeable to me, but 60fps also isn't necessary and has no bearing on how "good" a game is.

30 is fine for games so long as it's smooth and doesn't dip to much or drop frames. I wonder if the Frostbite 2 engine could handle interpolated 60fps like Force Unleash 2 used. I would really like to see more games use that method.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I am honestly one of those that don't notice a difference between 30 and 60 FPS.

I mean I played Black Ops straight for like 5 weeks, then played Bc2, and hardly noticed a thing. Sure it was noticable, but it didn't change a single thing,


I notice a differance between 30 and 60. After playing MW2 for awhile BC2 felt soooo slow. But after i adjusted it felt fine but i couldn't careless about the frames.



I guess its a subjective thing. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked lol.



After reading my first post I realized it may come off as kinda dickish. It wasn't my intention. I just meant to say I personally dont notice much if any difference.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Anything that makes Activision go to hell is good in my book.

Damn, I'm a hater now Sad

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