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Man my Uncle is annoying

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1Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 06:47



So i rented Duke Nukem and was playing it great and all

Then my uncle decides to come over bringing his 2 youngest which are both like 5 or 6

So i guess i can no longer play Duke,Especially with those little bastards yelling that they want to play games at me

Anyway he ditches them on me basically making me Babysit,So i put Minecraft on which was too complicated for them since they just kept drowning over and over

So then i put them on the 360,Doritoes Crash course which was also too hard

Apparently Dead or Alive 4 is the only thing they could understand and they only did that by Spamming more than Lead and Kirby on Arica harbor

Anyway i left them in the Lounge with my Sister after telling them no to playing Wii like 10 times

As soon as i leave my Sister puts it on and they promptly let the controller loose into the TV almost breaking it

God i hate them /Rant

2Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 06:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sucks man. I hate when family offloads their hellish offspring on me.

When that happens, I put on Mario Kart Double Dash on the Wii, plug in GCube controllers, and then put my Turtle Beaches on and play EXBAWX!!

3Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:04



This happens every saturday and my Dad never does anything about it.

Despite my Mum yelling at him constantly about it,Mind you like me he probally tunes out her BS at this point.

4Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:08

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hey, lemme guess. She yells at him and he responds with a "Eh? Oh yeah right.". Without looking to her at all right?

5Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:10



Thats a longer sentence than my usual Whatever Very Happy

6Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I respond with "What?"

Then turn my head again and go "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Ok"

And forgot the whole conversation without ever hearing it.

7Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:18



Siegfried wrote:I respond with "What?"

Then turn my head again and go "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Ok"

And forgot the whole conversation without ever hearing it.

Like a Boss!

8Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:26

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yup. And I can remember what everyone in my mic was saying while my mom was talking. She still hasn't learned that I am ignoring her, and that my turtle beaches reduce outside noise.

9Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 07:31



I hate people who try to talk to me while i have headphones in

News flash i like the People of the SeC better than you Grandma so piss off

10Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 10:53



People know to keep children away from me. I absolutely hate kids.

11Man my Uncle is annoying Empty Re: Man my Uncle is annoying 2011-06-11, 12:51



Frostbyrn wrote:I hate people who try to talk to me while i have headphones in

News flash i like the People of the SeC better than you Grandma so piss off

My mom is constantly yelling down the stairs at me to say the stupidest shit

gets really annoying.

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