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I'm the boss!!

Ron Swanson
7 posters

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1I'm the boss!! Empty I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 10:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Starting today, for the next two weeks I'm the boss at work. The real boss is going on a cruise and he is leaving me in charge. Despite the fact that one of my other co-worker is about 10 years older than me and has been doing this shit for 15 years Rolling Eyes .I should have the ability to post a little more often since I won't have someone watching me or anything. Now this all sounds peachy but it also mean I have to do TONS more work so expect a few rage topics over the next few weeks.

2I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 10:17



have you made sure everyone at work is calling you "boss terry"?

3I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 10:24




Hey boss I'm going on a coffee break.

4I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 11:31



Uh oh. I feel bad for your boss when he gets back. =p

He won't be able to find his stapler, paper work will be hidden behind random objects, there will be smoke build up on the walls from "accidental" trash can fires.

Yup, I can see it now. There will be monkies.

5I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 12:04

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Trash fires? No nothng like that..... I have paint supplies and TONS of flammable stuff to burn instead Twisted Evil

6I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 12:12



Bad Terry is bad. lol

7I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 12:13



Like a boss.

8I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 12:18


Do you get a temporary pay raise atleast? Razz

9I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 14:10



Just "Sir" will do wrote:TONS of flammable stuff to burn instead Twisted Evil


10I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 14:23



That's kinda neat, but kinda sucks at the same time. I wouldn't want to be in charge of a bunch of people; that's a lot of responsibility. But then again, at least it means your boss probably likes/trusts you the most of his employees Very Happy

11I'm the boss!! Empty Re: I'm the boss!! 2011-06-13, 15:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its not a bunch of people. Its about 6 people on a normal day, but thats 6 more than I am useually in charge of!

As far as the pay raise goes I'm sure I can work something out. I am in charge of running payroll next week Very Happy

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