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Dear Electronic Arts,

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
11 posters

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1Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 18:02



Please make each character in text more than half of a millimeter in size. I can hardly read anything written in any game you have ever made. I will cry myself to sleep if BF3 is the same way.


2Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 18:04



It's all HD now so I used to have the same problem. Unfortunately the only resolution (no pun intended) will be to get an HDTV.

3Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 18:08

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

oh Tex, you so punny Very Happy

yeah, i have to squint on an SDTV. i just guess.
it took me a week to figure out that the RUS and US were the letters on conquest, i thought they were numbers (i got confused as to why they didnt change) XD

4Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 18:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I know right!!!
I couldn't stand playing on an SD tv! I COULDNT READ SHIT!!

Hell, I played BC2 for the first time in over a year on an SD tv last night, and I couldn't read the names of my squad mates in the lower corner. I also couldn't tell how many tickets we had left if it was over 2 digits.

5Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 19:03



Yeah, I'm going to try to get an HDTV for my birthday over a gun now. I have to sit on the floor a couple of feet away from my TV while playing BC2 or ME2.

6Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 19:10



I played BC2 on a SDTV originally and I will say going from SD to HD is like peeling a film off my eyes and seeing right for the first time ever.

7Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 19:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I know how you feel Fox. Normally I play a good 5-6 feet away from my HDtv, just cause thats where my Recliner is.

But with the SD tv I was using last night I was like maybe a foot away from it indian style.

8Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 19:43



SD CRT TVs are dead. No one makes them anymore and no one supports them anymore. Good riddance. If you can't afford an HDTV just buy any widescreen computer monitor, almost all of them support at least 720p.

9Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 19:52

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ante wrote:SD CRT TVs are dead. No one makes them anymore and no one supports them anymore. Good riddance. If you can't afford an HDTV just buy any widescreen computer monitor, almost all of them support at least 720p.

I am too cheap to do that. If my tv works, I will continue to use it. you wanna buy me a widescreen moniter be my guest.

Just kidding btw. I am housesitting, so I am using this old ass 12 year old tv to play, and damn its horrible. The screen even has these ....wiggly lines moving up and down it. SO ANNOYING

10Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 21:27



Yeah! Tiny vision is a serious disease and tons of people have it. Being condemned to a life of having to read teensy text is a form of torture. Torture that EA could help put an end to simply by using huge text. But do they? OH NO, they continue to use tiny text almost as if they enjoy causing squintiness and pain to afflicted gamers world wide. BOOO I say. BOOO to those booty headed, jerk face motherfuckers at EA!

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2011-06-13, 21:40; edited 1 time in total

11Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 21:30

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i read that with no problem...

12Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-13, 22:29

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

In some games, the characters are too small even in HDTV.

It's ridiculous.

13Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-14, 09:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i read that with no problem either, actually easier than i read the SDTV text Rolling Eyes

14Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-14, 11:01




15Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-14, 11:20



i have perfect close vision, haha

16Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-14, 14:25



dear ea...thanks alot for the cheesy project 10 every company tries to punish us used game buyers -___-

17Dear Electronic Arts, Empty Re: Dear Electronic Arts, 2011-06-14, 22:03

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Dear EA,

Fuck you. Just let DICE do their stuff and don't pull stupid shit out of your ass(physical warfare pack).

I really fucking hate publishers that fuck up developers with ideas like this, just let them do their job.

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