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A mini electronic elevator I built at school

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Project I made at school. We wrote a program with RoboPro to make the elevator

-Go to three floors with the push of a button, depending on which button you press
-Go back to floor 1 after a period of 40 seconds of inactivity
-Stop operating at any time that a kill switch is pressed
-Light up corresponding lights on each floor to tell you what floor the cart is on

These are Fischertek parts, don't know if I spelled that right.



Nice. What kind of mechanism lifts the carriage?



its like a 7 volt motor that spins a gear with teeth on it which hooks onto the main shaft on the side.

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

You in IED or CAD?



We have that stuff at my school too. Its kind of interesting.

Do yall do the "project lead the way" stuff there?



yeah thats exactly what this is



Very cool.
It looks just like a logic buil out of Little Big Planet 2.
If you enjoy building/programming things like that you would effin' love that game.

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