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How does the "knowing where to build" thing work?

Epyk MD
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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Iv noticed that the SeC area is getting pretty crowded and everywhere I started to mine ran into someone elses mine.

If I started building farther past grey and le frogs plot...would that be cool?
or are we bound to a certain area?



We're not officially bound to any certain area. You can build wherever you like but I'd like to keep the town contained in the walls just because. If you build outside we'll extend the walls to cover your place.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I may just build up. But I didn't want to block anyone fro doing anything later.
I plan on having a decent sized tree farm/ seed farm...I can do this from the tower; but wanted to get my neighbors go ahead first.

At the moment im conent on just gather supplies for all you guys.
so once I build a base of operations I can go abouts gather what ever it is that anyone would need in the immediate future.



I was about to ask about extending the walls. At least on Le Frog's and my side. We pretty much have no room left.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Grey. Is it ok if I build in the tree farm? Im building one in the tower. It will give a bit more room.



Sure. We can even have our towers touching... Smile I'll extend the walls tomorrow. Say about 30-50 blocks?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Im not sure yet.
I know I want to keep the river. I plan on using it for fast drops.
I have to do a little exploring though becuase I don't want to flood any mines by expanding the river.



Yeah. Messing with anything above that area back there is a real pain in the ass. I'll be rebuilding the place about 5 blocks below the surface so people can dig down without worry of falling down a hole.



I got rid of the dark tree farm that was taking up the most of the space in the new area. I didn't realize it was there. Grey, your farm is ok because you probably couldn't fit anything else in that little spot. But there are a ton of trees right outside the walls. You shouldn't be planting trees en masse inside the walls where space is more limited. Unless they're in the air or underground or something.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Im thinking just that first row of trees closest to the wall and expanding into the actual wall a bit.
Most of it will be above your house on the otherside of the wall there.

I plan on farming the shit out of wood and cake ingredients so if yous need it will be there for the taking.
I plan on starting a branch mine 12 layers off the bed rock running in the direction of that river so it will be far out from yours and who's ever house is on the other side of the wall in the original SeC compound.

Last edited by Epyk on 2011-06-19, 12:31; edited 1 time in total



Cool. Leave me about 5-10 blocks up of space. I'm going to make a Brony base when I get done extending the walls. Oh. I'm also going to add directional signs in town.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Added more to the last post.

No worries its going to be rather high.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i havent built anything yet. my internet is horribad atm (BT is having connection issues around my town) so i cant even log on to the server without major world holes.

build in my lot, i'll sort another spot out if i manage to get on.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Thanks frog



I'm about to see if I can get on on my fathers PC.



Never mind. Fucking piece of shit. I forgot I can't update java cause something is fucked up. I'll play when I get back home. Eh. I'll go check out the wiki and vids to learn more.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ok here my plan.
ill build my tower at frogs old plot. And make the auto harvester behind it in the wildernesses.
Ill also wall off the area so new members can build as well.

With how small my tower will be, there will be room for another plot inside the second wall.



If you need more stone materials Epyk. Check out my chest in my house, or the two down in my mine. There should be a lot from me digging that up.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Epyk wrote:Thanks frog

no problem. if i do get in ill just make a chest with a sign saying its mine and put it in your house.
then i can just use my stuff in your furnace/crafting table when i need to.

that way i can stash my random shit safely and you can have a place to build.



I'll make a "Newcomers Welcome" house that will have all the shit to get started. A few tools, crafting table, furnace (with some coal), and some directions. It'll be like a central hub for the town. If I can find the damn room. Or I'll just convert one of the old buildings in town not being used.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I plan on building a 9x9 furnace , so that works out.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill build you a room. We can be roomies.



My house is almost complete....Just got to finish my moat

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Epyk wrote:Ill build you a room. We can be roomies.

WOO! lets get some strippers in Razz



grey the main building with the giant SeC in the sky is kind of supposed to be the new comer place. I just haven't really advertised it. There's a basement with a bed and farms and furnaces and a workbench etc. It's what I lived off of when I first started building the place...




Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i shall help build this central hub i have all the necessary supplies and will get started on the building

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i was half way through my leet mine...

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


i had just found a vain of diamond...



diamonds are actually really common for some reason. Usually they're not.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

...youve killed the magic sauce...
anyway... sever, hell whole website is down, so no diamonds for me



server is dead again



I guess i picked a bad day to make an account.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

just read your post i shall not build it!Razz

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