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PLaystation Vita

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1PLaystation Vita Empty PLaystation Vita 2011-06-21, 18:47



Anybody excited for this? I loved my PSP until Sony stopped putting out good games for it. Resistance was the last game I bought for it. The specs are pretty incredible for a handheld. And Uncharted looks pretty impressive. God the name is stupid as hell, but it looks bad ass. I love the dual analogs on a handheld. I plan on buying it, as I have zero interest in the 3DS( no software support except Zelda).

2PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-21, 20:26



I like the look of it but it's too expensive for my tastes. I don't use my PSP for anything anymore except web browsing and occasionally finding a game to play during a road trip. I actually didn't like resistance at all. Syphon Filter is a great game for PSP though. That and the monster hunter game probably took up more of my life than BC2

3PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 00:51



I will probably buy one, but the name Vita is sooooooooooooo bad that I might pass just because of that alone.

I almost never play handhelds, but I seem to always buy them anyway. However having 2 analog sticks may mean I play it all the time. I'd love a high quality, portable CoD or BF shooter...

Who am I kidding, as much as I wish Sony would go bankrupt and vanish, I'm sure I'll buy one anyway.

When does it come out? I watched the Sony conference, but as soon as they said "Vita" I couldn't handle watching anymore.

4PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 01:01

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know. Sony has kinda turned me off from their handhelds due to them releasing a new one every six months.

But I got a PSP Slim a few years back the first holiday they released it. Got the special edition Darth Vader one.

Only ever owned two games for it though.

That 2nd Star Wars: Battlefront game released on the PSP, and MGS: Portable Ops +.

Both had some sick kick ass MP.

5PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 03:27



I think it comes out in November.

6PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 07:26

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

man i had some good times playing MHF 1 and 2.

i hope capcom view an Xbox version as worthwhile in the EU, they were talking about it but im not sure if they've made any decision yet.

7PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 17:02



I probably wont get it.

Shit... I've had a PSP since the day it came out and I only have maybe 5 games for it.

8PLaystation Vita Empty Re: PLaystation Vita 2011-06-22, 17:36



I've always liked my PSP when I had one, I just had ti seek because there were just no games for it. The Vita looks cool and all, but if they can't give good games support, it won't be worth it.

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