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Argument with my mom about my future.

Cookie Monster
brother mouzon
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I am planning on joining the Marines next year after my senior year. My dad is fine with it but my mom has to argue with me about it. She wants me to go to college first and has the argument that I will "Miss out on the college experience."

So part of my question is what do you consider to be the "college experience." I see it as making friends, learning to live with people, and having your own freedom. So with the marines you make friends that will last not only during your service but also for the rest of your life. You also learn how to live and work with people of all different walks of life. You deal with them through out the day, every day and not just in the evenings like in a dorm. Sure, you might loose out on the freedom that you have in college but the maturity you gain in the military makes up for that in my opinion.

Now the second part of my question is do you think you would gain more or less lifelong experience in the military compared to college.

Keep in mind I will be attending college after my service but my mom seems to think I wont have the same experience as if I did it right out of highschool.



My brother's university experience was spending the first two weeks drunk and 2 grand overall on weed/booze/clothes/munchies in the first month and a half of school.

My parents are pissed at him now.

Personally I think taking time off is good - a lot of my old work friends said that when they jumped right back in for college they couldn't get their shit together, flunked out and can't afford to go back.

If you spend a year or two working after that you'll probably be so intent on never working somewhere like a grocery store all your life that you'll actually get a degree/decent job.

I know I'm too burned out on school to go back so soon.



I definitely dont plan on working at any food service type jobs at all. After college and the marines Id be going to a police academy getting a job at a large police department around here.



I don't see a problem with that, if you have a decent game-plan and actually stick with it then your mom shouldn't be bitching.

Sure beats the hell out of going to school, potentially cracking under pressure and spending the rest of your life flipping burgers as a college dropout.

brother mouzon

I've done college and I've done military. Let me throw some things out there.

No doubt college can be done badly, but many people get through and have a great time doing it. Researchers have studied what college does for your 'life', and it turns out that it does wonders for your pocket book (eventually) and according to many measures results in a generally highter 'quality of life'. Yeah, I know that can be defined many ways. But this should not be discounted imo.

If you buy into this, even a little bit, delaying college for ANY reason becomes a roll of the dice for you. Because so many things can intervene and turn your life in other directions.

Both are great. But which should come first? Is it possible to go to school and then join the service? If this seems OK to you, might want to consider it. Because many would argue that doing it the other way around is tougher.

Oh, by the way, if you have any interest in women you might want to hit the books and ship off to a campus near you.

What about ROTC bro?



I was thinking about ROTC but I dont think its right for me. I dont want to get into the military as an officer off the bat. This is kind of weird probably but Id like to build myself up from the bottom. Also, given my study habits in highschool I dont think it would be a good idea to go to college right now. I think I need to get myself used to not having distractions around that will take away from my study time.

Also, Ive grown up in this time of war against terrorism and Id like to pull my weight in it. Since its been going on for 9 or so years, its hard to say how long it will continue and I want to be able to do my service in defense of the country.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Do what you want. Seems like you have a career path/goal. Military to Education to LEO.

What MOS are you planning on becoming in the Marine Corps?



I would give advice, but I know nothing about the military. Sad



you play war games though THAT'S ALMOST LIKE THE MILITARY

be a medic since you don't have to get kills starting out and you'll still have a shitload of points

why is shitload considered a word

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

If you plan on doing infantry your career path would be better off as SWAT or something similar. If you plan on being a Police/Sheriff Officer/CHP then I'd go with MP.



Im thinking infantry. No, I dont want infantry because of video games, they are just something to do on the side.

But the thing with law enforcement is you cant go in expecting to get into swat. Yea, it would be cool to be in swat but thats the same way with almost every officer.

But as for MOS it would probably be a combat role, most likely infantry, as I cant see myself doing paperwork in the military.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

It's not just paperwork. You got mechanics, Military Police, engineers, etc.

It's not a deskjob or a rifle.



I know. Im just using paperwork as one extreme vs combat as the other in the job spectrum.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Well, going in for tuition or because you have nothing better to do are among poor reasons for joining the Military.

But your reason is a good start. I think you should follow your heart bro. Joining because you want to serve your country and the guys over there who are there is a good reason to join. It's ultimately your life, your future so you should do what you feel is the best route. Talk to people you know who have been in it and that were in the occupational roles you wish to fulfill.

I'm considering serving as well. I talked to my friend's husband and told me most things on how it is, what you go through, the possibilities for Murphy's Law to take effect, and how hard it is and that it's definitely not for everyone. I asked if knowing everything he does now would he go and do it again and he said yeah. He's in the Marines Recon Battalion. Great guy too, family man and very ethical.

I'd say if you definitely wanna help and be part of the difference whether you live to see the difference made or not then go for it. My friend also told me to remember that my family would rather have me home during Christmas than having a folded up American Flag.



Not bad mouth your choice or anything. But have you seen how infantry soldiers in the US Marines are treated? Don't be stupid kid, get a job in the military where your not going to get killed or injured and then deny payments or vet pay or given help for PSTD (if you end up with it).

Being a US Marine or grunt should only be chosen if you have no other choice in life and it gives you very little useful work experience when you get out in the working world.

To be a cop, you just need to go to college for two years and then pasta physical and training, way easier and the quicker you start, the quicker you will rise in the ranks (which means more money) and the quicker you can retire.



I appreciate your regard for my safety but I have to disagree. I dont know any people who were denied payments after military service. I dont know any people with PSTD and I know horrible it is but shit happens. More people have died on the highways in the US in 1 year than throughout the entire war on terrorism. Yeah, I realize its a dangerous job but someone has to do it.

Would you like people who are half baked or doing service to get out of jail time or just to get money for college to fight for your freedom? Or would you rather have the person who chooses to go and fight for what they believe? Not because they need to but because its what they want to do.

Also a lot of the "job experience" the military gives you is discipline. You need that for every job you could get. If I was a business owner hiring Id rather have a person who has done military service over someone who was put through college by their parents and more than likely spent the first few years of it passed out on the floor after a night of partying.

And to be a cop you need 2 years of college. That is the minimum. Would you rather a 2 year college student come to your house during a robbery or a guy who 2 years ago was an infantry marine and then went to college for 2 years, come to your house? And really if I wanted to soar through the ranks in a police department I wouldnt just go to college for 2 years I would go for 4 years.

And if I really wanted to roll in the money, do you really think I would go into the marines then become a cop? There are other reasons to go to work you know.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I didn't read any of the topic aside from the 1st post but I am kinda in the same boat.
Cept its my Grandmother who doesn't want me to enlist in teh Marines or the Army(can't make up my mind), but my mom is behind me for whatever choice I choose.

They both want me to go to college, but well thats something that won't ever happen. Mainly cause no one in our family has ever been able to afford to go to college, and I don't have grades or shit that I could get a decent scholarship with. So my thoughts are to finish my education through the military, and then when I get out hopefuly get a career in law enforcment. But I don't know where I will go from there.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Once you have a career it's on to life. You know, a home, a family, etc.



zk50 x erk wrote:I appreciate your regard for my safety but I have to disagree. I dont know any people who were denied payments after military service. I dont know any people with PSTD and I know horrible it is but shit happens. More people have died on the highways in the US in 1 year than throughout the entire war on terrorism. Yeah, I realize its a dangerous job but someone has to do it.

Would you like people who are half baked or doing service to get out of jail time or just to get money for college to fight for your freedom? Or would you rather have the person who chooses to go and fight for what they believe? Not because they need to but because its what they want to do.

Also a lot of the "job experience" the military gives you is discipline. You need that for every job you could get. If I was a business owner hiring Id rather have a person who has done military service over someone who was put through college by their parents and more than likely spent the first few years of it passed out on the floor after a night of partying.

And to be a cop you need 2 years of college. That is the minimum. Would you rather a 2 year college student come to your house during a robbery or a guy who 2 years ago was an infantry marine and then went to college for 2 years, come to your house? And really if I wanted to soar through the ranks in a police department I wouldnt just go to college for 2 years I would go for 4 years.

And if I really wanted to roll in the money, do you really think I would go into the marines then become a cop? There are other reasons to go to work you know.

Sadly enough, my cousin SO son was killed after suffering a IED blast in Afghanistan several yards from his base just a few months ago. The pain and sadness that comes from watching a man bury his son is not pleasant. The army said he died surrounded by loves one, in reality only his GF was there when he passed away. He had a entire future ahead of him and he was taken away in a senseless act of violence for a unwinningable war. His gave his life for his country and what did he achieve? Noting, the war will still drag on until NATO leaves the country and eventually the Taliban retakes control and life continues as it did before the invasion. Is that what you want? To die a pointless death for some made up glory and honor?

The soldiers in the Middle East aren't fighting for my freedom, there fighting to create freedom in countries that haven't known freedom in decades. A sword cannot win what a mind can not hold.

And if you were a business owner you pick the guy who went through four years of collage to learn how to do the job your hiring for, not a guy who only work experience is carrying a gun.

As for being a police officer, then go for four years. I said two years because thats what the police recruiters said was required when they visited my school a little while ago. Its better to start as a officer for the higher pay, higher pension, better work experience and better chances of promotion.

Its up to you to do what you want to, but like so many kids who join the military, you have a unrealistic idea of what military life actually is.

Also a few links for you:

Anyone who studies history will tell you there is no glory or honor in war, there is no " the army looks out for it own.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Heh, MSM.



I wish I could give some advice. Everyone takes something different away from their military experience.

I was on two aircraft carriers. I was safe from IEDs, and I didn't have to worry about developing PTSD after watching my best friend's head get blown off. I never had to worry about loss of life or limb. I was perfectly safe.

I saw a lot of great things, and I've been to more foreign countries than most people I've known. I've met a lot of cool people that I would like to consider lifelong friends, even though now that we're all out we rarely talk, and haven't seen each other at all.

At the same time, I worked for a lot of assholes--morons who really shouldn't have been in positions as decision-makers. I've had to take their orders and keep my mouth shut, no matter what I thought. Sometimes the fucked-up-ness of the bureaucratic system that the military runs on can just drive you absolutely insane. If you're a person who thinks for themselves, there's a good chance that you'll find military life intolerable. Every day I was in, there was a moment where I would think to myself, "I wish I would never have signed up for this bullshit."

The college experience is overrated. What college can do for you though, is not. I joined simply for the GI Bill money. I did my time, got the fuck out, and started using it.

If I could do everything over again, I'd have gone to college. Maybe.

It's a big decision to be made...

Don't go thinking you're Billy Badass invulnerable motherfucker, either. You have to look out for number one. Don't get caught up in all the blind patriotism. War is just a lottery drawing, 24/7, and your number could come up. You might win a pair of prosthetic legs, or maybe you'll just walk out with some scars.

Maybe you're the type to throw yourself on a frag. I sure as hell was not.

I gotta say, the best things I learned from the military were how to hold my tongue, and how to stay calm in stressful situations.

brother mouzon

If you struggle in school and don't really see the value of education, then yes, definitely enlist in the military. It can provide direction to your life, no doubt about it.

On the other hand, if you can make grades and see the value of education, then becoming an enlisted soldier after high school is flat out nuts. Period. You can disagree with me all you to me in 4 years then we'll see where you stand.

A note about patriotism and the war on terror: what our country really needs right now is kids interested in their education, in technology, in science, in math. That's what will guarantee our national security in this century, not bad ass mofos carrying rifles.



I REALLY regret not joining the Marines.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

blackholedreams wrote:I REALLY regret not joining the Marines.

Where did you serve?



Sadly enough, my cousin SO son was killed after suffering a IED blast in Afghanistan several yards from his base just a few months ago. The pain and sadness that comes from watching a man bury his son is not pleasant. The army said he died surrounded by loves one, in reality only his GF was there when he passed away. He had a entire future ahead of him and he was taken away in a senseless act of violence for a unwinningable war. His gave his life for his country and what did he achieve? Noting, the war will still drag on until NATO leaves the country and eventually the Taliban retakes control and life continues as it did before the invasion. Is that what you want? To die a pointless death for some made up glory and honor?

Honestly Id rather die early knowing I did some good in the world than die an old man who did nothing besides sit behind a desk at some bull shit business all my life.

And if you were a business owner you pick the guy who went through four years of collage to learn how to do the job your hiring for, not a guy who only work experience is carrying a gun.

I dont think you understand the point of what I said there. I was comparing a 2 year college student vs a 2 year college student who also served for 4 years because that is essentially my situation. Except it would probably end up being 4 years in college in both cases.

As for being a police officer, then go for four years. I said two years because thats what the police recruiters said was required when they visited my school a little while ago. Its better to start as a officer for the higher pay, higher pension, better work experience and better chances of promotion.

Again, your miss reading my point. All I was doing was saying how 2 years in college right after high school wont make you go through the ranks faster than if you served before that.

Its up to you to do what you want to, but like so many kids who join the military, you have a unrealistic idea of what military life actually is.

I like that how you try and make it look like you know more about this than I do. You think Im going into the military not knowing what Im getting myself into? And since when do you know what I know about the military? I never even said what my idea of the military was. Yet you seem to think you know everything because you could google search a few articles.

Also cram I see what you mean but I will be going to college after the military. Most of the argument with my mom was about the college experience I would have if I went to college at 19. And I know there is a risk of not coming back or coming back disabled but I feel that I should support my county in its decisions in a time when really, very few do. And I know Im not invulnerable: I see the risks involved but I feel like it would do some good. And to the frag grenade thing. Really it would depend on the situation. I honestly dont know what I would do but the fact that your there essentially entrusting your life to the guys around you would play a big part in that. I dont know if you would have a lot of situations like that in the navy but I think with ground forces, a big part of it is trust in the people around you.

And brother, I dont make the best grades but I do see the value of education. Just right now I dont really have the dedication to do well in school. And I am interested in technology and science. My favorite class all through school was science. Every night I go outside and look at the stars and love learning about space. But I dont want to do any of that as a career. Honestly I think the country is going in the wrong direction in terms of jobs. I think its stupid how people who sit at a computer all day doing "work" some how get paid more for their "labor" than people doing actual physical work. What happened to all the american made products? They all went to china because of the bottom line profit. Heaven forbid people who actually work their asses off all day get paid on par with people in padded chairs suffering from carpal tunnel.

Sorry if I offend any people who do those types of jobs. Thats just how I feel about it.



I completely agree with you, about everything really. I think going into the military is a really smart choice, a lot of my family is part of the military or was and all of them have ended doing more than fine. And I don't think that going into college after the military is a bad thing either, you may not get the same experience but you will probably do better and the military pays for a huge chunk of the cost IIRC.



So in other words kid you don't have a clue what your talking about. I didn't just "google" a few articles, I gave you links to problems I been following for years in how my country treats its soldiers and veterans.

Your too young to have to worry about dying old, any of the older people here will tell you about the joy of raising a family. You see glory, honor and pride in serving in the army, you think its means something. It doesn't, it just a job where you get treated like shit with the added bonus of getting your balls blown off. Do yourself a favor and stay home kid.



Honestly, calling me kid isnt really helping your situation. I dont give a shit who you are but trying to get a point across by calling someone kid is really not helping.

You sound like one of those fuck ups that threw rotten food at soldiers coming home from Vietnam. It sounds like your one of those guys that decided its not worth it to fight for your country and used college solely to get out of getting drafted.

Now Im sure you just happened to have those pages bookmarked on your computer ready to be posted at a moments notice right?

2 of the articles arnt even about the US military. The ones that are about the US military, are either about killing for fun or effects after combat.

Killing for fun: Yea, some people join for that reason. They are few and far between and thats not something Im looking for. Yea I might have to kill someone over there but its for the protection of myself and my fellow soldiers.

After combat: Yea some soldiers encounter problems after military service. Everything in life has draw backs. Sometimes you just have to deal with what might happen.

You also seem to skip over the good things you get from the military. You get benefits and skills you wouldnt normally get. Not to mention the pride of being a US soldier. Id take that pride over being an average college student any day even with the challenges you have to deal with.

No honor in the military..... Man it sounds like you were on the wrong side of this from when you were a kid. Almost every veteran Ive talked to has had great things to say about being in the armed forces. Sure, you get treated like shit sometimes and you have to deal with seeing stuff you could do with out. Maybe its these wars going on after ww2 that make you think there is no honor but boy could you not be any more wrong.

And honestly, get the fuck off this topic. Your trying to tell me what to do by acting like a dick. This topic isnt even about JOINING the military. Its about going before or after college.

Edit: Also in another post didnt you say you were a highschool student? Man, maybe you share reading this forum with your son or something but somehow I doubt that.

Most of what is above is assuming your the 55 year old that your profile says but it sounds like some piece of shit kid trying to make himself look cool by sounding like an "elder". Since the other posts from you are from a highschool student Ill go ahead and ask how in the hell do you think you are so "high and mighty" talking down to me like that.

brother mouzon

Oh snap. This thread just went off the rails. lol.

Hey man, it sounds like you had your mind made up before you posted. Hey, more power... Good luck to ya.

Anyway, I looked back at your original post trying to figure out what exactly you asked. Seems you had two questions.

1. The college experience is incredible. If you go and it's not incredible, YOU are the problem. Freedom, women, booze, stimulating conversation...not necessarily in that order. And you're broke, which makes everything in life seem more satisfying somehow. It's great when you're 18. It can still be great when you're 23 I suppose.

2. Where do you get the most lifelong experience? This will blow your mind but it's not the military bro. The military is a cacoon dude. You live in a protected little shell. No doubt it can be physically challenging and can give you some very basic organizational skills I guess. But since the military is about teamwork it has nothing in common with the rest of the world. The rest of the world is dog eat dog and no ****ing safety net.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Do what you think is best for you. Keep talking about it with people who HAVE gone through it rather than here where you have biased or prejudiced 2nd hand opinions. Talk to more people about college and other options you may be considering, but it still comes down to what YOU want. Just make sure whatever choice you make you won't regret later on.



I have my mind made about the military already. Just not before or after school.

Im not so much into underage drinking. I normally follow the rules so going in at 24 or 28 what ever I decide would probably mean less illegal activities.

About the military experience. It would give me a better discipline to do my school work with less chance of failing due to not doing the work.
And also teamwork does play a big part especially with my career choice. Not every thing is dog eat dog. In the military, you deal with people of all nationalities, social standings, and schooling. As a police officer you have to do all that while dealing with defusing the situation.

Yes, college does give arguably better lifelong experience...but you cant deny that the military gives petty good experience also.

And a family friend of mine is coming home from afghanistan with the airforce in a few weeks so Ill be able to talk to him and his brother who did college then became a cop to get get more information with both.



zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly, calling me kid isnt really helping your situation. I dont give a shit who you are but trying to get a point across by calling someone kid is really not helping.

You sound like one of those fuck ups that threw rotten food at soldiers coming home from Vietnam. It sounds like your one of those guys that decided its not worth it to fight for your country and used college solely to get out of getting drafted.

Now Im sure you just happened to have those pages bookmarked on your computer ready to be posted at a moments notice right?

2 of the articles arnt even about the US military. The ones that are about the US military, are either about killing for fun or effects after combat.

Killing for fun: Yea, some people join for that reason. They are few and far between and thats not something Im looking for. Yea I might have to kill someone over there but its for the protection of myself and my fellow soldiers.

After combat: Yea some soldiers encounter problems after military service. Everything in life has draw backs. Sometimes you just have to deal with what might happen.

You also seem to skip over the good things you get from the military. You get benefits and skills you wouldnt normally get. Not to mention the pride of being a US soldier. Id take that pride over being an average college student any day even with the challenges you have to deal with.

No honor in the military..... Man it sounds like you were on the wrong side of this from when you were a kid. Almost every veteran Ive talked to has had great things to say about being in the armed forces. Sure, you get treated like shit sometimes and you have to deal with seeing stuff you could do with out. Maybe its these wars going on after ww2 that make you think there is no honor but boy could you not be any more wrong.

And honestly, get the fuck off this topic. Your trying to tell me what to do by acting like a dick. This topic isnt even about JOINING the military. Its about going before or after college.

Edit: Also in another post didnt you say you were a highschool student? Man, maybe you share reading this forum with your son or something but somehow I doubt that.

Most of what is above is assuming your the 55 year old that your profile says but it sounds like some piece of shit kid trying to make himself look cool by sounding like an "elder". Since the other posts from you are from a highschool student Ill go ahead and ask how in the hell do you think you are so "high and mighty" talking down to me like that.

Really man? So calling someone who a kid, kid is offensive now a days? Grow a thicker skin quick buddy if your joining the military. As for throwing food at veterans? Please, I support my soldiers 100%, that why I want them out of the Middle East. Those articles are spread over the U.S, Canada ( my country) and the UK military and describe, PSTD and the lack of treatment for it, veterans being deny help with coping with civilians life, reports of how many veterans return from war to find themselves homeless, tthe unbelievable amounts of vets who experience thoughts of suicide and actually try to commit it and those who do kill themselves, the abuse of Stop Loss, which forces those who volunteer for one tour to fight multiply tours against there will etc. These issues affect many returning veterans. It gotten a lot better, but shows just how little the army cares about you when you returned from serving.

You can't just "man up" and deal with it. These are seriously mental problems that veterans suffer, never mind the physical wounds.

If you want pride, volunteer in your community and make a real difference, a positive one. If you want to learn basic teamwork skills, attend a three workshop.



Fighter I would strongly suggest that you not start any more shit in this topic and move on. THis young man has made up his mind and apears to have put some thought into this already. If he wants to serve our country I respect him for that.

The way you called him a kid was offensive! Did you serve? I don;t think you did so I don;t think you can REALLY offer to shed any light of what it's really like.

What I'm saying is please don;t act like a dick in his thread because I also get that vibe from your posts.



How is calling someone who a kid,kid offensive? Is calling a woman a women offensive? A tree a tree?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

simmer down gents



If you say. In other words woman, or hey woman! Yes it is offensive!



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:If you say. In other words woman, or hey woman! Yes it is offensive!

Ok, maybe I'm just slow or clueless when it comes to the rules and general exceptions of society, but I still don't get how thats offensive. Seriously.



Calling a woman a woman is offensive, I guarantee if you went to any place and said that to a woman she would be fucking pissed.

brother mouzon

I've been liberated by this thread. Up until now I've been letting people get away with calling me 'man'. "Hey man" this, and "hey man" that. Well, from now on if that happens I'm going straight to the HR office to file my grievance.


brother mouzon wrote:I've been liberated by this thread. Up until now I've been letting people get away with calling me 'man'. "Hey man" this, and "hey man" that. Well, from now on if that happens I'm going straight to the HR office to file my grievance.




Bla125 wrote:Calling a woman a woman is offensive, I guarantee if you went to any place and said that to a woman she would be fucking pissed.

I guess I will find out in school tomorrow!

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