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cruise music

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1cruise music Empty cruise music 2011-06-23, 22:33



So what do you find to be the best kind of music to listen to while driving?

For me, I'd probably have to say classic rock. Like The Doors, and such. I really like racing down the highway listening to Radar Love for some reason. Don't know why.

I also like a lot of upbeat music like pop or what have you. I dunno, I such at placing music in genres.

2cruise music Empty Re: cruise music 2011-06-23, 22:34

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

Crazy Kaito

3cruise music Empty Re: cruise music 2011-06-23, 22:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't have a car. So no music for me, doesn't help my Ipod is broken either.

Makes for boring ass walks to work

4cruise music Empty Re: cruise music 2011-06-23, 23:13



Razzle Snazzle wrote:Crazy Kaito

That is NOT music.


5cruise music Empty Re: cruise music 2011-06-23, 23:19



sheep wrote:
Razzle Snazzle wrote:Crazy Kaito

That is NOT music.


Ahahahaha Vocaloids, u so silly. I do like some Miku stuff, though.

On topic: Cruise music? I've been listening to the new Protest the Hero album when driving around with my buddy lately. Shit's cash.

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