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Epyk MD
Ron Swanson
Honey Badger
15 posters

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1dead Empty dead 2011-06-24, 20:11

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?

Oh and my cat killed a full grown robin and brought it in my house today. :l

2dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 20:18



Did you say "thank you very much", and share the delicious treat with him/her?

3dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 20:22

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Oh of course! I took a few bites and let them eat the rest right on the carpet!!!

4dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 21:11



Hells to the yeah i always pat my Cat when he brings home Dead birds and Mice

I mean the mice are Vermin and those birds always chirp in the morning annoying the shit outa me!

5dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 22:50



Honey Badger wrote:is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?


6dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 22:52



Zillah wrote:
Honey Badger wrote:is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?


Oooooooh, buuuuuuuuuurn.

7dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 23:07



Ante wrote:
Zillah wrote:
Honey Badger wrote:is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?


Oooooooh, buuuuuuuuuurn.

Yes Ante you called me?

8dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 23:13

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

the place has been a bit slow as of late. Of course DL has stepped away and he was one of our biggest posters. Also I haven't seen much of Tater recently either

9dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 23:15



Just "Sir" will do wrote:the place has been a bit slow as of late. Of course DL has stepped away and he was one of our biggest posters. Also I haven't seen much of Tater recently either

Time for Terry to pick up some of the Slack?

Although recent surveys have shown a predicted increase of 200% activity if Metals wife joined the site

And a increase of 1000% if Khult posted again

10dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-24, 23:49



its been dead as hell

11dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 00:28



Zillah wrote:
Honey Badger wrote:is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?


that's what she said.

12dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 01:06



Fenrir wrote:
Zillah wrote:
Honey Badger wrote:is it just me or does the SeC feel dead right now?


that's what she said.

You been talking to my mother?

13dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 09:42

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I've only posted a few times myself.
mostly work and...minecraft this week >.>

Maybe wilth so many members on sabbatical I can try out some "SeC changing" stuff with out pissing people off.

14dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 10:14



you should put ponies everywhere!

15dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 10:31

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Gthe otta try something.
obviously im doin it wrong with so many leaving.

Perhaps more structure?
Its been talked to death about branching out, but that leads no where with only one or two people trying at a time (we're all one dimensional it seems ) Razz

I understand there isn't one game to glue us together anymore (until BF3) and that's part of the drought.
All of our heavy hitters got burnt out which really took a hit to our posting output.

Over all we have less posting but more members visiting everyday.
so I guess we just need to find something to jump start the activity again.

16dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 10:40



I don't think you're doing anything wrong shit just happens. I haven't been posting much myself because I'm working at a desk full time now and really don't feel like going on the computer even more when I get off.

17dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:15

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Epyk wrote:Gthe otta try something.
obviously im doin it wrong with so many leaving.

Perhaps more structure?
Its been talked to death about branching out, but that leads no where with only one or two people trying at a time (we're all one dimensional it seems ) Razz

I understand there isn't one game to glue us together anymore (until BF3) and that's part of the drought.
All of our heavy hitters got burnt out which really took a hit to our posting output.

Over all we have less posting but more members visiting everyday.
so I guess we just need to find something to jump start the activity again.

~Raises eyebrow~ So does this make me like a prophet or something?

18dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:34

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't think there is anything we are really DOING wrong. We don't really have any recruitment goin on anyplace but the BC2 boards, and I don't really know where else we should be trying to draw from. Sites come and go I suppose but this is one I really don't want to shut down. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that there is only so much you can say to a single group of people.

19dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:36



well there is one thing but it might really piss someone off so i wont say it

20dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

we could draw from anywhere.
my issue is drawing in the wrong type of people.

21dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:42

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Pm it to me tall.

22dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:47

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

1fnbighen wrote:well there is one thing but it might really piss someone off so i wont say it

I'm really curious but can't thnk of anything...... this better have nothing to do with ponies!

23dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 11:53

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If you guys have hobbies outside of gaming that usually doesn't get discovered here, we can start with that and try to bring in a crowd with similar intresrs.

One again the name could very well be an issue on bringing people in (my fualt)

And our lack of any type of structuring at all. (Also my fualt)

24dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:03



jeez epyk you've been listening to khult too much

25dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:13


1fnbighen wrote:jeez epyk you've been listening to khult too much

This lol.

26dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:17



Epyk wrote:If you guys have hobbies outside of gaming that usually doesn't get discovered here


Rolling Eyes

In all seriousness, I think it's just kind of how things are going to be until Battlefield 3 comes out. I dunno, it's not something I'm worried about, but I'm also not that hugely invested into the forums, so take that with a grain of salt.

27dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:23

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I havnt played bc2 in two weeks.
what has khult been saying?

28dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:25

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Epyk, its nobel that you claim those to be your faults, but I belive the burden lies with everyone here as far as structure goes. This idea when this place came about was a forum with no structure.

Speaking of Khult I haven't seen that sneaky bastard for a while. Not that I useually see him before he knifes me

29dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also... be unloading my comic book geekdom on all of you soon.

Especially on who the new ultimate spiderman is...

30dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:30



maybe we could put an small sec exclusive game here. kinda like a board game but online. not a posting game but maybe a strategy game with chat that updates automatically so people can jsut chill, play a game, chat it up, pass the time, until work is over.

31dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:37

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If anyone can find one that allows for person to person play (not random lobbies) I can set it up.

32dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:43



i can look but im not the best at computers

33dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:49

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If it can be embedded.
has site based leader boards
or peer to peer game play. We can use it.

34dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:51



this is progress?

35dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 12:57



can you make a separate updateable text box thing like on the nfl fantasy draft thing.
or like youtube comments that update automatically?

36dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 13:02



i dont give a fuck about my consecutive posts

multiplayer monopoly? havent tested it but im off for a while i hope this is progress

37dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 13:03

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I can in the portal. Or add a Chatbox.

38dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 13:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

How about we open discusions about how much everybody loves me? we can talk about my platinum hair and how it shimmers and dances in the moonlight. or how even after working out I still smell like a fresh summer breeze.

How about that?

39dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 13:57

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It will liven up once BF3 is released and we spam in the BF3 forums.

40dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:07

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I say we give all the deserters the ... stare once they return for BF3

41dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:11

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Epyk wrote:I say we give all the deserters the dead 2458268739 stare once they return for BF3

agreed. maybe we should have an ULTRA super secret SeC hideout that only true belivers can access lol

42dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:13



chatbox would work but would that monopoly thing work/ would that be a game we want? what games should we look out for?

43dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:21



Ive done 650 posts in the month of june ... /spam

Without minecraft this place would be really dead. everyone needs to get this!

also, we're on track to just barely beat our may post count (look at the stats page, it will be close)

any word on how long DL will be gone for?

44dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Probably until bf3 comes out.

On the subject of minecraftl iv located a moderate sized island and wanted to know if anyone wanted to form a second area in a themed fashion?

45dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:39

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

where do you get Minecraft at? is it a downloadable game or something? what do you even do beisdes build things? I really don't kow much about it.

46dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:45



Just "Sir" will do wrote:where do you get Minecraft at? is it a downloadable game or something? what do you even do beisdes build things? I really don't kow much about it.

the best description i can think of is legos for big boys, in a massive open world environment. $20 here -

and wow, all the way till bf3? damn thats a long time

47dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 14:54

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I think DL will probably poke his head in from time to time. but I don't expect much until BF3 is here.

48dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 15:03

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its pretty addicting, I didn't think id like it as much as I do.

so instead of theme island imm thinking giant as space station above sec.

49dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 15:05



HAHA, i like that idea. I want to build a minecraft roller coaster too Very Happy

btw, i turned that rode into stone from gravel and extended it a bit further. whats the plan for that?

50dead Empty Re: dead 2011-06-25, 15:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Not sure what road you're talking about.
I don't think im in on that project.

I did add an epyk wood section to the CSB though since we were running out of room..
I think im going to have to expand.

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