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Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players

Razzle Snazzle
Ron Swanson
16 posters

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Found this over at the OFC. Looks like EA's throwin' some punches!



Hahaha, i cant imagine what things are going to be like in october



I will probably get shot picking up my copy come October.

They might have terrible aim, but I'm still going to get shot.



I am a continous meat shield




Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

your an important part of "Project Human Shield" texas Very Happy



I try to do my part. Makes me feel like a team player. Very Happy

I hear, "Tex whattaya doin!?" a lot. My answer, "I have no fuckin' clue, man."



I like my interpretation better Very Happy

Average BF Player:

Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players GhillieSuit

Average Call of Duty Player:

Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players FAMAS

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

TexasMace wrote:I try to do my part. Makes me feel like a team player. Very Happy

I hear, "Tex whattaya doin!?" a lot. My answer, "I have no fuckin' clue, man."

Your answer to that is always "Kicking ass!"



Thats funny.The CoD guys arent going to be very impressed though.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

You know its not just the players who embody this. This has more to do with what the game designers want their game to be. BF rewards you for useing sound tactis and stratagy. CoD rewards he who runs in shooting the fastest....... or who sits in the corner the longest

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

That's exactly how i look in CoD! Very Happy but i have the matching cowboy hat.



Just "Sir" will do wrote:You know its not just the players who embody this. This has more to do with what the game designers want their game to be. BF rewards you for useing sound tactis and stratagy. CoD rewards he who runs in shooting the fastest....... or who sits in the corner the longest

BC2 has just as many lame tactics, lol. It rewards players for tank sniping, chopper whoring, and C4 UAVing, all of which are easy and take little skill, much like Call of Duty rewards low skill techniques, such as using OP weapons, camping, etc.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

True all games have exploits. I just feel BF are minimal. Tank sniping isn't so bad now that the AT4 is back to a useful status, and Mcom damage is minimal. Chopper whoring can be bad I will give that one to you, but not everyone can do it (you may disagree but I can't and thats someone). C4 UAV is rediculous but its much less of a problem now.



I do agree with you there Terry; I'm just trying to make a point. Smile



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:

BC2 has just as many lame tactics, lol. It rewards players for tank sniping, chopper whoring, and C4 UAVing, all of which are easy and take little skill, much like Call of Duty rewards low skill techniques, such as using OP weapons, camping, etc.

All that involves letting people do that to you. If somebody is pissing on your shoes you just don't let them.....You chop them in the throat!(duh)

Tank Sniping can be countered by not being a little bitch and strolling out of you base and kicking some tank sniper ass since they are to damn oblivious to anything because they are using V-Optics.(just don't let Symbolic and Manila guard the M-Comm)

Stop being bad with the AA-Gun is the answer. AT4 buff and not sucking with it helps a lot now too.

If You let them put 40 C4 on a UAV you deserve to get bashed, BRO!

COD rewards those people that can farm kills better off the morons that play that game. There is like 1 or 2 competent players on each team, and whoever can farm the most kills from the Diaper Baby Patrol to feed their kill streaks wins. Chances are you kill 1 DBP and he will keep coming back for "REVENGE!" and he will keep trying to get "REVENGE!" and him being a moron leads to me getting better and better kill streaks that I will release upon The World like I hath just opened PANDORA'S BOX! But instead of Chimeras and shit like that it will be laser guided Bombs and a Helicopter that is kinda useless and DOGS! FEAR MY DOGS!

also....My room has been claymored and the walls invincible.....Bring it!



CoD and BC2 are much alike in the sense that if you lose, it's still your fault for not being good enough, bro.



Well I don't have the problem bro, since I never lose.

Woo Woo Woo You Know it!


TheGM wrote:]
Tank Sniping can be countered by not being a little bitch and strolling out of you base and kicking some tank sniper ass since they are to damn oblivious to anything because they are using V-Optics.(just don't let Symbolic and Manila guard the M-Comm)

100% agree. I am sick of people whineing about tank snipeing when it's really nothing...



Why so serious brah?



I tank snipe on Arica Harbor everytime. TBH it's really only effective for 2 MCOMs on the whole map, which can get you a total of 500 points. Whoop dee doo. Tanks suck vs infantry, especially at long range, so tank sniping really is good for almost nothing.



Tank Sniping can be
countered by not being a little bitch and strolling out of you base and
kicking some tank sniper ass since they are to damn oblivious to
anything because they are using V-Optics.(just don't let Symbolic and
Manila guard the M-Comm)

What the heck is this supposed to mean? I never use V optics. I really dont understand why you included my name here. please do explain...



hahaha, i think its because that one time on arica harbor where we kept getting down to 3 tickets then losing the base Razz

that match was hilarious



Except for the fact I was doing my job on that match the entire time. I finished like 2nd on our team in points, and think I spent a total of 2 minutes in a tank....



*poofs out nowhere*


3 tickets left. 1 dude snuck in the base and armed. 13 feet away in a tower is Symbolic and Manila sniping.

"somebody else will take care of it"

those somebody elses happen to be 3 miles in the desert stopping the Tank Snipers.

"WTF happened"

"I dunno.....but let's keep sniping"

From that point on was some of the biggest choking since the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. It was like a Team of Lebron Jameseses, who decided to stop playing when it hit 10 tickets. "We are about to win.........Fuck that shit!"

Now you know.



Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players Ughreally-1




I know. It was very Ugh.

Like totally fucking super mega Ugh.

I would take every word that meant Ugh and build a Voltron out of it because that is the only way to get across what I felt like in that game.



Yea because the end of the first base when we were destroying the other teams useless wookies constitutes an entire match.



Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players Ironhide_facepalm



GM, I remember you saying on GameFAQS that you would never play Battlefield with me, but you stayed in the lobby with us last night and even gave me ammo! Does this upset you? Does it upset me? Does it upset the balance of the world...



Wasnt this a couple weeks ago?


It was actually my fault though... i was C4ing our own objectives

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Soooo.....I see GM is back.....



balance has been restored.



someone detox gm for lead poisoning



I think Im done playing BC2. People are just sucking the fun out of it. Before you make accusations know what the hell your talking about GM.



Symbolic wrote:I think Im done playing BC2. People are just sucking the fun out of it. Before you make accusations know what the hell your talking about GM.

Yo, don't let him get to like that Sym. It's just GM. He's either trolling, or losing that mcom actually rustled his jimmies enough for him to post about it, which is a win.




Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Guys, just chill <_<



Motherfucking shitcock fuck piss titty slap. Maybe if we weren't all huge assholes to each other, this shit wouldn't happen. Not everyone has super thick skin.

At least he didn't account suicide.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*smells something* what the hell is that? OMG GM is back!

To what do we owe this "honor"? A-team not leet enough anymore?

Also just adding. take it easy on each other for christs sake! you can argue with each other without getting pissed. Kitsune and I disagree on what we were talking about earlier, but there was never any sort of comfrontation. I respect his opinion and vice versa.



Motherfucking shitcock fuck piss titty slap.

Fuck damn shitcunts, you pussy douche.



Just "Sir" will do wrote:*smells something* what the hell is that? OMG GM is back!

To what do we owe this "honor"? A-team not leet enough anymore?

Also just adding. take it easy on each other for christs sake! you can argue with each other without getting pissed. Kitsune and I disagree on what we were talking about earlier, but there was never any sort of comfrontation. I respect his opinion and vice versa.

I wasn't always that way though. Very Happy



MEGA MILK wrote:
Motherfucking shitcock fuck piss titty slap.

Fuck damn shitcunts, you pussy douche.

Hey man, at least I charged that arm. Battlefield (BF3) Players VS. CoD Players 2458268739



Ready Grog the Banstick!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
I wasn't always that way though. Very Happy

We have had our run ins with each other. I still swear that the one really big issue we had was a complete accident. The one where you asked us not to join your match but we ended up in it anyway. No clue how that happend

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