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 » The Lounge » Archives » Hye guys

Hye guys

Ars Diaboli
12 posters

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1Hye guys Empty Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:03



Just wanted to pop in say have a good holiday everyone. Eat plenty of meat and drink plenty of beer. Also dont get blown up!

2Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:06



Make sure that you have fun too! Very Happy I'm probably just going to be sitting at home alone all day on the 4th. :/

3Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:10



Dude at least go see the local fireworks show! Do you have those in middle of nowhere Washington? Serious question as I know you live in eastern Wash.

4Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:16



Lol, well, we do have a local fireworks show, but people are all over the small park/sidewalk. I used to watch it from outside of town, because you could still see the fireworks in the sky, but I didn't have to be near people. I'm in town now though, and there's all of the crazy children with lighting fireworks on the sidewalks and such. I might be able to see it from my window though.

I used to go to my friend's every 4th because my parents stopped celebrating/lighting fireworks years ago, due to the cost. But they aren't doing anything this year, so I have nowhere to go. Sad I might just play MineCraft and play with TNT or something and pretend it's fireworks though, so I have something to do. Very Happy

5Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:20



i just bought a boatload of fireworks and set some off today. i have a good story that ill post later Razz

6Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:31



A friend of mine always has a garage full of fireworks every 4th of July and I help set them off. Some fucker called the cops last year...

7Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 19:39

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Oh right. It's independence for you guys.

8Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 20:42



Kitty! You should go at least for a little while! Get used to them people demmit!

9Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 20:51



I went to the Youth Center yesterday with two of my friends; one of my friends is a co-owner to the place, so we could get in. The windows even made me nervous sheep, because they had no curtains. Sad We got to play pool and such; I got kinda used to it after about an hour or so. I might get used to other people someday, I think it will just take a long time.

10Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 20:54



Texasmace doesn't get to play with fireworks. They have been banned in Texas due to the dryness.

11Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 22:30



Ya, the fireworks the country club and the Air Force base do every year has been cancelled and our 4th of July is now September 3rd. Pretty dumb. But I still might go chill with some friends.

And I don't think it's all of Texas, cause I'm pretty sure the Dallas area can still set them off since I saw lots a stands selling them. You can't even sell them in my area.

12Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 22:33



I tell you what. I would buy my fireworks online, send them to a different state, then ship them to Texas. I could get away with it cause I bought it for a different state, then shipped it (free of cost) to Texas.

13Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 22:44



But it's also illegal to set them off.

14Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-03, 23:24



Goodness Kitty! More practice!

I don't really like firewoks myself. They're noisey and smelly and I don't find them pretty enough to put up with. They set them off every year here over the lack. I think I've been... Once.

15Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-04, 05:39

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I had a few friends over Saturday night for a cookout and a few fireworks that one of them got for free. Tonight I'm going over to a friend's house for another cookout and then we are walking about 1/4 of a mile to the lake to get a good seat for the city's fireworks show over the lake.

16Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-04, 11:13

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Hye guys 2458268739

lol Very Happy

17Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-05, 17:00



I didn't see any fireworks last night. There's a hardcore burn ban on so nobody can set them off besides the show at the lake, and basically the entire city was there so I didn't want to go. >_>

18Hye guys Empty Re: Hye guys 2011-07-05, 21:33



It rained off and on here in the midwest U.S. Perfect 4th of July weather, imo. Deters all the little bastards with bottle rockets.

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