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Ante's other hobby

Cubist Castle
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1Ante's other hobby Empty Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 19:30



No, not that, get your mind out of the gutter!

I doubt anyone here really cares, but I'm gonna post this for the lulz.

I've been playing this game for 6 years now and it's got quite the following, especially in Mexico and South Korea. It's called Pump it Up and it's got the same concept as DDR except there's 5 panels on the corners and center instead the 4 cardinal directions. There's a "world championship" in China this year for $10,000, but I missed the qualifiers in Vegas... maybe next time.

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I told my buddy to get my feet, but he just got the screen and my upper body instead... Ante's other hobby 2458268739

2Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:04


Ha that's pretty funny man good luck.

3Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:07




I'm not even coordinated enough for DDR much less something that has more button things. You be crazy.

4Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:12

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Your legs are moving FAST.

So does this mean you are a good dancer? Or do the skills not correlate? I've always wondered.

5Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:16



Can you play it acoustically?
+1 cred for anyone who gets the reference.

6Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:18



Dammmmmn, I can't even play those games on the easiest difficulties. And i'd watch out for your friend, apparently he wants to butt-fuck you lol.

7Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:20



This has nothing to do with real dancing. The only thing it helps with is rhythm and foot speed on the drums. Razz One of the songs is pretty much nonstop 16ths at 210 bpm for 2 and a half minutes.

The real pull of this game for me is the aerobic workout it gives. Once you get into the upper tier songs, it gets extremely intense. Oh and most of the music in the game is really, really good.

8Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 20:22



Khfan60 wrote:Dammmmmn, I can't even play those games on the easiest difficulties. And i'd watch out for your friend, apparently he wants to butt-fuck you lol.

He says some of the craziest shit in front of the camera. I'm just lucky it was nothing that would've made this unpostable here. Razz

9Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 22:12



Dayum, Ante, that's pretty boss. I used to play some DDR, but we don't have any arcades nearby with a machine, so I'm stuck playing an old PS2 version. Never played Pump, though.

10Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-05, 22:55




damn, that looks like it would actually be pretty tiring too.

11Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-06, 11:03



DAMN!!! no misses and all but 4 perfect?!?!?!

you would destroy that competition

12Ante's other hobby Empty Re: Ante's other hobby 2011-07-09, 01:18



Just for shit's and giggles I'll post another one of these. This song is much, much harder at 222.22 bpm (compared to the other song at 137.) I gave Scrittah a shout-out at the end, awwww yeah! If I sound a little raspy it's because I'm dead fucking tired at the end.

<iframe width="640" height="510" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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