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FONV for £12

The Adli Corporation
7 posters

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1FONV for £12 Empty FONV for £12 2011-07-21, 09:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i just had to get it Very Happy

any tips for a total fallout newbie?

2FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-21, 09:18



Very Happy good game.

raise guns,repair,and lockpick and speech.

So much...wouldn't want to spoil it for you.Cool game Smile

3FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-21, 09:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im looking forward to dying from radiation.

i read about it in the manual and was like COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
no other game i have lets you die from radiation Very Happy

4FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 10:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i've got 43 points in guns repair speech and lockpick so far Very Happy

guns really helps, i keep getting critical hits and high percentages on headshots when im in VATS Smile

5FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 10:44



get your luck as high as possible, but 7 works out in the end becuase 2 clothes let you boost it. and you can buy items that raise your specials around the strip.

if your using the cowboy repeater, or you dont like recoil. take true ironsight off.

get cowboy perk

get juryrigger and handloader

by killing a special person in the game you get a special 9mm pistol

you can get a house in novac (i went through both fallouts not using any of the reccommended houses the first time. fallout 3 i used the supermarket thing and nv i used a roadside stop lol)

harpers shack has deathclaws close by but dont shoot at them and they dont care. other than that its the most convienient place to live

get idolized by the followers, its pretty easy to do and when you do you can buy items for thier exact value and sell for their exact value (as if you had 100 barter)

6FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 10:48

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

cool. ive got 6 luck atm, are there any more of those machines which alter your SPECIAL stats? (like the one at the start of the game)

im liked by goodsprings, neutral with the NCR and hated by the powder gangers (i accidently bumped into them while shunned and got into a big firefight Razz)

7FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 11:10



Mein Fur-er wrote:cool. ive got 6 luck atm, are there any more of those machines which alter your SPECIAL stats? (like the one at the start of the game)

im liked by goodsprings, neutral with the NCR and hated by the powder gangers (i accidently bumped into them while shunned and got into a big firefight Razz)

there is almost now benefit to not unleashing the apocalyse on them. powder ganger dynamite sells for lots of $

sad thing is that no, you cant change your special liek the start, i had to restart 3 times before i got a concrete special and attibute base.

so for your luck i would suggest this . buy the luck implant from around new vegas. buy the naughty nightwear from around new vegas. go to ceasars legion cottonwood cove and find the guy who complains about landmines.make a save before (unless you want to legitimately help the legion the whole game) talk to him about ncr contact, exit that stream, that should open an option to teach him how to disarm landmines with XX explosives skill.

talk talk to him about ncr contact, etcetera, it takes a while and you have to have boone wait somewhere else, but it gets you legion rep without adverse affects

8FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 11:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im not that far ahead yet, i've just got to Novak. ill bear that in mind when i get to the part though Smile

also, if your gun goes to minimal CND, is it still useable or is it broken?
ive got 2 10mm pistols and one is at really low CND but still works well.

9FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 11:24



if it goes to no cnd its unuseable. for apparell it will lose all dt but keep armor efffects

(per +1 etc)

bam check that out too

10FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 11:33

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I found speech to help out a TON in NV. In 3 it was kinda useless.

Its easier to be freindly to the NCR on your first time through.

Use sneak a lot, I try to start off most fights with a sneak attack.

Be careful about what you take for perks. You get only one every other level so you have half as many as in Fallout 3. There is a list on Gfaqs thats pretty good about rating perks, I would check it out a bit.

Explore! one of the best things about Fallout is the discovery of things, places and people. Gather and horde lots of items, but always know what is expendable and what isn't.

11FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 11:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

is the intense training perk a good idea?

i could put an extra point into luck and bring it up to 7.

12FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 13:00



intnse training is good a couple times, and it would be very good becuase while wearing lucky shades and usinf and implant, you have 9 base luck w/out nightwear. this boost puts all your specials up 1 more compared to 7 luck or 8 luck.

make sure u got educated and comprehension, mayeb not comp but edu definately

13FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 14:09

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Intense Training is a nice choice for a level 2 perk, as there aren't many others worth choosing. For later levels, it's still a good choice, but there are other more useful perks I prefer to take.

Comprehension is also very nice, IMO. The extra points from books is great in itself, but the magazine boost lets you leave some skills, like lockpick, at 80, and use a magazine when you find a very hard lock/ high speech check/ whatever/.

14FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 16:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i pretty much waltzed my way through the REPCONN building using VATS and a service rifle (i got so many OSK headshots)

i also managed to fluke my way through the basement (i killed the human guy and did the stealthboy quest before i even went to the research labs, so that saved me a bunch of time Very Happy )

15FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 20:18



No, don't take intense training. You can get implants that raise your SPECIAL stats by +1 in the New Vegas medical clinic(and clothes, drugs, etc...) and you can only get 15 perks(without the add-ons) so use them on more useful ones like Lady Killer, Jury Rigger, Fast Metabolism, etc.

16FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-23, 20:42



So much min-maxing in this thread.

17FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 12:31



but for adli it would be really worth it to take advanced training for at least luck some of the perks you can ultimately do without

btw you should pot your special build adli

but ive found the best setup before owb dlc was

......................................................after intense training and traits
str 5 ........................................ str 7 (2 intense training)
per 5 ........................................ per 7 (4 eyes and i like 1intense training)
end 5 ........................................ end 5
intel 10 ......................................... intel 10
chr 1 ........................................ chr 1
agility 7 ......................................... agility 9 (1 intense training and small frame)
luck 7 ......................................... luck 7

so final with apparel and implants
str 10 (1 implant for 8 and then weapon handling)
per 10 (1 implant,1st recon beret, lucky shades)
end 5
intel 10
chr 1
agility 10 (implant)
luck 10 (lucky shades, implant for 9 luck, then wear naughty nightwear at casinos)
my last implant is body armor

i like 10's

18FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 17:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im going for a gun only character.

ive got:
S 5
P 7 (+1 from hat)
E 5
C 6
I 6
A 8 (training+2)
L 7 (training+1)

and ive not used the ladykiller/quickdraw/other perks as they dont apply to guns, or are not as good for what i need.

ive got 60+ on guns,lockpick, speech and repair.

19FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 18:06



Still, you should choose Chez la femme(or what ever it's called, the guy version of lady killer) because it lets you do an extra 10% damage against all male NPC's(most are) and gives you some unique dialog options.

20FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 18:16

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

doesnt ladykiller goive bonus damage against women?

are you thinking of confirmed bachelor?

21FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 18:21



Mein Fur-er wrote:doesnt ladykiller goive bonus damage against women?

are you thinking of confirmed bachelor?

Oh wow, derp, thats what I meant yeah.

22FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-24, 18:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i got shot at by the legion while doing the forlon hope camp quest (finding supplies) and then got shunned.

then i had to take nelson and i mowed the leaders down with a 10mm SMG after i got a bit swamped and now they totally hate me (Villified) whoops... Rolling Eyes

23FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-25, 00:10



Razz Legion sucks anyway lol

24FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-25, 01:39



^ lucky shades beats all

25FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-25, 03:26



JrTapia1991 wrote:Razz Legion sucks anyway lol


26FONV for £12 Empty Re: FONV for £12 2011-07-25, 16:14

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

lols, i was bounty hunting Violet and drew her out into the open (using a SMG on her torso) then when she was away from her dogs i bumrushed her nad held the trigger down.

suprisingly effective Twisted Evil

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