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[FONV] I don't think we've had this topic here before...

Cubist Castle
Honey Badger
7 posters

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Caesar's Legion: Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil?

I'd have to say Lawful Evil, for sure.

I can't really think of any cons for Legion. Think about it, safer territories, stronger military, "cleaner" society(as in no drugs, alcohol, stims, etc.), not riddled with corrupt politicians, safe trade routes, etc...

What's everybody elses thoguhts on the Legion?

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I guess lawful evil. Never thought of it this way really. I would have chose them most the time if i thought of it as them making a good society in the end.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle


They're ruthless bigots.

NCR - Lawful Neutral
Mr House - True Neutral



legion> ncr



i loved playing through FO:NV as a female and joining up with Caesar's Legion, it gave me such an inflated sense of "take that you chauvinistic bastards, i got boobies and am way better than you".

that was one of the funnest playthroughs i ever did.



Fiends are Chaotic Evil
Great Kahns are Neutral Evil
Boomers are Chaotic Neutral

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

but they are evil assholes.

slavery and crucifiction (sp?) is just nasty.

plus they keep sending nasty men to shoot me. i dont like that.

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