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BF3 Leaked Alpha footage

Ron Swanson
Cardboard Fox
Artimise Flare
Ars Diaboli
Cubist Castle
Honey Badger
HydrasBreath ♜
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1BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 10:56

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Found a bunch of leaked alpha vids from one guy on youtube they're quite interesting. There's a bunch check em out.

Random footage nothing too special

Taking out a bunch of guys to disarm an mcom

Some semi auto sniper gameplay

Bolt action sniper, semi auto shotgun and a little LAV-25 gameplay...also you can see the new defib process in here

LMG and bipod gameplay

A quick "tour" of the operation metro map and some examples of destruction on buildings

More extensive LAV-25 gameplay

2BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 10:58



I wish I could be the one posting this stuff for you guys, but I don't want to risk getting banned. Sad

3BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 10:59

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I could get banned for posting this? Crap I didn't know that...if it's a problem I can take it down

4BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 11:14



HydrasBreath wrote:I could get banned for posting this? Crap I didn't know that...if it's a problem I can take it down

Nonono, I'm talking about EA would ban my alpha account. There's an NDA for anyone playing the alpha that says you can't post footage of it anywhere. Unless you're the one who made those videos, you're fine.

5BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 12:00

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

oh I'm not the one who made the vids my comp couldn't even begin to handle BF3

6BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 12:19

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

If you go to UsamaFTW page he has good shit

7BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 14:04

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah that's where I got the vids from badger...I posted everything he had for BF3 when I was browsing his channel.

8BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:23



Good stuff, Hydra.

That dude also posted a 13 minute montage:

9BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:38



At about 9:30, it gives you an idea of how useless carbines are at range. I personally love this.

10BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:43



Noticed that myself, Ante. The guy also keeps shooting like it may improve or something.
Ante, does the game really look that blurry or bloomy or is that just a crappy copy?

11BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:44



Vinyl Scratch wrote:At about 9:30, it gives you an idea of how useless carbines are at range. I personally love this.

I honestly thought he was shooting at a squadmate, the marker looked green.

And wait.... why the hell are you on here, shouldn't you be playing this? -_-

12BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:47



He must be rendering his videos in poor quality because it's very easy to see for me. There's no bloom bomb (cough atacama rush) when you try to aim at something far away.

13BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:50

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

What's bloom?
Is that the hazy effect that you see when you scope in on Nelson Bay Conquest and Atacama Desert?

See, I thought it was just the lighting qualities of the levels or something, but I noticed while looking through the mortar binoculars that the contrast was a lot more tolerable than compared to a scope.

14BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:55



HAL 9000 wrote:What's bloom?
Is that the hazy effect that you see when you scope in on Nelson Bay Conquest and Atacama Desert?

See, I thought it was just the lighting qualities of the levels or something, but I noticed while looking through the mortar binoculars that the contrast was a lot more tolerable than compared to a scope.

Yes, it's that hazy effect.

15BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-22, 15:58



Like vasoline smeared on your screen. Some games you can turn it off in the settings.
Thank goodness because if it was like that vid I wouldn't play it.

16BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 03:50

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm a bit worried about the damage. Seems like everyone died very quickly.

17BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 04:09



You may laugh...but the #1 thing I've noticed about the BF3 the fact that you can actually see your feet and legs in this game. >_>


Also, I'm going to need a better TV if I'm going to play this game; my SD, 90's TV with a 20-in screen isn't going to work for this game, something tells me.

18BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 05:20

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

OMG G36c is in the game! I is a happy panda! Looks great, though it looks like the recording program or whatever they were using was having issues keeping up sometimes.

Can't wait to see what they'll change in beta!

19BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 08:47



you can actually see your feet and legs in this game. >_>

Complete Halo rip-off.

The one thing that caught my attention was when he assassinated the guy who was prone. Kinda disappointed there's no special animation for that.

20BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 10:04

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

ah he must of posted that 13 minute montage shortly after I made my original post

from that montage it looks like laser sights are in and you can sort of blind people with them. that's pretty cool!

21BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 11:22



Couple things I've noticed...

Handguns actually sound like guns now instead of party poppers.

Mounted LMGs look very effective.

Takes more than 3 RPGs to take out a LAV


I can see grenades becoming a problem with every having 2 of them.

Jumping over things looks very smooth

Degradable environments look greeeaaaat. Very Happy

I can't wait for jets gameplay footage Very Happy

22BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 11:38

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

something I noticed aswell was the ammo counter when you're in the LAV...I think it's only to know how many shots you have left in the Volley...I didn't see anything indicating total ammunition the counter is always 6/0 or whatever so maybe no vehicle ammo after all.

And yeah I can't wait to see gameplay of the other vehicles like jets and choppers and such.

Seeing this alpha footage has got me pumped...I know I am gonna love this game can't wait till the sept. beta!!!

23BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 15:22



Zillah, the handguns sound terrible. Actually all the guns are waaaaay too quiet.

24BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:29

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Seriously? I mean, DICE is just awesome when it comes to SFX... Maybe they're still polishing it?

25BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:36



Damnit, really? Is there a war tapes setting or something like that? <3 war tapes

26BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:39



Not yet, but I hope there will be.

27BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:44



They will probably get better, it's just Alpha. It's most likely a bunch of filler sounds until they can get better ones.

Also, I wish they had better voice actors for actual player characters (radios and such sound fine), such as the death screams being a lot more convincing.

28BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:47



Kitsune wrote:They will probably get better, it's just Alpha. It's most likely a bunch of filler sounds until they can get better ones.

Also, I wish they had better voice actors for actual player characters (radios and such sound fine), such as the death screams being a lot more convincing.

Oh man, the radio chatter is -perfect-! Taking/losing MCOMs is very cinematic, as the voice over for each one is unique.

29BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:50



Im kind of hoping there'll be a new alarm sound on the mcomms. No biggie.

And I hate you ante for putting bf3 in your current games! Evil or Very Mad

30BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 17:51

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I like the fact that they made it so that many of the weapons have the glowing dots on the irons so you can actually see where you're aiming in dark areas. Can't count how many times I've died because I was having issues finding where my irons were.

31BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 18:05



Artimise Flare wrote:I like the fact that they made it so that many of the weapons have the glowing dots on the irons so you can actually see where you're aiming in dark areas. Can't count how many times I've died because I was having issues finding where my irons were.

Tritium sights ftw!

32BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 21:49

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Ante, why are you posting? You should be playing BF3 24/7!

Now, get back to play, mister!

33BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 23:09



I had been considering whether to get a gaming PC for BF3 or just get a good laptop and BF3 on 360... Gaming PC it is.

34BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 23:33

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Anyone else notice that they got the reload animations right this time? When changing a magazine that has round still in it they don't pull the charging handle to chamber the next round Very Happy.

It's the tiny details that help immerse you into the game. Way to go DICE! I can't wait to see what other guns they'll be adding to the game! Now if only they would bring back the L85A2 I'd be a happy camper.

35BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 23:35



Artimise Flare wrote:Anyone else notice that they got the reload animations right this time? When changing a magazine that has round still in it they don't pull the charging handle to chamber the next round Very Happy.

It's the tiny details that help immerse you into the game. Way to go DICE! I can't wait to see what other guns they'll be adding to the game! Now if only they would bring back the L85A2 I'd be a happy camper.

You also end up with an extra round in the chamber, which is pretty sweet. NOW IF ONLY THEY WOULD TONE DOWN THE DAMAGE. *huff*

36BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 23:39



Very Happy I can't wait.BF3 and Skyrim make me a happy taco :3

37BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-23, 23:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Gah, Skyrim releases 4 days before I'm supposed to leave for basic Sad

38BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 09:59

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Usama FTW posted another video showing some MP7 gameplay check it out here

Also I noticed something from his vids whenever he assassinates someone with the knife and gets their tags the number 300 always pops up on screen under the tags...does this mean you get +300 for a stealth knife kill? which means you'd get 400 points for knifing someone in the back? seems like a bit much no?

39BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 10:09

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I doubt it. I think that's where the player's name is meant to go, but for whatever reason, it's replaced by 300.

40BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 10:47

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I hope you're right fox

41BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 11:13



Vinyl Scratch wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:Anyone else notice that they got the reload animations right this time? When changing a magazine that has round still in it they don't pull the charging handle to chamber the next round Very Happy.

It's the tiny details that help immerse you into the game. Way to go DICE! I can't wait to see what other guns they'll be adding to the game! Now if only they would bring back the L85A2 I'd be a happy camper.

You also end up with an extra round in the chamber, which is pretty sweet. NOW IF ONLY THEY WOULD TONE DOWN THE DAMAGE. *huff*

I asked demize99 for a damage chart and he said that they've already tweaked the game so much in the alpha that any damage chart would irrelevant. Im pretty sure things will be sorted out by the time the beta comes out.

42BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 11:19



No, you don't get 300 points for an assassination.

43BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 11:28

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

ah awesome cause that seemed really excessive to me if it was to be true

44BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-24, 13:01



How many points for a kill and how many for the objective in the Alpha?

45BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 12:01

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

from the videos I saw a kill is 100 arming/disarming an mcom is also 100 and destroying it is 200

46BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 12:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I think many of these numbers will change but I think Hydra had it right. I would imagine most of these numbers, sounds, and guns will see some sort of change before release. I'm sure they will change a bit after the Beta testing too.

47BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 13:05



I hope so those points sound really, really light for taking objective.

48BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 14:58

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Metalzoic wrote:I hope so those points sound really, really light for taking objective.

Yeah I was surprised at the low score compared to say just a regular kill I was expecting at least 300-400 if a kill is 100. If things stay the way they are it would seem like DICE is putting the focus on just killing people. But I have faith they will tweak things and fix it.

49BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 15:07



HydrasBreath wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:I hope so those points sound really, really light for taking objective.

Yeah I was surprised at the low score compared to say just a regular kill I was expecting at least 300-400 if a kill is 100. If things stay the way they are it would seem like DICE is putting the focus on just killing people. But I have faith they will tweak things and fix it.

There's no need for them to put the focus on killing people since they're adding a straight up team deathmatch mode.

50BF3 Leaked Alpha footage Empty Re: BF3 Leaked Alpha footage 2011-07-25, 15:42

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

here's a new video of a full rush round

makes it seem like there are lots of routes/side passages in the subway and lots of buildings you can go in in the last section. Seems like a really sweet map with lots of possibilities. And it seems pretty big contrary to what people where complaining about initially at E3. Seems like a decent sized infantry map to me.

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