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I feel like a Dick

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1I feel like a Dick Empty I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 20:59



So i went to D's house last night and it was about 10 so i knock on the Door and her Dad answered

So im having my usual Conversation with him while staring at the floor Anyway this is how it goes

Me:Hey Mr Marsters is D in her Room

Her Dad:Yeah you planning on staying the Night?

Me:Yeah D asked me too

Her Dad:Okay but if your staying the night can you please keep the noise down you 2 woke me up last time

*Tries to remember what we were doing that might have woken him up and suddenly remembers*

Me:oh um Sorry well try to keep it down this time sir

Her Dad:Fine you can come in then

I felt really sorry for the guy man i hope i never have Daughters its bad enough having a Sister

2I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 21:08


I'm assuming that you guys didn't keep him by just talking.

If so... awkward.

3I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 21:10



I know

Would have been Even worse if he had actually said what he meant

"Dont be too loud while banging my Daughter"

4I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 22:34



Awkward....but really funny, XD!

5I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 22:41


Frostbyrn wrote:
"Dont be too loud while banging my Daughter"

I imagine that being said in with the same voice as the guy behind the desk in this clip.

6I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-15, 23:16

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

At least her dad was cool about it, haha. If that were my dad, he probably would have walked in and killed the guy.

Ehat was terrified of him for awhile. My dad is 6'6, built and looks like he would kill you. And probably would, lol.

But that sounds seriously embarrassing I feel like a Dick Icon_lol

7I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 03:33



Hah, you think that's awkward. I was with an ex and as I was finishing I roared (we were bored and just got done watching a nature documentary on the mating habits of lions.) Woke up every one the house.

8I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 04:19



Her Dad is scary though hes like 6'3 Bald and works out on a Daily Basis

I dont think ive made Eye contact with him in like 2 years Very Happy

9I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 04:54



I know the feeling my ex's dad was a marine. We played a little joke on her parents and he shot me in the ass with a rubber bullet.

10I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 06:20



What kind of Joke did you play on him lol

11I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 20:19



Well she and I had just finished a morning "roll in the hay" if you will, and thought it would be funny if we announced that she was now pregnant. At first there was silence, then her dad went into the other room and came out with a gun. I went out the front door to the deck thinking that maybe her mom could talk some sense into him. He comes outside and all I can think is I need to get off this deck. As I jump off of it a shot goes off and hits my right check in mid air. As soon as I hit the ground my entire body had clenched. He walks over and says "get up you pussy it was only a rubber bullet can't you take a joke?"

12I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 20:58



Lol your GF double crossed you Very Happy

13I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:19



No while she was inside she told them it was a joke, he just wanted to shoot me.

14I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:23



Serves you right telling a guy you knocked up his Daughter as a joke Very Happy

15I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:31



Lol, I suppose. He got me back later that week, it was the most awkward conversation I've ever had with her dad.

16I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:34



I think having Awkward Conversations with your Daughters BF are a Fatherly Specialty Very Happy

17I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:47



Lol, well I'll tell you what happened. This is what started it. After she and I had sex she thought it would be funny to steal my cloths, she put them on and wouldn't give them back so I thought I'd get back at her and wear her cloths. So fucking uncomfortable and a terrible idea. Her parents came home and her dad asked what the hell I was wearing, I looked at her and said lets trade cloths, we did. The next morning her dad and I are talking in the kitchen. He asked "So what is like wearing woman's underwear?" Said I'd never do it again. There wasn't any room for my junk. He says "Oh, cause I've often wondered what it would be like. I've often fantasized about myself in my wife's silk underwear as I sit on the couch and rub myself." I couldn't react, I just sat there. He looks at me and says "Hey I'm just fucking with you." To this day I still can't tell if he was serious or not.

18I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 22:57



Oh you got Owned This guy should be on the Forums he sounds Hilarious Very Happy

19I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:01



I'd tell him about and try to get him to join, but the ex and I haven't talked in a year plus he doesn't spend much time on a computer unless its for work.

20I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:04



So you wore your GF's clothes eh?

i mean D steals T shirts off me all the time and i wore one of hers once because i spilt something on mine but you actually put on her underwear Very Happy

21I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:25



Yeah, the thought that crossed my mind was "Oh you want to play it like that huh?" I felt it would make things weirder and bit more uncomfortable for her, but she just laughed and I was the uncomfortable one.

22I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:28



You cant out Uncomfortable a Girl what were you thinking Very Happy

I mean shes just wearing guy clothes Girls can do that but you put on Girl clothes dude

23I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:30



Yes I know, I've learned my lesson but I at least tried damn it. At least no pictures were taken.

24I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:31



*Holds up some photographs*

You mean like these

I especially like this one with the Big purple Bruise on your Ass cheek Very Happy

25I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:35



That's not me, that's my evil twin brother Ronaldo. Note the porn star mustache and eye patch.

26I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:37



*Rips off Fake Pornstar Stache*

And i bet your Eyes not even sore!

Blaming your Evil Twin is just wrong!

27I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:42



Ok you got me, but I was young I needed the money. Wait those are different pictures aren't they?

28I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:45



Yes but seriously man even though you got payed for it i cant believe you did that to a Vacuum cleaner

29I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:48



Oh, I didn't get paid for that one. It asked for it, it's hose said no but it's bag said yes.

30I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:48



I told you not to bother me when I'm cleaning my room!

31I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:49



Bags and Hoses does that make Vacuum Cleaners Guys?

32I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:50



Rofl I haven't seen that movie in years, I wonder if I still have the DVD.

33I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:52



What you mean Scary Movie?

34I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:55




35I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-16, 23:56



Well God Damn Son of a Bitch and Fuck the price of Copenhagen just went up

36I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-17, 06:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

This topic gave me many a lol/

37I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-17, 06:23



I Feel like a Dick,So im going to start acting like a Wanker....For scientific reasons of course

38I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-17, 13:35



FOR SCIENCE! My names is Richard so I have every reason to be a dick.

39I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-27, 13:57



In all seriousness, i have done some fucked up things to some poor bastards daughters out there. Which is why when my daughter starts dating, i will always have my AR disassembled/ cleaning it in front of the possible suitor. If the sight of me reassembling my 5.56 beauty with a quickness in front of him, and then slamming the bolt forward doesn't make him shit himself, then me following them in my car with it will! lol.

40I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-27, 14:05



Haha I wouldn't care if my gfs dad had a gun or not lol. I would probably even make a joke about it, but I don't really do stuff that would make them want to shoot me.

41I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-27, 14:27



My brother and i have discussed pulling the scene from bad boys 2. "You look like you 30!" "you a virgin? keep it that way, aint gon be no fuckin tonight!"

42I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-27, 14:44



Hahaha that would be awesome!!! XD

43I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-28, 06:05



The only thing ive done that would make him want to shoot me is his Daughter Very Happy

44I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-28, 07:02



That made my day Frost.

45I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-09-28, 18:09



It twas Classic Very Happy

46I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-10-01, 13:39



Those were just a couple of the things she and I have done, we've played a other pranks on her family and each other. The one I did to her at school was one of our favorites.

47I feel like a Dick Empty Re: I feel like a Dick 2010-10-04, 19:20



yes, go on...

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