Can only have 2 at a time. They are big, but I don't know if you could base a map off it.
This is what we've got so far.
Zombies spawn in a cave/tunnel under a cliff holding the humans spawn.
To get to the top, you've got to either scale the cliff, or make your way through the complex built up the cliff face.
we've got 2 of the three ways up already built.
Robots will have some sort of floating structure as a spawn. (Spaceship) that they can jetpack down from and try to take out the zombies/humans
Zombies = quick + sprint ability, low health, swords/bash
Robots = slow, jetpackz, slow firing weaps ( like spartan lazer) and massive health
Humans, average all, start with pistol, has to find weapons from dead bodies or non-respawning weapon cashes through out the map.
If humans get killed they switch to killers team.
Humans win if zombiesz/robots kill each other off first.
Robots/zombies win by killing each other..yadayada...