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wtf on minecraft

6 posters

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1wtf on minecraft Empty wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 21:50



i cant have a bank i cant get tools and i cant use the term homosexual what the fuck

2wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 21:50




3wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 21:51



yes on the server i cant do shit put me back in the builder group

4wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 22:07



You've been naughty Very Happy

No but seriously what did you do?

5wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 23:09



i am a grunt now what happened to builder class and if it is still there i want to know why im not in it

6wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 23:15

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

grunt= re named builder

7wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-07, 23:17



wtf on minecraft Ironhide_facepalm

8wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 00:02

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

this is the reason cease made a forum

all changes to the server are posted on rdc.malware-site.www

please check the forum first

9wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 13:15



this change was not on the forum as of aug 7 2010

10wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 15:15

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

well since the economy is up they decided not to give away free tools since you can just buy em not sure about the bank/homosexual though

11wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 15:55



bank finally started to work for me

at first it said not accessable now it says 0 dollars so it got that right

12wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 16:22

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i apologize infadel that the forum was not updated.

basically the changed that were made is builder is now grunt and heal has been removed but you now have magic carpet

the forum is now being updated

13wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 17:02



i dont use the magic carpet it lags more than the nether when i use it

14wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-08, 19:00

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i will sell heal and day time signs but in order to balance things for economy some things have been removed permanently

15wtf on minecraft Empty Re: wtf on minecraft 2011-08-10, 11:19



have you guys changed servers already cause it wont let me sign in to rdc.malware-site.www

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