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ATTN: Higu

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1ATTN: Higu Empty ATTN: Higu 2011-08-09, 01:27



I need help constructing an anti Xin Zhao build on League of Legends. He's one of the few characters I think are completely ridiculous, and I need help killing him. Every game I've seen him in, my team or theirs, he easily does up to 1v3 a lot of the time, and is an all-around fuckface. Got any ideas? I was thinking of a lot of slows, but he does that stupid jump to you, then stuns, then knocks airborne, which usually insta-kills you, but if not, he just uses one of his other bullshit abilities or fatigue to do so.

I hate him so much, lol; not only that, but the guy has a face like he just shit his pants and seeing that pop-up when I lose to him almost makes me rage.

2ATTN: Higu Empty Re: ATTN: Higu 2011-08-09, 01:45



Wardens Mail. Or a Randuins later. Helps if he doesn't get fed. If he has a Wriggles/BFS item when the big fights start you are relatively screwed.

Can't cleanse or QSS his knock up, so if he gets his infinity TTS combo you are dead. And if he gets LS he basically heals back the stuff he takes from a Thornmail.

Best counter would be a good team that can interrupt him, like Shen or Rammus. Or counter knock ups like Ali or another Xin. The basic strategy is to interrupt his attack as fast as you can and as effectively as you can. Fid's fear or any other stun/CC should work.

When running away you need to CC him so he doesn't catch up with his Mallet and slow you to death.

Rammus would be the best because his W stacks with a Thorn and his taunt reduces armor AND his roll knocks and slows.

You really just need a good tank to interrupt him, Rammus or Malph if its a good one.

Or if the Xin is an idiot you can get Jax. Maybe? Suppress even better, but make sure you all kill him.

3ATTN: Higu Empty Re: ATTN: Higu 2011-08-09, 01:56



I'll check out Jax/Rammus, and try the Warden's mail. I was starting to think Thornmail, but you brought up a good point. I just wish I could tell when he was on the enemy team (I usually play carries, not tanks). He is crazy OP, and I can't wait until he is nerfed.

4ATTN: Higu Empty Re: ATTN: Higu 2011-08-09, 02:13



There really isn't much you can do against him as a squishy carry. Its the tank's job to protect the carries.

Another reason why thornmail isn't a good item is that it deals magic damage. Melee champs like xin tend to build tanky. Not only will he life steal most of the damage back, but he won't be taking much damage in the first place.

Xin Zhao isn't overpowered(although knock-up is overpowered). It may seem like it to you because you play the champs that he is good against. It's like scissors complaining about rock being too powerful.

I'd say to check out Jax. Any ad champion who tries to fight you will lose, and you can even 1v3 late game if as long as someone is auto-attacking you. Sword of the Divine counters Jax by making him unable to dodge, but nobody buys it anyway.

5ATTN: Higu Empty Re: ATTN: Higu 2011-08-09, 03:45



So, try Jax? I'm sorry if I said Xin was OP, and he's not, but he just seems that way to me, because of the 3-4 champions I play with, he is near unbeatable, and it pisses me off so much.

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