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I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap.

HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
Mrs. Terry of Hat
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
20 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

This girl who is a good friend of mine, invited me, my best friend(we both have known her for years), and her best friend(who my Best Friend is dating)to DisneyLand the other day.

I hung out with her most of the time and found out she LOVES Knifes and Daggers(and if you all know me, you know how much I love pointy implements of pain). But she also loves things with dragons on them.

Now I am not sure if she likes me, but I think she does. So I was planning on buying her a gift.

Well now I feel dumb. Cause I spent an hour looking up dragon related knifes and daggers.
I know she likes them, but I just don't think a dagger would be a great gift for saying "HEY! I LIKE YOU!"

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739



You should just get a dragon tatooed on your dick. And tell her. "Hey. I heard you like pointy things with dragons on them. I got a pointy thing with a dragon on it."

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Rainbow War wrote:You should just get a dragon tatooed on your dick. And tell her. "Hey. I heard you like pointy things with dragons on them. I got a pointy thing with a dragon on it."

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739 I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739




Rainbow War wrote:You should just get a dragon tatooed on your dick. And tell her. "Hey. I heard you like pointy things with dragons on them. I got a pointy thing with a dragon on it."

Yeah I've tried this, it works usually.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Rainbow War wrote:You should just get a dragon tatooed on your dick. And tell her. "Hey. I heard you like pointy things with dragons on them. I got a pointy thing with a dragon on it."

gives a whole new meaning to 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' ...



Step 1: Steal Acquire a butterfly knife or two with dragon decoration or the like. (Bro Tip: Use magnets for faster get)

Step 2: Impress your lady with mad butterfly knife handling skills.

Step 3: ?????????

Step 4: Profit!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

KarateBloom wrote:Step 1: Steal Acquire a butterfly knife or two with dragon decoration or the like. (Bro Tip: Use magnets for faster get)

Step 2: Impress your lady with mad butterfly knife handling skills.

Step 3: dont chop your hand off with mad knife skills

Step 4: Profit!


Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I would love getting a dagger as a gift, lol. As long as it's something she would like, go for it!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 3aa63add_79b1_4b70_b81a_a3237cd32c83_Bitches_Love-s407x405-140458-580


Hold off on the gift right now. Might be a bit too soon for that.

See if she wants to hang out again just you and her.



D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Hold off on the gift right now. Might be a bit too soon for that.

See if she wants to hang out again just you and her.

Just make sure you're the one that supplies any beverages.



That's what I always do...

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

KarateBloom wrote:
D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Hold off on the gift right now. Might be a bit too soon for that.

See if she wants to hang out again just you and her.

Just make sure you're the one that supplies any beverages.



That's what I always do...

I offered quite often to pay for her drinks, she refused every time

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just be yourself, guys become stupid when they like a girl. Don't change the way you act around her and don't do anything too extravagant. She needs to like you for you, not some facade you put up to get her to like you.

If you think he likes you, and you feel the same, ask her. Perhaps go on a walk alone or whatever, I know it's not all romantic, but sometimes, I don't think you have to get too complicated with these kinds of things



[scratches head]

I thought you had a girlfriend....

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

sheep wrote:[scratches head]

I thought you had a girlfriend....

Your thinking of someone else M'Lady. I have never....ever....NEVER...had a girlfriend.



Huh. That's weird....

I can understand why you've never had a girlfriend before though! :p


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739





Eh if she refuses have a battle with her till she allows you to buy her a drink Surprised Unless she's scared that you may have slipped something in. But don't go buying a gift now, wait a bit and get to know her better maybe then you will know what to buy her.



Something I discovered about girls:

My first and current girlfriend started liking me because she found out I liked her and noticed how much of an idiot I acted like around her. As long as you don't do anything creepy, she will probably be flattered. If you make an idiot out of yourself, don't worry.


Make that Bitch laugh.

Bitches love laughing.

Edit: Fixed spelling error



oh my god i just realized something

ive played minecraft with bananasaur before i joined the SeC



I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap.

Welcome to the party. Cool

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

MEGA MILK wrote:
I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap.

Welcome to the party. Cool

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 3208186255_819247cfa6



infadel117 wrote:oh my god i just realized something

ive played minecraft with bananasaur before i joined the SeC

Wait.. what is this? Which server? o_o

(sorry for a tiny bit of derail)_

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

KarateBloom wrote:

Make that Bitch laugh.

Bitches love laughing.

This. A thousand times this. Be funny, be fun to be around. That's usually the strategy I go for when trying to get myself a new girl and I manage to bag em even with my epicly beastly beard haha. Women generally aren't as shallow as guys so personality can really swing things in your favor. So yeah be funny but don't lay it on too thick though...then you just come off as corny or a try hard. Compliments are always good too but again use sparingly or you'll get into the creepy/obsessed territory. Just a little charm here and there. Most importantly you need to be yourself. Don't try and plan shit out too much. Just fly by the seat of your pants a bit...let things happen more or less naturally.

I wouldn't go right in with a gift just yet if you only met her once that might come off as a bit creepy. And I'm assuming daggers aren't cheap so that could also come off as a bit desperate or like you're trying to buy her and if she didn't want you buying her drinks then I doubt she'll want you dropping lots of cash on a dagger (I'm assuming a dagger is like at least somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 bucks). I think a big gift like that would be more of a steady relationship gift thing...but that's just me. I would consider it along the lines of buying a girl some jewelery right off the bat which has the potential of not being received very well.

I'd say build up a bit of a connection first. Ask her to hang out/go on a date just you and her. Test the waters a bit more and figure out if she really likes you. Make your intentions known fairly early though...let's say you hang out with her again just you and her and that goes well then maybe let her know you want to see her as more than just a friend cause the friend zone is a terrible terrible place (I know from experience). Don't let yourself get tortured like that. Oh and that reminds me...confidence! that's another big plus usually. Be a little aggressive. Don't be too neurotic or self conscious that usually comes off as unattractive.

Now you said you thought that she liked you. Could you maybe tell us why? was it body language? Something she said? Or just a vibe you got? If you could give some details about this and maybe some details about the girl (like personality traits, Body language you may have noticed, what type of person she comes off as, what you have in common or things you know she likes...things like that) it could probably help us help you.

wow haha sorry for the wall-o-text post it's just that I was in the same boat as you when I was your age soap so I'm just trying to help a brother out and pass on the knowledge I've acquired over the years.



Girls are not all they are cracked up to be! I am surronded by them!!!!!!

I have a wife, two daughters, and a sister........... I am surronded by estrogen and its going to kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say!!!!!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA

But I agree with Dooms, try and get her out somewhere just you two and see how that gouies before buying her gifts....



just rent it, man it's easier



HAHA Good point Tex, easier and cheaper in the long run! HAHA



it was on the classic minecraft we were on that hyrule server



Just use chloroform, like I do.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

roses are red

violets are blue

does this old rag

smell of chloroform to you?



violets are blue

roses are red

we're coming aboard

prepare to eat lead



Potentially NSFW




Vinyl Scratch wrote:Potentially NSFW


I just spit out my water.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I just realized how pathetic I am at being romantic, or with any of this lovey crap. 2458268739Ante.....

Turns out she likes me as well. But she is kinda apprehensive about it all because I am not really motivated enough to go to college.
So....that makes it difficult..


Welp, don't sweat it, if she's not willing to accept you for what you are then it's probably best to not get involved with her imo.

Above all else, acceptance is key.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

KarateBloom wrote:My first and current girlfriend started liking me because she found out I liked her and noticed how much of an idiot I acted like around her. As long as you don't do anything creepy, she will probably be flattered. If you make an idiot out of yourself, don't worry.

That kinda happened to me... but she had to like me too in the first place, else I'd just be one of the dumbasses drooling for her.

Best advice: Don't give a fuck. Just hang out with her if you get a chance, but you really shouldn't think too much about it. If you feel like it, tell her.

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