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Ever had a friend who's the obnoxiously romantic type?

Mrs. Terry of Hat
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The type who is "Oh we have so much chemistry even though we've known each other for three days". I don't know, these kind of people drive me fricken insane! A girl I know is like this, the amount of guys she's said are "The one" is as many as the stars in the sky!

It seems that whenever I talk to her she's spouting on about some new destined to be guy. These past two months I've counted at least 7, she's not exactly the sharpest knife in the box when it comes to street smarts. I mean, back in highs school she'd blurt out in the hall way, no practically scream "I'M HORNY!"

She's also the type who would ask for your advice on a matter and then completely ignore it. I'm like "WTF?! Why the hell are you asking for my advice and then ignore it?!"

ARGH! I can't believe I went out with this chick at one point. I care for her, I really do, in a big brother kind of way, and seeing her do all this stupid crap like randomly going off and having sex with guys she's not even dating. I don't want to see her get hurt, but I swear, the girl can be dumber than a sack of bricks at times!


Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2011-09-01, 02:26; edited 2 times in total



I can spot these types a mile away and stay waaaaay the hell away from them.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I have had friends like that in the past, but not anymore. I'm too old for that drama.




Hopefully its something she will grow out of. If not, oh well. You just have to let her do her thing because you can't change her. One day she'll learn, or she won't and will forever be bat shit crazy.



Just be all like

"Oh Honey"

Very Happy AC for the reference



High-school is the worst for these kinds of people. They are everywhere. I have a girlfriend and we've only been going out for a week but I still have accepted that this isn't going to last forever. I'd be happy if it lasted to the end of the year. So many people think that their relationship is "meant to be". None of them realize that until you've been out to meet people beyond the 125-ish classmates of the oppisote sex, you don't really know what love is.



ThePeavstenator wrote:High-school is the worst for these kinds of people. They are everywhere. I have a girlfriend and we've only been going out for a week but I still have accepted that this isn't going to last forever. I'd be happy if it lasted to the end of the year. So many people think that their relationship is "meant to be". None of them realize that until you've been out to meet people beyond the 125-ish classmates of the oppisote sex, you don't really know what love is.
Is the lesson here to realize that all relationships are ultimately temporary and move between them like a nomad? Twisted Evil



Yeah, that isn't to say that you shouldn't value a relationship you are in, but don't start them out expecting them to end in marriage or something. It's something you work up to.



amen peavs. youre a more perceptive guy then I gave you credit for.

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