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adventures of a sinner 2
(in which sinners and co. make the sendik's cashier's nights)

8:34 PM - Sinners locates a plastic vuvuzela and a foam sword on the floor of his basement. Being a man having learned significant historical knowledge, Sinners pretends he is a king of old. A plastic crown on the top shelf of the closet completes the look.

8:38 PM - Sinners hatches a plan. He's a devious little bugger.

8:41 PM - Sinners presents the plan to his friends, who immediately acquiesce to it. After all, Sinners is a boy genius.

8:48 PM - It is discovered that the transportation vehicle does not have enough space for all of the manly friendship and bodies inside. Being a versatile sonofabitch, Sinners folds himself into the trunk once again and the voyage is commenced.

8:52 PM - In the passenger seat, Sinners' friend (whom we will call "King Bonar"), hurriedly dons the crown, and a plastic garbage bag robe. Only the best for royalty.

8:57 PM - The friendship vehicle motors into a local Sendik's. Being a man of musical taste, Sinners is roused from his Skrillex and forced from the trunk.

9:01 PM - "King Bonar" is helped from his seat by two acquaintances who proceed to carry him across the parking lot. They make up "King Bonar's" "throne".

9:03 PM - Sinners and another friend race ahead of King Bonar and his throne. Sinners waves his foam sword (appropriately titled "The Clay Matthews Experience") and the other honks on the vuvuzela, announcing to the world that King Bonar cometh.

9:07 PM - King Bonar is carried through the automatic doors of the Sendik's, surprising several cashiers. Being a horrible naviguesser, Sinners had entered through the exit doors.

9:08 PM - King Bonar demands Pop-Tarts and Monster. Being a loyal servant, Sinners yelps a "HOORAH" before gallivanting off to find King Bonar's items, waving his sword.

9:15 PM - The items are acquired, and a convoy escorts King Bonar and his two-man throne through the checkout isle. After difficulties getting the wallet out of the king's pants, Sinners manages to pay for the goods. The chortling cashiers ask if this is a dare. Being an honest man, Sinners shoots down that theory.

9:21 PM - As they depart Sendik's, Sinners yells "All hail King Bonar!" To his surprise, the cashiers applaud while casting confused but amused looks towards their co-workers. The King nods and waves to his newly acquired fanbase. One honk on the vuvuzela, and King Bonar's convoy escapes.

9:26 PM - King Bonar dismounts the throne and asks for the "Clay Matthews Experience" and the vuvuzela. Being a King, he gets what he wants, including the shotgun seat. Prick.

9:30 PM - Sinners gets backseat previleges. On a deserted road, the automobile passes a cop car. Without thinking, King Bonar honks his vuvuzela at the cop. Because you know, he's royalty and all.

What happens next?

(a) The cop is seen laughing at the car as it passes.
(b) The cop gives chase, lectures Sinners and co. sternly, and lets them go with ANOTHER warning.
(c) Car crash.

Last edited by Renegade on 2011-08-17, 22:20; edited 1 time in total



A mixture of A and C. I'm CALLING IT.

These stories need to be published.



Commander Sparkle wrote:A mixture of A and C. I'm CALLING IT.

These stories need to be published.

*crawls out of hole*

I second this.

*slithers back into hole*



The answer is, of course (a), then (b).

The officer is seen with an amused look on his face. His hands cover his mouth, undoubtedly masking an expression of hilarity.

The officer pulls Sinners and co. over. However, midway through his tirade, he cracks up laughing. In a direct violation of conduct, he confides that he used to do that stuff when he was Sinners' age. He lets them go with a half-hearted warning, and heads back to his car. Sinners and King Bonar, being good souls, applaud his way of handling the situation, and drive off safely.

Man, that officer was cool.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Okay, this topic is one of the coolest topics I have seen here in a while.




Next time, video tape it.

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