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I want to create an SEC BF banner or sorts...

5 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

With a slogan, something that describes us as a whole for the most part.

Now that I'm finally able to get what I'm thinking onto paper, I was thinking of trying something along the lines of a bunch of Marines/Army soldiers running along side an Abrams that has SEC in a stylized lettering and perhaps a Forum/Clan logo branded on the side of the turret. It would most likely be a series of banners, each soldier having something that defines each member, Sheep for example having a grenade stylized to look like a sheep (The old pineapple style grenades).

under all of this it would say in a gritty like text "GET ON OUR LEVEL" or something.





Huge typo, you must have meant "Deal with it, nerds."



I really like Milk's idea here. "Deal with it, nerds" is perfect.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

These soldiers should be running across the bodies of the pub randos that we stomp so mercilessly.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

haters gonna hate

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