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World War Z

Epyk MD
The Adli Corporation
11 posters

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1World War Z Empty World War Z 2013-02-23, 19:30


Saw a preview for this last night. Can't wait!!!!!

2World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 19:37



I hate you now.

The movie is just using the well known name of the book to sell.

3World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 19:39


Brad Pitt. Zombies. Not a book. Awesome.

Plus I haven't read the book. Its on my list.

4World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 19:49



It going e a fun movie to watch, I will see it don't get me wring.

Just upset that's it not being like the book

Ten again the book Should be a mini series not a movie

5World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 19:57

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah its going to get a bad rap because of the book. they shouldn't have called it WWZ imo.

6World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 20:01



You cant insult anything containing brad pitt to Mills Very Happy

7World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 20:02



ZOMBEE wrote:Brad Pitt. Zombies. Not a book. Awesome.


8World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 20:29


Frostbyrn wrote:You cant insult anything containing brad pitt to Mills Very Happy

Can't help it. He's a hunk..... of awesomeness!!!!

9World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 21:25

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Passes o. Reading the book. Just finished reading warm bodies though. Was actually pretty good.

10World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 21:38




11World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 21:42



The book was the bomb, the movie..I'll see, purely because I want to see brad pitt's face chewed off.

12World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 22:08



ZOMBEE wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:You cant insult anything containing brad pitt to Mills Very Happy

Can't help it. He's a hunk..... of awesomeness!!!!

Badass awesomeness.

13World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-23, 22:17


Epyk MD wrote:Passes o. Reading the book. Just finished reading warm bodies though. Was actually pretty good.

We went to see warm bodies last night. I thought it would suck. It wasn't that bad.

14World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-24, 06:49

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm actually in the middle of this book for the fourth time at the moment.
Personally, I think WWZ looks like a piece of shit.

I'm not a stickler to sticking with source material when it comes to adapting a book into a movie, far from it, but I don't think adapting WWZ from book to movie is even really feasible on it's own right (for starters). Secondly, the slow zombie was a major part of the story, both from the perspective of an outbreak as well as how humanity regains control and defeat the zombie menace. The fast, badly animated, tweaker zombie, makes some of the most interesting accounts and events of the zombie war downright impossible.

I love zombies as much as the next guy (often more so), but this has "big dissapointment" written all over it.

15World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-24, 11:01


Comparing any movie to a book is a bad idea. A movie has a lot more limitations than a book. Most notably time.

16World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-24, 11:57

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's not about comparing, especially concerning different mediums. It's about seeing a movie and being able to recognize the source material. It doesn't have to be exact to book, as it is unrealistic. It just has to convey the same illusion.

So far just the whole running zombies thing in the trailers ruins the illusion of the book for me.

So far it looks like just another zombie movie that happens to be titled, WWZ.
Get my drift?

17World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-24, 12:55



Yeah the title should be changed.....That would make the movie look better.

They way WWZ was is meant to be a miniseries. It just fits that style more.

Also I think I have read the book about 10 times? copy is in ruins.

18World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-24, 23:07


Well judging from your perspectives, I will refrain from reading the book until I see the movie.

19World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-25, 00:24

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

While they are using the book title, and some elements mentioned in the book, it looks like something completely different from the book in general. I'm personally anxious to see this movie. I'm going into the movie expecting things to be different from the book, and as long as you keep that in mind, it should still be a great movie.

20World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-25, 01:25



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:While they are using the book title, and some elements mentioned in the book, it looks like something completely different from the book in general. I'm personally anxious to see this movie. I'm going into the movie expecting things to be different from the book, and as long as you keep that in mind, it should still be a great movie.

This. THey should eventually make a mini serires...but a really well though out one (GoT quality(

21World War Z Empty Re: World War Z 2013-02-25, 09:20



I'm in Greg's camp here. Well sort of. I'm not going in thinking its going to be crap but I have a hard time with the fast zombie in this movie as well. Some of the scenes in the preview I've seen kinda seemed a little goofy and over the top. Ok it's zombies I should think over the top is part of it maybe but I don;t know. I'm not going to rush out opening night like I did the Hobbit I'll have to wait a few and hear people's reactions.

Tho I am hungry now and thinking I need some brains!!!!!!!!!

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