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What is a good K/D in Halo?

Ron Swanson
10 posters

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1What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 14:06



Because I have absolutely no idea what to be excited for after playing games like CoD and BC2. My scores yesterday were:

6-1 (death was a betrayal; some random got kicked for intentionally ruining my score)



I Wouldn't worry about K/D in this game. As long as you are going positive, you are doing good. Halo is about winning and helping out your team.



those are all very good, especially since the kids who are getting it for Christmas haven't even joined yet



Higurashi wrote:I Wouldn't worry about K/D in this game. As long as you are going positive, you are doing good. Halo is about winning and helping out your team.

Would using a sniper rifle to cover your worthless teammates in Headhunter from a distance, trying to pick enemies off with lots of skulls, and using the Hologram to annoy the enemy team count as still being helpful if not getting skulls. As sniper with a big arrow over his head isn't exactly effective. : /



DrBob276 wrote:
Higurashi wrote:I Wouldn't worry about K/D in this game. As long as you are going positive, you are doing good. Halo is about winning and helping out your team.

Would using a sniper rifle to cover your worthless teammates in Headhunter from a distance, trying to pick enemies off with lots of skulls, and using the Hologram to annoy the enemy team count as still being helpful if not getting skulls. As sniper with a big arrow over his head isn't exactly effective. : /

Yes. You are helping your team, while your teammates aren't. The Halo games require a lot of team work and communication, so if you want good teammates, you are going to have to party up, especially in arena.




I'm kinda worried about how much I'm going to be able to enjoy this game. I have a feeling it's going to be a BC2 all over again.



lol. There's always Custom Games and Fire fight.



I think this game is actually easier to go lone wolf than most games. it's the only game i've been able to successfully play high on magic mushrooms.

most randoms don't team up on this. it's pretty rare that you actually find people who work as a squad in this so it really makes teamwork unnecessary a lot of the time and you will find that if you just pick a random teammate to follow that will be enough to overwhelm the other team the majority of the time.



I went 26-2 and 17-0. 26-2 because I suicided twice accidently and we were against one man and his three guests. 17 and 0 because it was swat and they sucked horrible.

10What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 14:21



That's really good Mama Luigi. Also, I had to laugh when I got killed by the grid yesterday in Forge. xD

For some reason, my other post didn't go, about me making a Race Track; I'll just explain in a party some time, because I don't want to type it out.

11What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 14:34



Answering the TT.

I suck at this game! my "stats" are no where near as good as BC2. Yet i have alot of fun playing this game.

Some games i'll go positive, so far though most i go neg or break even.

I'm big on revenge assasinations! You definitely need to stick together but not cluster up in matchmaking on this. When people do that your always gonna die. I've witnessed groups of 2-3 guys running together entire games and i couldn't do SHIT.

12What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 14:36



I only go barely above positive in Halo.

13What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 15:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

StormEye wrote:I only go barely above positive in Halo.

Me too

14What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 15:14



id say 1+ is good. because this game is either rape/get raped or everyone is even.

15What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 15:19



Higurashi wrote:I Wouldn't worry about K/D in this game. As long as you are going positive, you are doing good. Halo is about winning and helping out your team.

You think so? BC2 definitely is like that, but It seems to me Halo is more about lone wolf killing with almost zero emphasis on team/objective play.

I'm negative overall, started getting better at it but without any tactics to speak of in the gameplay it doesn't really suit my play style to well.

90% of what I see in this game is everyone meets in a close quarters rumble of strafing, grenades and gunfire with luck being a big part of the equation.

16What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 15:51



I sucked pretty bad at Halo 2, the last Halo game I played, so when I get this in a few weeks, I'm sure I'll be sucking it up for everyone, lol.

17What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 15:59



I do pretty well in games like BF, CoD, CS, and AA.

Halo... I suck...

18What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 16:06



StormEye wrote:I do pretty well in games like BF, CoD, CS, and AA.

Halo... I suck...

That's me exactly! Very Happy

It also doesn't help that I don't like it that much, but like I said, I'm getting better.

19What is a good K/D in Halo? Empty Re: What is a good K/D in Halo? 2010-09-18, 16:16

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

The best K/D I've had in Reach so far is 37-7, by whoring the Scorpion on the Blood Gulch remake. That map is really unbalanced, the only thing capable of destroying the tank safely, is the other tank.

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