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your opinion on cures

Dropped Da Soap
Patrick Star
6 posters


your opinion on cures Vote_lcap80%your opinion on cures Vote_rcap 80% [ 4 ]
your opinion on cures Vote_lcap20%your opinion on cures Vote_rcap 20% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 5

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1your opinion on cures Empty your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 21:45

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i dont know where this goes, whats your opinion on cures? in my honest opinion they should not be allowed. thats the reason why the world is over populated, sure its fucked up but its ruining this world

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-09-18, 21:47; edited 1 time in total

2your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 21:46



I think there should be cures, I agree with you to some point but it's not right to deny people their life. Unless they are like in prison or something.

3your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 21:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I honestly think that the Government has cures to various diseases. But either hold them from the public, or make them lifetime treatments.

4your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 21:48



I think there are better ways to control the population than letting people die from illness. Maybe not as drastic as making a law that you can only have 1 or 2 kids (China does this right?) But maybe give an incentive for not having 5 or 6 kids like people do.

5your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 21:48



boy this is a darker topic than my life story(well maybe not) but i agree the world needsd less people. i think this should be done by birth laws and tax benefits like china is doing

6your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 22:55



meh overpopulation won't be as big of a problem when people have been genetically modified to be able to use photosynthesis

7your opinion on cures Empty Re: your opinion on cures 2010-09-18, 23:24



They should do everything they can to push back the onset of old age. There's no reason to extend that, but extending people's prime and quality of life? Absolutely.

Of course we need population control, have for decades if not longer. When it comes it to the US it will be complete madness.

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