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Zapto: New Warp (snow biome)

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1Zapto: New Warp (snow biome) Empty Zapto: New Warp (snow biome) 2011-08-26, 15:53

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

/warp adli1

i found it while on a ramble, its open to whoever wants to build (i had it warped so you guys can use it).
basically there is a big spire with trees on top, a pretty boss cave area for a modest house and some smaller cliffs. pretty neat.

check it out if you want a snowy place to build.

edit: just a note, adli1 isnt permanent, it can be changed Smile
i couldnt think if a good warp name so manila just put adli1 as a placeholder.



i guess ill go there it will please me to know that nobody will be near me to take my stuff

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

thought you gave up on my server infadel?



cause im very easy to piss off and i was right next to all the shit going down

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i lost my entire house and all my mats, i just started again Razz

MC is too relaxing to get angry about Smile



for someone without a short temper (i applaud you for your good attatude)

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah what ill do infadel is what i did for everyone else

i will give you private chests next time you're on

i banned all the griefers and we've had no issues since

sorry the server cause you grief but it's fixed now



T_T please remove this fucking lava

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

sign on now and ill come look



im moved in and have a nice base of operations which wont be revealed and my private chest is on the teleport

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