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Who here has fallen in love with the 40mm Shotgun?

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My god, granted I was playing on the PS3 where the players are a lot less skilled. The range on the 40mm shotgun is insane! I was killing targets half way across warehouses.

in the course of two games I managed to get 40+ kills with it. The damn thing is so freaking beastly. I don't think this was intentional, the 40mm shotgun I don't think should best dedicated shotguns. Whatever the case, I know I pissed many many MANY players off this evening.



Yes I have plat on it. But sometimes I find people living through a point blank shot. Makes me angry.



Why can't it beat dedicated shotguns, it only has one shot.



It is awesome. I have a platinum also, but like silent shooter said it has hit detection issues sometimes.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

You gotta remember how big the shell is for a 12 gauge and the 40mm. That's why the reticle is so damn huge.



remShotz wrote:Why can't it beat dedicated shotguns, it only has one shot.

Not sure what you mean?
It's more powerful (damage wise) than any of the shotguns. You just have to reload after every shot.



I typically roll with smoke anymore but have to give this thing a try.



I love it, I only switched it out to plat the 40mm grenades.
When I was running with it 4-8 of my kills each game would be 40 shotty and one of the best feelings in the game are the double/triple kills you can pull with it.



I used the 40mm grenades last night for the first time in awhile. I was using the AEK with 4x and we where on the last base of attacking arica harbor rush. I got up on the warehouse roof and used the grenades to shoot out the steel plating on the side to give me a clear shot for my AEK. At one point after we armed the bottom station i launched grenade after grenade and got 5 kill.s



Yeah, I've used the 40mm launcher so much going for plat that I'm a damn good shot with it now. I dial in pretty much any range with it.

Throw that Mag Ammo out the window DL and try it with Explosive upgrade for super-awesomeness!



I use marksmen with the AEK I feel like the spread is to great on it otherwise. THe only gun I use mag on is M60 HHAHAHA I bust it out when the other team is whoring the m60 and AN94 with mag.



That's awesome!
I used to argue for MMN+ on Gfaqs all the time but no one would listen to me.

All I got in return was:
If you don't use mag ammo you're an idiot.
MMN+ is useless.
Good players use MA, bad players use MMN or BA.
MMN+ doesn't even actually do anything etc...

I think people love MA because it's easy to quantify: 25% more damage! 1 less bullet!
But after hundreds of hours experimenting with both, I say MMN+ wins hands down.



40mm Shotgun is great when it works, but it is a bit dodgy, as most buckshots are. I use it mostly on defence when I do not require smoke or GL.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I use MMN almost exclusively, but I'm an AUG, F2000 and AEK user. MMN seems to affect those rifles the most, as opposed to other rifles.

As for the 40mm shotgun, I know what you mean about its hit detection being dodgy sometimes. I could be in their face and fire one off, only to be killed and to see them with no damage or only minor damage.



Artimise Flare wrote:I use MMN almost exclusively, but I'm an AUG, F2000 and AEK user. MMN seems to affect those rifles the most, as opposed to other rifles.

As for the 40mm shotgun, I know what you mean about its hit detection being dodgy sometimes. I could be in their face and fire one off, only to be killed and to see them with no damage or only minor damage.

You're a wise man. Very Happy

My 3 most used Assaults Are the F2000 (1st under my zombie flayer), Aek and the Aug. MMN+ also works like a champ on the XM8 which will be my next plat.

I think the hit detection on the 40mm shotty has to do with how the underbarrel laucher is coded. Have you ever noticed that if you launch a grenade, but die immediately afterwards that your grenade just vanishes?

I believe the shotgun follows those same rules, so even if you point blank someone if they kill you afterwards your shot just vanishes and doesn't get counted.



I love the 40mm shotgun but I hate not-having the wall-destroying power of the 40mm grenade.

And besides most 16.7/20 damage assault rifles will beat anything you come across close-range, adding the 40mm shotgun on top of that is overkill.

I still use it a ton and lately I've been scoring more points with it than whatever AR I'm using.

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