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40mm Shotty

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140mm Shotty Empty 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 12:03



Does anybody use this? I tried it again last night on the Aug, and man was i having fun. Up close its a one shot drop, and great when you need to reload the primary and someone swings around the corner.

240mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 12:06



I've never tried it before, but have always wanted to. Keep forgetting though.

340mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 12:11



Try it. It is awesome to watch somebody fold in half and fly backwards when you hit them. Literally within a reasonable close range, it is one shot drop every time.

440mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 12:12



I already use a shotty as my main weapon though, so I don't think it will be that new to me.

540mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 13:42



The 40mm has no damage drop off and a wider spread than regular shottys though. You can one shot people from ridiculous ranges with the 40mm.

640mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 16:59



Yup, I can't get the hang of it though.

I like smoke better.

740mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 17:15



I'm getting the hang of it, i just decided to try it again for some reason, and went apesh*t on some people last night. I literally was so happy, i went chasing after people just to 40mm them!

840mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-28, 23:56

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yep, I'm a 40mm Shotgun enthusiast as well. Great for when you know that prick with the M60 + MA is waiting for you upstairs or around the corner. I've found myself getting more kills with the 40mm shotgun in a round than with my actual rifle. The things a complete beast. Hell I've out gunned dedicated shotguns like the Neostead and the 870 just because of how far it's OHK range is. Personally, I'm surprised they haven't nerfed it yet because of how ridiculous it can be at times.

Only reason I can see why they have not is because of it's fairly long reload time, and limited reserve ammo capacity.

940mm Shotty Empty Re: 40mm Shotty 2010-09-29, 00:46



I love it to. I haven't used it since I got platinum for it though.
It doesn't need nerfing because of it's cons, but I wish they would fix hit detection issues with it though.

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