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Little bastard got served

Patrick Star
Cubist Castle
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
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1Little bastard got served Empty Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 03:50



2Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 04:02

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Give the shooter a medal, it's really something to actually have the balls to shoot someone and not kill them, it's another to do it with style by using a crossbow.

Lol, that's freaking awesome, stupid punk got what was coming to him.

3Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 04:09



Yeah what kind of little punk would throw stuff at vehicles




4Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 04:44



Crossbow to the the torso is a warning shot in the crossbow user community.

as in "Hey fucker keep that up and I'll nail ya to a fucking wall.....WITH MY CROSSBOW!"

5Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 04:58



with how the laws are in Cali I'm surprised the crossbow person didn't get 25 years in the pen

6Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 05:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

hahaha brilliant Very Happy

7Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 08:23



pure awesomeness

8Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 09:34



JrTapia1991 wrote:with how the laws are in Cali I'm surprised the crossbow person didn't get 25 years in the pen

Yeah it's kind of weird no arrest was even made. Assaulting a minor is a pretty serious charge, let alone shooting a minor with a crossbow.

9Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 11:38


They probably didn't catch him but shit we know sometimes kids need to be shot with a crossbow.

10Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 12:21



Well yeah I do think that crossbows should be a standard method of discipline.

11Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 12:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ha! pretty funny stuff.

12Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 12:58


Chewy wrote:Well yeah I do think that crossbows should be a standard method of discipline.

Our generation of children will be the best...clown

13Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:17



Chewy wrote:Well yeah I do think that crossbows should be a standard method of discipline.

Well that is Commie Pinko Hippie Liberal talk and I'll none of it sir. You can't take that to some limped wrist'd part of the world like europe, but in AMERICA! we shoot kids with crossbows as a warning.

And that is why we are NO.1!!!


14Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:19



TheGM wrote:
Chewy wrote:Well yeah I do think that crossbows should be a standard method of discipline.

Well that is Commie Pinko Hippie Liberal talk and I'll none of it sir. You can't take that to some limped wrist'd part of the world like europe, but in AMERICA! we shoot kids with crossbows as a warning.

And that is why we are NO.1!!!


I didn't know hippies shot each other with crossbows.

15Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:25



What? You are making no sense. At least try to troll properly.

16Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:25



Wow, keep this shit out of my thread. This thread is about some little punk getting his just desserts in a hilarious fashion, NOT insulting someone's reading comprehension. Stop it, NOW.

17Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:29



Wow, GM, get the fuck out of my thread, or did you forget the rules? Or do the rules not apply to you?

18Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:29



GM, did you read Epyks update? Because if you keep this up you're about to enjoy a nice ban.

19Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:31



TheGM wrote:You don't know what troll is.
But all you do is whine.

No the number. ya need it.

Fell right for that. So easy to manipulate.

20Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:33



And of course Epyk isn't around.

21Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:35


While I don't think kids should be throwing rocks at cars, I don't agree with shooting a kid with a crossbow.

22Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:37



Don't step into the Liger's den.

Adam Jensen wrote:While I don't think kids should be throwing rocks at cars, I don't agree with shooting a kid with a crossbow.

I think this guy did it.

Little bastard got served Mugshot__TED-NUGENT

23Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:40


Ahhh, he had the hidden crossbow in his beard. Pretty sneaky sis.

24Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 13:41



That....and it is Ted Nugent.

25Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 18:05



TheGM wrote:
Chewy wrote:Well yeah I do think that crossbows should be a standard method of discipline.

Well that is Commie Pinko Hippie Liberal talk and I'll none of it sir. You can't take that to some limped wrist'd part of the world like europe, but in AMERICA! we shoot kids with crossbows as a warning.

And that is why we are NO.1!!!

bigot. in europe we kids get straight up beat when we misbehave. you american pussies get time outs and shit.

26Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 18:07



Pariah wrote:bigot. in europe we kids get straight up beat when we misbehave. you american pussies get time outs and shit.

I used to get the wooden spoon when I was bad.... *shudder* Bad. Memories. You're right though, nowadays you can't so much as glare at a kid without it being child abuse. And we wonder why our youth today is so horrible.

27Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 18:08


I got beat with all sorts of objects when I was a kid.

28Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 18:14



I feel like everyone my age is like Indiana Jones running away from the giant rock at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark. We barely got to see the good shows before they were replaced by some new crap by executives that wanted to take their programming in some "different direction". We barely made it out of elementary school before stupid "everyday math" was introduced where they basically teach kids easy tricks that won't help when they need to do real math. We were just out of the way when it was bad to discipline kids so we don't hurt their "self esteem". God, the world is stupid. Mad


29Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 18:30



*clapping for Peavs*

30Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 22:36



Ive been beaten with every kitchen utensil in the book

Now stop annoying your sister or you will get the blender!

31Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-08-31, 23:42



Easy guys. We're all bros here. (and brodettes)

His name and age weren't released.
Nobody has been arrested.

The way they ended the article was so... perfect.

32Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:02

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't know about you, but some kids seriously need a good beating IMO, or at the very least a solid smack.

I know I wasn't a saint, and if it wasn't for my parents being there to discipline me I'd be all screwed up. I believe in spanking, all these liberal pansies that think they can "love and talk" to their kids and "Be their life long best friends" can go shove it. That may be all nice and dandy in their perfect little world of pink butterflies and rainbows, but reality is that kids can be evil little pricks, and it sometimes takes some equally brutal discipline to make sure the punks don't stray from the path.

So many parents are such fricken wusses nowadays, no back bone and no sense of self accountability for what their punk ass kids do. Sorry toots, your kid isn't exactly the spitting image of the lord all mighty.

As I've said before, some traditions and old methods were NEVER meant to change.

33Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:03

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Beating kids isn't necessary if you instill discipline in them early enough. Every parent should have the ultimate weapon in their lineup: the look.

I'm not even a parent, and I've got the look. My nephews and nieces nearly shit themselves when I give them the wordless glare of disapproval.

34Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:06



The Raddest wrote:Beating kids isn't necessary if you instill discipline in them early enough. Every parent should have the ultimate weapon in their lineup: the look.

I'm not even a parent, and I've got the look. My nephews and nieces nearly shit themselves when I give them the wordless glare of disapproval.
once you advance to being able to do that to regular people, then we'll talk. ...

35Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:12

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Don't get me wrong there Raddest, I would never punch my kid or anything, but I'm not against spanking (Probably the farthest I'll ever go). But seriously, some kids are just so damn stubborn that "the look" or simple words are not enough or so it seems.

Next approach if my wife doesn't believe in spanking is start taking privileges away. Slowly taking away the things the kid values most and perhaps even furniture away until all they have is the bedroom mattress. (God forbid it would have to go that far)

36Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:16



I only ever got spanked once. I knew my place as a kid. Well, technically I got spanked twice since I pulled the whole "that didn't hurt" bit and got it again.

No thanks. Daddy hits hard.

37Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:26



I think I was spanked WAY back in the day. I was never really a problem child, I am a sweet, calm person.

38Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:30


The only time i got beat was by my brothers.. Can't really remember my parents hurting me but i am sure it happened sometimes.

39Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:30

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

sheep wrote:I only ever got spanked once. I knew my place as a kid. Well, technically I got spanked twice since I pulled the whole "that didn't hurt" bit and got it again.

No thanks. Daddy hits hard.

I got a story my coworker told me about her son, was pretty entertaining at the time.

She had a rule for her son, after dinner was all done he would collect the dishes, wash them and put them away with her. that's the way it had been in her household for many years. Well, apparently when her son was around 10-13 years old, his friends told him "You clean the dishes? That's a women's job!" So what did he do when she asked him to help her?

"No, I won't that's a women's job"

She calmly said "OK" and proceeded to clean the dishes by herself. She later told her husband and he went and sat her son down and calmly asked him.

"Why didn't you help you mother do the dishes?"
He replies
"Because, it's a women's job"
According to her, he then got up and punched him so hard he was out on the floor for a few seconds"

"First, don't you ever disrespect a women like that again, especially in my house, Second, don't you ever disrespect your mother like that again!"

He never did that again, nor did he ever claim that something was "A women's job"

Granted my coworker lived on a farm, and was born and raised in Arizona if I recall, but yeah, you can bet that they probably would never get away with this in todays society.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2011-09-01, 00:32; edited 1 time in total

40Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:32




Holy shit.

Hows the kid gonna hear what you're saying to him if he's knocked out? lol

41Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:34

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I've been spanked alot in my past..... and on my birthdays Little bastard got served 2458268739

42Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:35

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

sheep wrote:o_O

Holy shit.

Hows the kid gonna hear what you're saying to him if he's knocked out? lol

Oh no, he waited until he came to lol. But yeah, talk about instilling the fear of god into the kid you know? That's a little too extreme in my book, I don't think I'd ever punch my kid, let alone hard enough to where they'd be out cold.

43Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:36



That dad deserves a medal. Anyone that seriously disrespects women like that (aka not in a joking fashion) needs a real beating.

44Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:37



Then again, he was just a kid and maybe didn't realize what he was doing. But that's how those kind of people start out.

45Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:37



Artimise Flare wrote:
sheep wrote:o_O

Holy shit.

Hows the kid gonna hear what you're saying to him if he's knocked out? lol

Oh no, he waited until he came to lol. But yeah, talk about instilling the fear of god into the kid you know? That's a little too extreme in my book, I don't think I'd ever punch my kid, let alone hard enough to where they'd be out cold.

Yeah, that's kinda crossing the line, imo. Especially since he was only repeating something he heard and probably had no idea what it implied.

46Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:38



ThePeavstenator wrote:That dad deserves a medal. Anyone that seriously disrespects women like that (aka not in a joking fashion) needs a real beating.
Dude, knocking a preteen out by smashing him in the face is a little excessive dont you think? Who the hell knows what that did to the kid? I agree that he should have gotten his ass handed to him for that comment, but seriously?

47Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:41



That's why I put in that second post after rethinking my first post.

Little bastard got served 307
(PS: I'm not mad at anyone, I just needed an excuse to use this gif)

48Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:46



If it were an adult man, beat the sh*t out of him.

But yeah, for a kid, some sort of physical discipline, but not to that degree.

49Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:47



My apologies, when it showed me the "thread changed" screen, I only noticed Ante's post.

50Little bastard got served Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:49

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Remember though, this was nearly 40 YEARS ago, time's have changed (The lady is in her late 60's) The kid apparently grew up well enough, served in the army and is happily married with two girls and a boy.

Ultimately, what I'm saying is that you need to instill discipline and respect into a child when they're young, maybe not by punching them so hard they get knocked out. However, it just seems that parents are far too "understanding" at times and try to act like they're their kids friends. You can be your kids friend while being a Mom or a Dad, that's what being a responsible parent is about, making sure your damn kid doesn't do too many stupid things.

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