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Little bastard got served

Patrick Star
Cubist Castle
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Artimise Flare
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51Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:52



Artimise Flare wrote:Remember though, this was nearly 40 YEARS ago, time's have changed (The lady is in her late 60's) The kid apparently grew up well enough, served in the army and is happily married with two girls and a boy.

Ultimately, what I'm saying is that you need to instill discipline and respect into a child when they're young, maybe not by punching them so hard they get knocked out. However, it just seems that parents are far too "understanding" at times and try to act like they're their kids friends. You can be your kids friend while being a Mom or a Dad, that's what being a responsible parent is about, making sure your damn kid doesn't do too many stupid things.


It's not uncommon for a murderer to start with animals when they were kids. It always builds up to bigger and bolder things. So start kids off right and keep them on the right path. Make them know whats right and wrong so you don't need to keep holding their hand. That's what my parents have done with me and I've turned out alright.

52Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 00:55



Artimise Flare wrote:Remember though, this was nearly 40 YEARS ago, time's have changed (The lady is in her late 60's) The kid apparently grew up well enough, served in the army and is happily married with two girls and a boy.

Ultimately, what I'm saying is that you need to instill discipline and respect into a child when they're young, maybe not by punching them so hard they get knocked out. However, it just seems that parents are far too "understanding" at times and try to act like they're their kids friends. You can be your kids friend while being a Mom or a Dad, that's what being a responsible parent is about, making sure your damn kid doesn't do too many stupid things.
Discipline and respect are hugely important, I agree, I was just a little worried about this method. This whole generation of "no hurting feelings" and "sensitivity" (just the word makes me gag) is also ridiculous, but its just the other extreme. This is one of the reasons I decided to avoid having kids at all costs.

53Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 01:17

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Good. Next time he should get a bolt in his nuts.

Fucking kids.

54Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 01:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I got my ass beat up until I was like 8. And even then after that I would still get grounded and crap up until I was like 12.

but yeah. I see so many kids come into the store I work at, that could benifit from some well deserved smacks to the ass.

When I have kids, I won't give a shit about what people will say. I will discipline my kids whenever they deserve it.

Hell, I know what I want to teach my kids to say if someone yells at me for disciplining them.
"Daddy wasn't beating me. He disciplines me when I am bad, and beats me when he is mad!"
I want to see peoples reactions when my kid says that.

55Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 01:21


Ars Diaboli wrote:Good. Next time he should get a bolt in his nuts.

Fucking kids.

This made me laugh..cyclops

56Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 03:13


I'm always surprised so many people's parents punished them so severely. My parents never laid a hand on me, and I turned out fine. I don't do drugs, don't drink, never done anything to get into any trouble whatsoever. I don't think hitting a kid is going to help solve problems honestly.

57Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 07:20

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Wacco wrote:I'm always surprised so many people's parents punished them so severely. My parents never laid a hand on me, and I turned out fine. I don't do drugs, don't drink, never done anything to get into any trouble whatsoever. I don't think hitting a kid is going to help solve problems honestly.
It's all about disciplining in a way that gets the kid's attention. I wasn't a problem child by any means, but when I was little I use to get spanked, and that worked for a while. Eventually it got to where they didn't bother me(unless I was at my great aunt's house where I would have to go out in the yard and get my own switch to get spanked with), but my parents realized that and they would end up grounding me from playing Nintendo or something like that. I didn't mind getting a spanking because 5 minutes later I'd have forgotten all about it and be playing video games or something, but if I couldn't play video games for a week I was bummed out and wouldn't do whatever got me in trouble again.

Actually kinda a funny story about when my parents really realized that spankings didn't work on me anymore...I was probably about 10 at the time and my sister was 14, we had both got into trouble(probably for fighting with each other) and for punishment we were getting spankings. My sister gets hers 1st and she comes back into the living room crying her eyes out, then I go to my room to get mine and I come back out laughing because my dad ended up hurting his hand giving me a spanking and I barely even felt it. I'm pretty sure that was the last one I ever got. Another side note, we use to beg our parents that my dad would give us our spankings because my mom has tiny hands that stung like hell if she gave us a spanking.

58Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 12:20


All hitting your kids does is make them afraid of you and eventually make them begin to resent you. I joke all the time about my kids being afraid of me, but honestly that's not cool.

You can discipline just fine with words and actions other than beating them. Hitting them is just an easy way out.

I got my ass handed to me many many times as a kid and it never stopped me from being bad. A beating lasts a short time and you eventually get used to them. I've been beaten with wooded spoons, belts, wet towels (they don't leave marks), fists, switches, and other things. Never stopped me from being a bad.

What did finally start to get through to me was punishments like no phone, no tv, no games, no playing outside, and above all else, my mom letting me know how much I disappointed her. I was a bad kid, my mom would cry because I would get into so much trouble sometimes and she didn't know what to do with me.

To those of you without kids that are pro beating, once you have kids you may want to consider changing your tune a bit. These days I can't think of anything that either of my kids can do that would make me want to hit them. I used to do physical discipline to both of them, and i can remember the last time I've done it to both of them and it's not cool when your kids flinch because you make a move towards them because they think you're gonna hit them.

59Little bastard got served - Page 2 Empty Re: Little bastard got served 2011-09-01, 12:30


Oh yeah the video games were always the thing that got taken away from me.. I guess they kinda got it when i got a new game and faked sick.

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