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Space Marine MP impressions

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1Space Marine MP impressions Empty Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-07, 12:24



Got the game! I haven't tried SP, I went straight to multiplayer and here's my thoughts (so far)

In a sentence: Basic, old-school gameplay, but it's fun as hell. A bit like Halo, but with a grittier more solid feel and no stupid jumping everywhere. I like it.

The MP is pretty basic. It actually has a really old-school (Quake or Unreal) mixed with Halo vibe. There are only 2 game-modes, Deathmatch and one that is basically domination (3 objectives to cap). One team is Chaos Marines and the other are Space Marines. The levels are also basic big areas (like Quake/Unreal) with plenty of side routes, ramps, high and low areas, but they're mostly pretty open without campy hidey holes. So far I've only seen 4 or 5 maps, not sure how many there are total.

You get a class, a gun, a couple grenades and a couple perks. No killstreaks so it's all gun-on-gun (or knife on sword) action. You can sprint and dodge, brace, fly etc... but it's straight up gun fights. There is no radar (unless there's a perk for it I haven't seen)

There are quite a few perks. Those by class (squad can spawn on you, serrated combat knife, see enemies health/armor etc...)and then weapon perks (fire rate, special bullets, burst fire etc...)

Weapon damage is Halo-ish, takes quite a few shots to drop someone and you can escape to cover when someone starts shooting at you. Feels like a really good balance for the gameplay.

It doesn't seem to track anything besides kills for each weapons challenges. No W/L or Kdr except at the end of a match.

There are 3 very distinct classes and each class has it's own class perks to unlock:

-The Standard dudes get to pick from all the normal rifles and has the widest selection (Bolter, plasma rifle, heat shotgun, semi-auto long range bolter, rapid fire bolter etc...), gets a combat knife for melee and has the ability to do a dodge roll in any direction (which makes a huge difference)

-The heavy dudes get a massive weapon (Bolter, plasma or laser) that is like a walking vulcan cannon. They move a bit slower, can only do a short dash dodge and have a slow kick or bash for melee.
The huge guns don't fire that fast normally, but if you brace your stance against the recoil (right bumper) your rate of fire goes through the roof and you can chew dudes up all over the map. While you're braced you can't move though so you basically move from spot to spot bracing yourself into place and unleashing hell. Very, very cool.

-The flying dudes get the jet pack, a pistol (bolt, plasma maybe a laser?) and a bad-ass melee weapon. Chainsword, powersword, axe or hammer. The fly instead of dodge and have a weak range weapon, but in melee they'll destroy you quick, especially if you're the heavy dude.

All 3 classes are fun as hell to play as, but I prefer the normal dude so far. Each game seemed to have an equal mix of classes being used which is cool.

Forgetting a bunch but gotta run. Maybe more later...



Im thinking of picking this up. But Im torn on this and Dead Island. I picked up Resistance 3 yesterday, and Im really liking it so far as well. By far the best in the series so far. But I need a new game for my Xbox since Ive beaten the hell out of Deus Ex.



I picked up Dead Island too, but haven't opened it yet. Still torn on if I want it or not.



Dead Island looks pretty cool. Im not a huge zombie guy, but I do love me a open world RPG. Probably my favorite genre. The only thing thats keeping me on the fence about Space Marines is the fact that Gears comes out in 2 weeks. I dont know if I want to get two similar games that close together. So I dunno. I wonder if GM picked this up.



Razz I heard it drags on with all the item picking up like how the planet mining was in Mass Effect 2.I always wanted a free roam co op zombie game.Kinda like left 4 dead mixed with fallout I guess.

I wouldn't of minded picking up 40k,but too many games are coming out lol



I am loving the MP. Really balanced. I'm only a level 4 (I fucking hate amazon) and am only using the Heavy Bolter and can kick some ass.



How similar does it feel to Gears? TBQH the gameplay videos do look similar as far as gameplay is concerned.



It feels nothing like gears. It feels similar to War for Cybertron. Very fast paced.



The more I play it the more I like it. It's amazing how basic it seems to be, yet I can't stop playing it because it's so fun.

Some more notes.

-I really like the weapons. Each really stands out as having its own use, all have the advantage when used within their perfect range, and they all feel good so far. They each have a different damage rating for health and armor (like Section Cool so swapping between guns mid-fight can be a good strategy.
For example: The Bolter is your basic assault rifle but under full auto the bullets spread/scatter all over, past medium range burst fire wins. The Stalker Bolter is your accurate, single-shot marksmen rifle with a zoom scope. The plasma rifle can roast someones armor, but doesn't do as much damage to health. The Meltagun is a badass fucking shotgun.

-Like Rainbow said it feels pretty damn balanced. On top of that you tend to see a ton of variety in the classes, weapons and perks people are using. Also every time you die you can copy and try out the setup the dude that killed you was using, whether you have those weapons or perks unlocked or not.

-I didn't realize how awesome a game becomes when you remove stat tracking completely. The battles are total bedlam because almost no one is sitting back trying to stat pad. All these random people are constantly trying to take the objectives.
You're also completely mentally free to have fun, go nuts and take risks to try and pull a win. If you have a bad match so what? The slate is wiped clean beginning of the next match. I haven't raged or even really gotten mad while playing yet.

-Maybe it's because it doesn't track stats, but I haven't heard anybody argue or fight or yell "Camper", "Cheater", "Noob" at all yet. I mostly hear people laughing or talking about the game. I haven't had to mute a single person yet.

-The customization is pretty badass. Plus you can create 8 or so custom armor sets to switch between whenever you want.
Also, I don't know how or why, but my bolter now has a skull with wings on the barrel and some scrollwork on the side. Very cool looking.

-I've only had noticeable lag in one match and it was so bad I think the host was lag-switching or something. Other than that it has played completely smooth. Hit detection feels spot on and I also haven't noticed any host advantage yet.

I'm really, really liking it.

10Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-08, 11:35



Does anyone even have this game besides me and Grey (aka Rainbow pony pants)?

11Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-08, 13:00

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ok I'm sold, I will at least download hte demo and try this out either tonight or tomorrow.

12Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-08, 16:39



OK. Just so you know the demo is SP only (which I haven't even tried) and all my impressions above are strictly for the multi-player.

It should have a multiplayer demo in my opinion.

13Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-08, 16:42



The Demo is pretty awesome, but it doesn't show enough of what's in store in SP.

14Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-09, 12:01



Rainbow Vakarian wrote:The Demo is pretty awesome, but it doesn't show enough of what's in store in SP.

Tried the SP a bit last night. The 1st area of SP is better than the demo so I'm not sure why they didn't just use that.

I've decided that all the guns rock.
I love the Meltagun and finally unlocked a weapon perk for it. The Storm Bolter fucking thumps too.

It also seems that the weapon perks change how your gun looks which is how I got the skull on the Bolter.

So good. I can't believe only 4 of us have it.

15Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-09, 16:14



Im still on the fence about this. I might pick it up Sunday when I get Star Fox. But Im playing the hell out of Resistance 3 atm. Probably my 2nd favorite FPS this year behind Crysis 2. Im talking about SP, as I have hardly touched the multi yet. But when I did it was really fun. Nothing groundbreaking, but a very solid shooter, with excellent mechanics and friggin awesome weapons.

16Space Marine MP impressions Empty Re: Space Marine MP impressions 2011-09-09, 17:51



Personally I don't think I would recommend this game on it's SP alone.
But the multi-player? I absolutely love it. I far prefer Space Marine to Crysis 2 for MP. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

It's just so... Baddass!

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