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Pre-ordered another BF3 and another Space Marine

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today... Can't help it, I like having all the pre-order bonuses.

I didn't realize Space Marine is out in a couple weeks. That's cool, all I've been playing the past month is Live Arcade games.

Hopefully it's as good as it seems.
Who else is getting it besides GM and myself?



Im on the fence. It looks really interesting, and TBH more fun than Gears. Never played a game in the Warhammer universe so this is a game I just started looking at when GM made that topic awhile ago. There are so many games at the same time though, I think Ill wait awhile. Although I dont want the MP to be dead. Im getting these in the same timeframe so I dont think Ill have time for another game.

- Deus Ex
- Madden( Leave me alone! )
- Resistance 3 (same day)
- Star Fox 3D`
- Gears 3
- Silent Hill collection

Im pretty screwed. No way I can play all these be the time October and November hit( BF3, Skyrim, Rage, Uncharted 3 etc.....)


I think you have a form of OCD metal =o.



If you guys have good reviews afterwards, ill be getting it.



I hear you about too many games. I really need to drop some off my must buy list because I'll have no time to play them all.

I almost picked up that Suda game you like today Sym, but decided to pick up a Kinect and Child of Eden instead.



I would wait for a price drop of Shadows of the Damned personally. I got a good deal on it, only 40$. Totally worth it. 60$ not so much. It sold like shit(stupid Americans) so it will probably drop soon. I finished it last night, and its without a doubt the weirdest game I have ever played.



Yeah, I read it only sold 24,000 copies.
I thought that was worldwide though not just US. Not sure about that though.

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