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=/ sprained my left arm somehow

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Maybe I slept on it wrong,but it's almost at the elbow on the bottom side I guess.When I stretch my hand out a certain way the tendons really hurt by my elbow....I tried to feel the muscle where it hurts and just get a sharp pain by the bone kinda...Might take awhile to heal =/

anything good for sprains? =/ this reminds me of when I popped my neck wrong and sprained it,but this hurts worse.Arm kinda feels half blood loss or anything,it's normal color.Maybe I bruised the bone somehow =/

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

That sucks man! I don't know of anything good for a sprained elbow, but I do feel your pain. I was supposed to get surgery on my elbow years ago. I chipped a piece of the bone, and well it's floating around between the joints. I'm used to it at this point, so the pain isn't too bad, but every once in awhile it hurts!



Just stretch it man. And take a few Advil or something. That or get blind drunk. Always works for me.

<--- Has the experience of many horrid injuries in my life, and is a walking scar.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Worst pain I've ever felt still has to be when I cut my Achilles Tendon. I was very drunk and kicked through a window. There's still a piece of glass stuck in there. A bunch of my friends told me and still tell me that I should go to a doctor, but it's alright.



God I dont even know what the worst pain Ive had is. Probably a tie between these.

- Shattering 4 vertebra in a football injury

- Getting my entire shoulder blown up by a drunk driver last fall( separation, dislocation, torn rotater cuff and torn bicep all at the same time)

-Getting shot in the forehead by a pellet gun(dont ask...)

- Breaking my femer

- Shattered elbow from baseball

all those were pretty bad. But I gotta say, with all the injuries in my life, I have developed a stupid pain tolerance. Which is kinda nice.



ow...worst that ever happened to me was this dude cheap shotted me when I wasn't looking and it cut me kinda so I got like 3 stitches,and I bit thru my lip a little. >:[[[[ the guy came up to my high school one day talkin shit again so I pepper sprayed him lol and he never did anything after that.

One of the reasons I always carry a never know when some damn idiot is gonna come up to you.If I had a knife when the dude cheap shotted me I would of gutted him probably lol

or maybe these damn tooth aches -__- .I wish they had a free dental clinic here...I just wanna get em pulled

Thinking back on it,I haven't had nearly as bad stuff happen to me as other people,but I've experienced alot...



Yea im a walking infirmary. Metal has a running joke where he calls me a cyborg due to my crazy ability to come away walking from crazy situations.

I dont carry any weapons on me but my fists. I dont believe in that shit. A real man doesn't need a weapon to get his point across IMO. Im much calmer than I used to be, but man, growing up.....I was such a hot head. Bad news Bears. Got me into trouble more than Id like to admit...



I never go looking for trouble but it always finds me lol.I'm kinda a small guy, 5"10 ,and never get over 150 pounds and have horrible cardio lol so a self defense knife to me is to level the playing field.Never had to use it tho.I'm really a nice person but just prepare for the worst I guess lol

although one night I didn't have a ride and had to walk all the way across town at night and on a curving road I think a hobo or somebody was following me in the woods so I took out my buck knife and I didn't hear anymore leaves rustling lol



JrTapia1991 wrote:Maybe I slept on it wrong,but it's almost at the elbow on the bottom side I guess.When I stretch my hand out a certain way the tendons really hurt by my elbow....I tried to feel the muscle where it hurts and just get a sharp pain by the bone kinda...Might take awhile to heal =/

anything good for sprains? =/ this reminds me of when I popped my neck wrong and sprained it,but this hurts worse.Arm kinda feels half blood loss or anything,it's normal color.Maybe I bruised the bone somehow =/

I know what you feel about religion, but I will still be praying for your arm to be healed. no offense is intended.

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