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Very few of us left...

Mrs. Terry of Hat
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Ars Diaboli
Dropped Da Soap
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1Very few of us left... Empty Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:32



It seems like the majority of people that were on this site when Epyk first started it are gone now. There's a few of us left, but it seems for the most part it's mostly the new comers anymore.

Hell even Epyk is barely here anymore...

I've gotta say the pony infestation did a lot of damage to this place. In hindsight I really wish we would have banned anything pony related when it first popped up. Who would have known something so obnoxious would have been so polarizing and forced so many core members away for good.

Blah... fucking lame.

I wish this place was like it used to be.

2Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:34




3Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:35



Not saying there's anything wrong with all the new blood. I'm just missing a lot of people that are gone now.

4Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:36



Izumi Twilight wrote:Wow.


And really, I think its fine. There are still quite a few regulars. Though if you want, recruiting wouldnt be a problem.

And I dont think he was wowwing that Metal, but the pony-hate.

5Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:37



Most of the older ones have left

But some of the original teens are still here like me Camel,Zillah (Was around in the GFQ days) Soap,Tall and a few others

6Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:38



Frostbyrn wrote:Most of the older ones have left

But some of the original teens are still here like me Camel,Zillah (Was around in the GFQ days) Soap,Tall and a few others

Sad am i not included? have i not become a regular?

7Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:39



I was wow-ing the whole post in general.

Generational gaps tend to not get along. The younger people seem to outnumber the older people and are less inclined to leave over arguments.

8Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:41



Thats because the older generation have less propensity to tolerate bullshit while my generation which was raised on the internet considers it the norm

And Pariah we were talking about Originals not regulars

9Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:42



my mistake ante.

The pony thing does separate, but then so does pretty much everything else. I dont think its caused any sort of decline or superloss.

and this is true ante. I've come to rely on y'all (and thats a habit I picked up from reading TexasMace's comments) as a surrogate social life. Its been a little slow, but I like you all, and I dont want to leave over a disagreement.

10Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:46



I know there are still a bunch or originals left, but the majority have moved on.

Yeah you guys are definitely regulars, but the originals all migrated en mass from Gamefaqs.

As far as the pony thing goes it's hard not to hate something that damn near destroyed what this place used to be. There were other issues sure, but nothing did as much damage, nor drove away more people than the pony thing.

11Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:49



There are still the majority of originals here, they're just not very active anymore. Some of the originals we have lost were really active though so that's a shame. Most recently I noticed Greg has stopped posting, I dunno if he just lost interest or what.

I wouldn't blame the ponies though, especially considering they keep pretty much all their pony posting in their forum.

12Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:50



I try to make a topic every now and again about random stuff or gaming but barely ever get any replies really,I'm lurking on here like 24-7 tho Razz

haven't had much to say really,got about 30 hours into DA:Origins Ultimate Edition,and ordered Dragon Age 2 cheap earlier....although I kinda regret not getting Sacred 2 or Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga instead or even Two Worlds 2

13Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:51



Ok Metal, please disregard my (now tentative) status as a brony and discuss this.

How exactly did you find it damaging? I know Symbolic left after a rant of his got him in massive trouble, but I can't think of anyone else really. I'm rather interested in how exactly you see it as a pony caused problem?

And again, this is objective curiousity. I'm not calling you wrong, just curious as to your reasoning.

14Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:56



It's just scapegoating if you ask me.

15Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-26, 23:59



I'm staying objective here. As a non-Original, I reserve judgement.

16Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:02


I'm not gonna chime in about the pony thing cuz I don't give a damn, but I do miss a lot of the originals. I didn't post much back then, but I post even less now because I don't really know any of the new people. And where the hell did Cram go again?

17Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:04



Wacco, I'm going to speak for us all. We look up to you as our awesome hip uncle Very Happy

18Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:04



I think the political/religious drama we had for a while (anyone remember that nonsense?) and the change to .net and then back to .com after the server issues did much more "damage."

19Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:08



I think the .net venture (with the 2 switches) did the most damage. wont lie though, I know a lot of members were turned off by the pony stuff. whatever.

the fact that this topic has quite a few posts already illustrates that there are still a lot of people on here, just more lurking going on. Im on here as much as I ever was, I just dont find as many topics interesting. most topics go to shit by page 2 honestly (if you think im lying... look)

20Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:10



Are you kidding Cramtron is Metal and Wacco combined

In fact the reason they are like that is because he left Very Happy so they had to fill in his robot leader and hipster roles

21Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:21



Yeah, the switch to the other site could have been more damaging from a "technical difficulties" standpoint for sure.

However, the pony thing was actively making the place unappealing for many people though. It became an actual reason for people to stay away. I can't think of any specifics, but there was a ton of anti-pony talk going on, on a regular basis.

Greg I'm not sure. I know he hates the pony stuff with a passion, but I'm not sure why he hasn't been on.

One of the last things I remember from Cram was an anti-pony speech then he vanished, but maybe he doesn't know we're back at .com.

A few of the others have PM'd me saying what basically boiled down to "Can't stand the pony shit, been good knowing you" etc... before they quite posting.

Maybe it is just more noticeable to me because as people leave I hear from them and the pony thing always seems to get a mention as part of the reason why. Maybe it just stands out as the greatest common factor.


22Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sorry but the whole ponies excuse is getting tiresome. You guys never mention how when it first began it was all over the site, people complained, we GREATLY stopped our posting of ponies and did it in specific topics, people still complained, we start doing it in our own topics. Symbolic bitches and moans about the pony topics, we get our own seperate board that we post mainly to there, months go by and Symbolic bitches again about it.

You guys always mention the pony thing being the reason why people leave, but never mention how much we have actually done to change or lessen it. Its always negative when it comes to topics like this.

And I as someone said, it wasn;t the ponys that drove people away. Sure that might have been a part of it, but it was also the 2 site changes and the time the servers went down for a while.

Last edited by Dropped Sa Doap on 2012-02-27, 00:27; edited 1 time in total

23Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:24



Honestly, I can see where you're coming from Metal (sorry ante), though I do think it was a bit more the shifts, and a bit less ponies. I consider myself a brony, but I hope you don't hate me for it. I kinda miss Greg really. He provided a good dose of stoner humor. And a whole shit ton of opinion. I regret losing some of the originals (Mills and a few others) and some I detested and am glad have left (ok its only GM really). Though I still think we have a healthy, active community.

24Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:28

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also, another thing. Most of the fights that stemmed from the ponies where people left(after we got our own board and kept to that board for 90% of our pony posting stuff)stemmed from stupid things such as our avatars or sigs. Those were what caused a good majority of the fights, not us actually posting pony related things in random topics.

25Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:28



Top 5 causes of problems in the staff room

26Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:30

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

WAIT?!!? I am in the top 5 problems!!!


But I have to ask....for what.

27Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:31



Good point Soap. You're right, you guys did tone it way down and get it out of peoples faces.

I forget that because as a mod nothing is hidden from me and I forget not everything is visible to everyone. That's why I used to constantly click into pony topics accidentally.

Regardless you get a free pass since you're an original!

28Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:32



Actually as a mod the Old peoples board and the Girls group was hidden too you unless you belonged to them

29Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:33



Frostbyrn wrote:Top 5 causes of problems in the staff room

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad


30Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:34

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


Also, I was not really trying to start a fight with my last 2 posts. I was just trying to address a point that while we may have been a part of people leaving, we did try and greatly tone down what we were doing. Most of the fights that happened where people left was because like I said, someone posted in a topic with an avatar or sig related to ponies. Not that they posted ponies themselves.
As I remember, a good number of fights that still happened after we got our board were from users to intolerant to tolerate stupid avatars or sigs and felt they were ruining the site.

Last edited by Dropped Sa Doap on 2012-02-27, 00:35; edited 1 time in total

31Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:35



I would actually change that to
1. GM
2. Ponies
3. Politics
4. Frostbyrn
5. Soap

32Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Seriously though. Why was I in the top 5 problems?!

*NOt angry, just want to know which of my many soapish mischief got in there*

33Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:37



Nah im at least 3rd

Alot of the topics in the staffroom when I was a mod were DL yelling at me Very Happy

34Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:37



Dropped Sa Doap wrote:WooHOO!

Also, I was not really trying to start a fight with my last 2 posts. I was just trying to address a point that while we may have been a part of people leaving, we did try and greatly tone down what we were doing. Most of the fights that happened where people left was because like I said, someone posted in a topic with an avatar or sig related to ponies. Not that they posted ponies themselves.
As I remember, a good number of fights that still happened after we got our board were from users to intolerant to tolerate stupid avatars or sigs and felt they were ruining the site.

Like I said good point.
I forgot that people couldn't see the mass of pony topics like we mods could.

Apparently my perspective is skewed.

35Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:39

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Seriously though....what did you guys talk about me in the staff room?!?

36Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:40



Seriously, the only pony related thing outside of our own forum in the past what... year? has been avatars and signatures. The day I'm forced to change that is the day I pack my shit up and go. Every time this stupid topic gets brought up brings me one step closer as well. I'm sure some of you would love that too.

37Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:41



Thats classified information

Oh yeah almost forgot Tom in the staffroom so its like


38Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Izumi Twilight wrote:I'm sure some of you would love that too.

*Raises Hand*

Naw just kidding. But like I stated a few posts back Ante, I already said what you said and I think I addressed it fairly well enough. Please don't try and turn this into something else that it isn't

39Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:47



Sorry Soap, this is just something that really gets under my skin. It's my last post on the matter anyways so don't worry.

40Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 00:50

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I understand. It gets under my skin when the whole "ITS THE PONIES FAULT!" thing is used and people just forget all that actually went on.

41Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:02



My name is Frostbyrn
And I am here to say
Im going to make Ante smile
and I will brighten up his day Very Happy

42Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:14



I talked to greg a few days ago, he said he's had a lot of "house guests" lately and will be back.

and for the ponies, it might not be the ponies itself, but it did widen the gap between the older members on the board (none of which liked the ponie stuff) and the younger members.

43Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:23



Izumi Twilight wrote:I think the political/religious drama we had for a while (anyone remember that nonsense?) and the change to .net and then back to .com after the server issues did much more "damage."

I would agree with this, never really saw the pony thing as an issue.

44Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:27

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Wait, what?

People left because of the ponies? That's just immature, to be honest. Who gives a fuck?

Me... I'm busy Very Happy And seems like I will be for quite a while. Also, I thought PrototypeT800 was Tom...

45Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:28



PrototypeT800 is tom

46Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:33



I haven't been on here as much as I used to. I blame my discovery of Reddit. I hate that website and its community so much, yet I can't stop going there D:

Also I don't think anyone left because of the ponies.

47Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:34



Kyuubey wrote:I blame my discovery of Reddit.

youre a turd

48Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:36



Reddit confuses the shit out of me. Teach me how, Higu.

49Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:40



@Zillah: You're the turd

@Ante: You don't want to know how it works. Trust me.

50Very few of us left... Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 01:41



Metalzoic wrote:It seems like the majority of people that were on this site when Epyk first started it are gone now. There's a few of us left, but it seems for the most part it's mostly the new comers anymore.

Hell even Epyk is barely here anymore...

I've gotta say the pony infestation did a lot of damage to this place. In hindsight I really wish we would have banned anything pony related when it first popped up. Who would have known something so obnoxious would have been so polarizing and forced so many core members away for good.

Blah... fucking lame.

I wish this place was like it used to be.

I' m always around.
As of late, ive been spending a lot of my time with the kid, working on different SeC related stuff...or dat ME3 demo >.>

ive been working on shady backdoor dealings on romancing new members and
trying different things out of the test site.

once its all done, we'll try for one last big push on getting back to old activity.

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