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a little to the left...

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1a little to the left... Empty a little to the left... 2011-03-15, 23:23

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Does anyone else feel as if their charicter is always moving to the left a little? I tested it out and my charicter is always running in a slight angle to the left. Now I'm sure you people are thinking it's either me or the controller, but I've never had any trouble before. I even tried restarting the xbox and it's the same thing.

2a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 00:13



I had a problem like this on fallout was in fact my controller and I just didnt notice it in other games. But if I stood still my character would slowly turn to the left lol.

3a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 00:17



My controller is kinda fucked and I spin to the left on most games by default. I have to actualy hold the right stick in the center so I don't move.

4a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 00:33



I had a problem like that on my old controller. I ended up fixing it by just holding it in the opposite direction as far as it would go for a few minutes tedious but it worked. Whether that actually helped or if by some freak accident it fixed itself I don't know.

5a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 00:39



I thought you were gonna tell me to turn my head and cough. Shocked

6a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 01:05



Symbolic wrote:I thought you were gonna tell me to turn my head and cough. Shocked

Sometimes a man's hands on my nuts gets me excited too bounce

7a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 01:09




8a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 06:46

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Do you two want some privacy?

9a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 09:57



Hell no man... stick around, I'm a bit of a voyeur. Just remember to duck when I tell you to unless you like to get messy.
pale <--Look something like that.

10a little to the left... Empty Re: a little to the left... 2011-03-16, 13:55

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'll wear a raincoat.

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