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Who else thinks we're not alone in this universe?

The Adli Corporation
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this boggles your mind dude...I'm only 20 but this stuff fascinates me so much...I love stuff about space and aliens.The universe and this galaxy alone are simply too huge for us to be the only life out there.Does anybody else remember last month on August 12th 2011 they found that DNA is on comets and meteorites? That it's even created in comets,etc. It fries your brain trying to get the scope of it all...just amazing.They pretty much proved we started from a comet hitting earth in the ocean millions of years ago.

*plays x-files theme* farao

part of the reason I loved Mass Effect so much...I loved just listening to the soothing galaxy map music and reading about all the different planets....I hope we do find other life out there.I heard there's massive amounts of ice under the surface of mars,and that Jupiter's moon Europa has the possibility for life under it's ice crust,the whole moon is pretty much an ocean,and life could exist just swimming around or like it does on the bottom of our oceans with the deep sea vents...I don't even know if the mission for Europa is still planned...I heard NASA got defunded Sad so....I dunno if they're completely done or what...



Well, if there are other being out there, and are able to get in contact with us Iwe cannot contact them since we are too stupid), you better hope they never do.

Other more stupid life out there = good, or at least harmless
Something smarter... = Let us hope Gordon Freeman is real.



personally i hope aliens are real cause if they arent well ill be taking a trip to a place where the give you jackets and you can hug yourself all day long



I think the aliens are out there....we're just too primitive for them to bother with us.We're probably pond sludge compared to them...they could be a million years more advanced or 1 billion >: O



well they obviously dont like me or my dad

i see lights all the time(not stars or planes just lights that move quickly then stop)

and my dad had two freaking ogre looking faces appear over his fence once

but we've adapted to not be scarred or corn-fus-eld we only prepare



I'm guessing that there is at least some other life out there. The universe is pretty big.

But if they're as smart as us and we come into contact with them I don't think it would be pretty. Two species that don't know how to communicate with each other and have a lot of weapons doesn't seem like it would turn out good. We can hardly get along with our own kind.



if any other inteligent life ever finds and communicates with us when they leave they are gonna be like "what a bunch of dumbasses"



lol he should of busted out the AR15 on the ogres Razz

Yeah true....never know if the aliens would be friendly or hostile.Alot of different scenarios could play out



i said we are preparing now cause he didnt own an ar15 at the time lol



I do believe there are "aliens" out there. It's impossible that we are alone. Think about it. Earth was about a 1 in a billion chance. There are billions of trillions of stars out there, and at least 5x more planets



Earth being 1 in a bil chance does not mean 1 in a bil chance of life happening. You have to account for the chance of life happening, and even with right conditions nothing might happen. If added all together, chances are actually pretty slim.



Different conditions for different organisms.We might not be able to survive in conditions outside our "norm" but other species can.Like the deep sea blood worms on the bottom of the ocean in that immense pressure and no sunlight

or,like on Mass Effect I remember there was a very cold ice planet with like methane oceans and cyanide air that's terribly hostile to humans but was perfect conditions for the Molar (I think that's their name 0__o...the midget aliens with breathing masks)

just baffles your mind thinking of it all.....

yeah true there could be some planets that look perfect but turn out to be terribly hostile...too much radiation,etc.






JrTapia1991 wrote:t

part of the reason I loved Mass Effect so much...I loved just listening to the soothing galaxy map music and reading about all the different planets....
Now I'm calling shenanigans on this topic.



yea the Volus Razz

there's bacteria that doesn't require oxygen to breath that are very hardy,I remember reading about them putting them in extreme heat or vacuum and they survived.

it makes sense to search for the most earth like planets first though,but I remember seeing a video about they're expanding their horizons for the qualifying factors when looking for alien life



Another reason for searching for Earth like conditions is that the organisms that will thrive in such environment have higher chance of achieving intelligent lifeform (as our current understanding goes).



Space Monkey wrote:Does anybody else remember last month on August 12th 2011 they found that DNA is on comets and meteorites? That it's even created in comets,etc.

Link for this article?

I absolutely, completely believe there is life out there. The universe is to massive for it not to be out there. For all we know life is in the majority state in our universe.

Intelligent life is a whole other matter though. I'm agnostic on intelligent life, there could be a million races out there or there could be none. It wouldn't surprise me either way.

The real problem is time and distance.
14 billion years is a lot of time. Thousands of civilizations could rise and become extinct with none of them overlapping and existing at the same time. Or exist so far apart that each civilization is effectively alone anyway.



StormEye wrote:Earth being 1 in a bil chance does not mean 1 in a bil chance of life happening. You have to account for the chance of life happening, and even with right conditions nothing might happen. If added all together, chances are actually pretty slim.

Yeah but if the universe is infinitely big and ever expanding, doesn't that mean that there are an infinite amount of chances?



Space expansion expands space, not the finite matter which is located in it.



StormEye wrote:Space expansion expands space, not the finite matter which is located in it.

Ha! I was typing almost the same reply but you beat me to it.



Metalzoic wrote:
StormEye wrote:Space expansion expands space, not the finite matter which is located in it.

Ha! I was typing almost the same reply but you beat me to it.
Who else thinks we're not alone in this universe? Konata





JrTapia1991 wrote:

Thanks. I'll check it out.



StormEye wrote:Space expansion expands space, not the finite matter which is located in it.

Ah, well snap then.



Chewy wrote:
StormEye wrote:Space expansion expands space, not the finite matter which is located in it.

Ah, well snap then.

However it is true that the birth-death cycle of stars is constantly creating the conditions that could create life. So your thought is sound. The possibilities are still ongoing.



I think it's pretty foolish to not think there's some form of life out there.

Who else thinks we're not alone in this universe? Space_Deep

No way in hell is there not life in that picture. Will we ever communicate with another advanced species? Who knows. But it's out there. Somewhere, some time.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the problem we have with looking for life is that we assume the life will be similar to earth organisms.

there might be silicate life forms or iron lifeforms as opposed to our carbon based life forms.



Or poop based like Jabba the Hut.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:Or poop based like Jabba the Hut.




You have to take into account that.

1. A planet has to be located in a stars Goldilocks zone.
2. Has a satellite to stabilize rotation and orbit
3. Has water (though liquid methane seems plausible as well)

But honestly there has to be life out there...maybe not intergalactic space traveling alien...but life.



Admin wrote:You have to take into account that.

1. A planet has to be located in a stars Goldilocks zone.
2. Has a satellite to stabilize rotation and orbit
3. Has water (though liquid methane seems plausible as well)

But honestly there has to be life out there...maybe not intergalactic space traveling alien...but life.

The first point has been sort of phased out. Now scientists think that lifeforms can exist outside of the Goldilocks zone but will occur less frequently.



liquid water only occurs in the Goldilocks zone, so it would def have to be methane based. Or maybe indigenous to space...which is awesome



It could be like Europa and be an ice moon with ocean under maybe.Or maybe it gets enough heat from Jupiter to be able to even have the water?

I heard if Jupiter had been a little bigger it would of became a star so maybe that's how Europa was possible



Seeing as the universe is (effectively) infinite, the chances of Earth being the ONLY planet to harbor life are infinitely small. So yeah, aliens most likely exist.



<iframe width="420" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



yep. thats what i needed. Now im going to have nightmares of alien buttrape.



Check out the Drake Equation.
R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxyfp = the fraction of those stars that have planetsne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planetsf = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some pointfi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent lifefc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into spaceL = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.[3]They've changed it a bit too, to add chances of the race killing themselves when they discover sufficiently powerful technology/weapons.



unisyst wrote:Check out the Drake Equation.
R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxyfp = the fraction of those stars that have planetsne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planetsf = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some pointfi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent lifefc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into spaceL = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.[3]They've changed it a bit too, to add chances of the race killing themselves when they discover sufficiently powerful technology/weapons.
i was wondering when someone would bring it up. ...



We've already found them brahs, the government is just covering it up.

unisyst wrote:Check out the Drake Equation.
R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxyfp = the fraction of those stars that have planetsne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planetsf = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some pointfi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent lifefc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into spaceL = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.[3]They've changed it a bit too, to add chances of the race killing themselves when they discover sufficiently powerful technology/weapons.

I've seen that before but I have my doubts that the probability calculations are anywhere near accurate. There's no way we could actually know the probability of those things.

Last edited by Chewy on 2011-09-10, 20:07; edited 1 time in total



Pariah wrote:
unisyst wrote:Check out the Drake Equation.
R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxyfp = the fraction of those stars that have planetsne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planetsf = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some pointfi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent lifefc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into spaceL = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.[3]They've changed it a bit too, to add chances of the race killing themselves when they discover sufficiently powerful technology/weapons.
i was wondering when someone would bring it up. Who else thinks we're not alone in this universe? 2458268739

I've watched sooooo many discovery channel and bbc stuff about space. How the Universe Works was one of the best. I understand the Big Bang and what happened after waaaaay better now. I also like stuff about quantum physics.



proud of you Thumbs up

its a really interesting equation, though its more than likely grossly inaccurate just do to the inexperience we have with how other solar systems work.



I do (:

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