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Conquest Assault is Disappointing...

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Not only does CQA not have a filter option (being lopped in with regular CQ), but the only difference I noticed from regular CQ is that one team starts out with all the bases and the other starts with a negligible ~10% more ticket boost.

I thought CQA would be like Rush but with base captures in a sequential order, i.e. Capture A, then B, then C, etc.



It's a cool gametype. I just wish they had regular Conquest on them though.



The problem right now is that DICE STILL has not fixed the pre-round scoring.

The ticket bleeds BEFORE the round actually begins, just like you score a death for suicide or get punished for being out of bounds even before match starts.

Besides that, its a mode that is loved well by the old timers. Famous maps like Wake Island & El Alamein, from 1942, examples you see in B2K, from BF2, Cerbere Landing & Camp Gibraltar from BF2142, they were all CQA.



It gives a challenge to Conquest. With the maps being so small Conquest doesn't work as well, it just seems to be constant flag changes just running around all the time.

With CQA it adds some chose! It forces you to use a little more tactics because you start out either losing tickets or, the enemy teams taking your spawn points.



As a defending team, you can't force all your forces up front, as that usually means you will get your main base taken, which means you lose your armour/air support.

Spreading too thin, means you will get raped separately and lose flags at front too fast, and lose ticket bleed advantage.

Attackers just need to be smart to know how to push and, more importantly, breakthrough the front line, and form emotional harassing forces at the back of the defense's flags.

Though, many of the new players who never played CQA before, tend to throw their precious balls of their at a steel wall only to get themselves hurt while providing amusement to the defending team.



Vanila Plaque wrote:It gives a challenge to Conquest. With the maps being so small Conquest doesn't work as well, it just seems to be constant flag changes just running around all the time.

With CQA it adds some chose! It forces you to use a little more tactics because you start out either losing tickets or, the enemy teams taking your spawn points.

StormEye wrote:As a defending team, you can't force all your forces up front, as that usually means you will get your main base taken, which means you lose your armour/air support.

Spreading too thin, means you will get raped separately and lose flags at front too fast, and lose ticket bleed advantage.

Attackers just need to be smart to know how to push and, more importantly, breakthrough the front line, and form emotional harassing forces at the back of the defense's flags.

Though, many of the new players who never played CQA before, tend to throw their precious balls of their at a steel wall only to get themselves hurt while providing amusement to the defending team.

This sounds good and all, but the problem is that, because there's no filter option, the randies with absolutely no sense of tactics or stategy or even competency, get mixed in.

And so CQA goes to hell in a handbasket, at least as far as I'm concerned.



Yeah they need a filter for it. Forcing someone to Play the gametype is bad on dices part.



pff we were playing last night..

we capped all 5 flags and won in 4 minutes flat



I heard it's pretty bleh man........

I like regular conquest but this seems bleh



Splinter wrote:It's a cool gametype. I just wish they had regular Conquest on them though.

They do have regular Conquest on the new maps. Different flags too.

I like Conquest Assault, I wish you could play it on the original maps though (if you can it hasn't happened for me yet). I do agree it should have a filter though.

What they need to add is a Frontlines gametype. The. Best. Objective. Mode. Ever.
It would be so perfect for Battlefield I can't believe they don't have it.. Hell, even Homefront didn't have it.

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