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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Ron Swanson
Rogue Jedi
11 posters

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1Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 01:04



Anyone on the SeC pick this up? I'm really digging it so far. Very smooth gameplay, and the full voice acting makes the game that much more awesome. I was also surprised at how good it looks (for an MMO.) Just stepped into Dromund Kaas for the first time with my Bounty Hunter and had to take a screenshot.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Screenshot_2011-12-22_23_56_57_251845

Edit: derp



No and I most likely never will. $15 a month is too rich for my blood.

Last edited by PrototypeT800 on 2011-12-23, 01:19; edited 1 time in total



i might but can't keep up the sub so i'm going to get into GW2



I've noticed the SeC has an aversion to subscription fees that aren't LIVE, hmm.

Oh well. *shrug*



Starswirl the Bearded wrote:I've noticed the SeC has an aversion to subscription fees that aren't LIVE, hmm.

Oh well. *shrug*

I despise live too. Only reason I have it is because I bought a year for $35.



MMO can get expensive very quickly


Oh stop $15 is not expensive, unless you don't have a job. I really dread MMO's after being such an advid MMO player for years i just kinda look at it and think of all the work you need to get done. Though i did just order white knight chornicles 2 to play with my buddy possibly so will see how that goes.

Did this just come out, I've heard a lot of people talk about it? Of course the words "wow killer" came up, as it always does.



chunckylover53 wrote:Oh stop $15 is not expensive, unless you don't have a job. I really dread MMO's after being such an advid MMO player for years i just kinda look at it and think of all the work you need to get done. Though i did just order white knight chornicles 2 to play with my buddy possibly so will see how that goes.

Did this just come out, I've heard a lot of people talk about it? Of course the words "wow killer" came up, as it always does.

Yeah, it came out a couple days ago. Honestly, if you ask me, WoW is killing itself lately and I'm glad I jumped ship from that game a while ago. SWTOR has a lot of "WoW style" mechanics, which is to say good mechanics, topped off with that unmistakeable BioWare flair. The full voice acting and dialogue options make the game feel like a true RPG, not just a boring grindfest. I haven't gotten into much group content yet and haven't even touched the instances, but my friends say they're pretty challenging.

Rogue Jedi

Rogue Jedi

(Please read the following in obviously fake Russian accent). The Old Republic. I has it.

10Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 10:40



I was really contemplating getting it, but the $180 a year to play (basic math yo) combined with the general inefficiency of my PC in a gaming sense, and my interest wanes quite quickly. It looks fabulous, but I doubt I could put out that amount of interest.

11Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 10:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Wish I had a sweet gaming PC.

As for the fees. I hate Live too, but would anyone disagree that Live is better than PSN? Also, you do have to consider that $15 a month ON TOP of the game & console used to play it.

Still, if I had a PC I would be all over this one.

12Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 10:58



I'd LIKE to play it, but I don't have a machine that's capable and I don't want to play another MMO. I'm one of the people that has a problem with using all my free time for it when I should be doing something else.

I would roll Trooper for sure though...

13Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 11:01



I would really love to get it. It's on my list of games to get after I build my rig. After Skyrim and BF3.

14Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 11:10

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Ehat and I are both getting it for Christmas. I can't wait. We've been waiting for this game since they first announced it, haha!

15Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 16:33


I wish I could get it. I used to play Star Wars Galaxies, but eventually stopped myself cuz I got too into it. I don't trust myself with MMO's

16Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 20:38



Yup, I gots it. Playing a Sith Inquisitor and being evil (being my favorite type of evil, I suck up to people I should suck up to, and unless I can get something out of someone lower than me I will stomp their faces in, or if I already gotten everything out of them... stomp their faces in.)

Right now I'm sending my companion on slicing missions over my Remote Desktop here at work. Laggy but it works.

The game has awesome dialogue and options, WoW you get tired of reading quest text (even though some of them can actually be really funny and reference things). I don't skip any dialogue in this, I love taking a part in it.

17Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-23, 23:55


I'm really considering getting this, I just don't know if it's a good idea if I intend on graduating haha

18Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2011-12-24, 00:33



unisyst wrote:I don't skip any dialogue in this, I love taking a part in it.

So much this.

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