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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Ron Swanson
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Bama Psycho
10 posters

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1Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-03, 16:43

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Just wondering if anyone here plays this. I picked it up Friday and have played it a ton since then. It reminds me a lot of the old Knights of the Old Republic games but with the option to be troopers, smugglers, bounty hunters, or imperial agents. Well if anyone plays and wants to join me, I have 2 characters: A trooper on the Tarro Blood server named Leoj, and a Sith Warrior on the Jedi Covenant server named Altama.



from what i have heard it is KOTOR3

won't get it myself but looks fun



I really want it but the $60 then paying to play will have me waiting for a while.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Love it! I have a Jedi Sentinal on Kath Hound, Ehat is there too if anyone wants to play with us.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I am jelly of you guys. Sad if I had a decent cpu I would totally have this.



Bounty hunter on Mind Trick.



Who is all still playing this

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Me! I just got off, haha.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

I'm still playing it a few days a week...although I may have slacked off some this week. I mainly play my Trooper class.

10Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-31, 16:58

Rogue Jedi

Rogue Jedi

Playing as a Trooper on "Tarro Blood", and a Bounty Hunter on "Jedi Covenant".

11Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-31, 18:37



I have had this weird itching to play this recently. I will most likely just wait until it offers a trial though.

12Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-31, 22:31



if any of you wnat to play (new characters because pretty sure none of us on same server) send me a message

13Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-31, 22:53



Wait, does it have a subscription cost after the $60 purchase price? fuck that.

14Star Wars: The Old Republic Empty Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic 2012-01-31, 23:00


Shaymojack wrote:Wait, does it have a subscription cost after the $60 purchase price? fuck that.

Almost all MMO's have a subscription.

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